Tech inspection at TMP

Now you have to get rid of your chicken strips... :lol:

Oh believe me, they're already tiny appetizers, which I'll finish off at the track :) One thing to note is that 190/50 strips seemed to disappear quicker with the same type of riding due to the flatter tire profile.
wrong you got 10mm of rubber to go over but going up to the 55 definatly helps that out by going more vertical that is
Just simply fantastic day! I left when they closed the track to clean up after the crash in the late afternoon. I had a total blast! And I must have been fast, because I was passing bikes constantly ;) Here's couple of pics, also my Dunlop Q2, which was new in the morning. Can't wait for the next track day when I can go!!! I really need to work on my lines! I didn't have a timer, but I'm sure I've improved my laptime substantially if you compare later sessions with the first session.




Today was simply amazing, if people have more pics pls upload them I'd love to see them...
Just simply fantastic day!
Great pics, thanks for sharing! Looks like you were spankin it out there!

I can't wait for Sept 2nd :)

I decided I'm going to give the S20's a go instead of the Q2's :)

-Jamie M.
Don't take that as too good of a thing... gotta keep hydrated out there.

It was a good thing dude, I stayed well hydrated all day. The scale showed almost 2% body fat loss, I came home with veins poping all the way down to my lower abs...

The cause was that we got so much action, 2 groups only, running every 15 mins and I was pushing the bike hard the whole time. Moderate physical activity for prolonged periods of time is the best way to burn fat
You have a scale that can differentiate body fat loss vs water loss?

Cool story, bro.

Yes cool story bro indeed! Never seen a scale that measures body fat percentage and hydration levels by electrical impulses? Do you live under a rock?

Here's a pic so you don't embaras yourself again:
load of crap... I can guarentee you that thing is ********.

say your 170 lbs.

2% body fat of 170 lbs is 3.4lbs... of fat, each pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories.

So to burn 3.4 lbs of fat you would have to consume 11,900 calories under your daily need to stay at 170 lbs.

which = impossible

do you live under a rock? or are you just that dumb? :p

edit..actually those calculations are a little off but that thing is still bs.

btw im just playing around dont take the dumb comment too literal ;)
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Just simply fantastic day! I left when they closed the track to clean up after the crash in the late afternoon. I had a total blast! And I must have been fast, because I was passing bikes constantly ;) Here's couple of pics, also my Dunlop Q2, which was new in the morning. Can't wait for the next track day when I can go!!! I really need to work on my lines! I didn't have a timer, but I'm sure I've improved my laptime substantially if you compare later sessions with the first session.


Mine looked like that after the first day too.
load of crap... I can guarentee you that thing is ********.

say your 170 lbs.

2% body fat of 170 lbs is 3.4lbs... of fat, each pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories.

So to burn 3.4 lbs of fat you would have to consume 11,900 calories under your daily need to stay at 170 lbs.

which = impossible

do you live under a rock? or are you just that dumb? :p

Are you retarded or what? When did I say that I lost 5 lbs of fat only? All I said is I lost 5 lbs and the scale showed less than 2% (~1.6%) body fat loss compared to the day before. That scale can give different hydration and fat % readings depending on the time you last ate, exercised, slept etc. You don't know jack **** about my activity levels, weight, workout and diet program to make any conclusions.
But if it were as he said before that it was all water, the scale would actually read higher on the body fat % because the way it differntiates muscle and fat is by the way the tissue conucts electricity based on water and electrolytes. That is if I lost just water and electrolytes as Mr.Azim said the body fat reading would be higher not lower!
actually no im not retarded.. 2% bodyfat aint happening in one day.. your retarded for posting it.

but hey.. no reason to get butthurt pal... like i said relax
actually no im not retarded.. 2% bodyfat aint happening in one day.. your retarded for posting it.

but hey.. no reason to get butthurt pal... like i said relax

LOL NO, you're the internet fitness expert! I bet you're one the guys who comes to the gym and keeps asking me about my diet and training program...
lol actually I compete... 6 months ago I was 215lbs and 6% bodyfat before I cut water. i personal train.. wife is a trainer.. been doing it over 15 yrs.

what else you got?

your quite sensitive, we shouldnt play anymore lol
Mine looked like that after the first day too.

Great, that means you're a one hell of a rider too, just like me, hahah ;)

btw, I didn't post the pic to brag or anything, I was just sharing my positive emotion. I would assume a tire can't look any different after a track day, regardless of the rider's skill.
lol actually I compete... 6 months ago I was 215lbs and 6% bodyfat before I cut water. i personal train.. wife is a trainer.. been doing it over 15 yrs.

what else you got?

your quite sensitive, we shouldnt play anymore lol

Lol, so what?! Oh I've got plenty, I've been doing it for 10 years, playing competitive soccer for 20+ years but I don't compete in juicehead competitions like yourself, did my BSc in Human Biology and Physiology, Nutrition at UofT and currenty in a doctor of pharmacy program (PharmD). BTW to be a licensed personal trainer you just need to pass a $400 test, anyone can do it...

Yeah, keep bragging about those darts you take to get to 210 lbs and 6% body fat buddy. Look good on the outside and rot on the inside!
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