Taxi Driver charged with murder of Skateboarder

but you don't know anything, just what you read. witnesses may say the cabbie hit him. same with every time at a bike accident, "witnesses" always say "omg the biker was going FAST, popped a wheelie"

well obviously there is enough info to lay murder charges (they're not thrown around willie nillie as you would like them to be). if there wasn't the cabbie would likely getting careless or another HTA charge.

and no witnesses claimed i popped a wheelie when i was hit in 2010, quite the contrary. maybe you need to stop popping wheelies before you're hit.
You are right, I am going to start massaging my temples instead.


No, but I facepalm when you post and its unfortunate enough to be in a thread I read.

I gave you a perfectly good facepalm emoticon in post #44. It was my contribution to (the sudden degradation of) this.........uh............discussion.

Am I too late for IBFR?
I gave you a perfectly good facepalm emoticon in post #44. It was my contribution to (the sudden degradation of) this.........uh............discussion.

Am I too late for IBFR?

You are right, I am woefully behind on my emoticon use.
I don't inherently see the problem with skateboards sharing the road with cars and bicyclists. Many longboarders use it as a legit way to commute, and as long as they're respecting the rules of the road, I'm cool with it.

But it's all a moot point if this cabbie *intentionally* hit this skateboarder. Short of the skateboarder pulling a gun and the cabbie acting in self-defense, I'm not sure how it can be justified.

According to the cop on the news, skateboarders, longboarders and inline skaters are considered pedestrians so shouldn't be on the road. The law is rarely enforced and fines start at a whopping $3.75.
I suspect that, as usual, a little common sense and common courtesy would have avoided the outcome here.
According to the cop on the news, skateboarders, longboarders and inline skaters are considered pedestrians so shouldn't be on the road. The law is rarely enforced and fines start at a whopping $3.75.

That's fair enough, but I think that it's a law that they should re-think.

And still doesn't justify a cab intentionally running one down.
That's fair enough, but I think that it's a law that they should re-think.

And still doesn't justify a cab intentionally running one down.

Agreed on both points but when someone creates a new toy why are drivers forced to provide the venue at no expense to the toy owner or maker?

What if pogo sticks make a come-back?

Should I portage my canoe down the sidewalk or down the road?
i kinda agree with you on the account that on Saturday this idiot on a skateboard was doing stunt on the island between two roads (near Spadina/Queen st). He fell pretty good but he was lucky that it was a red light. Who stunts right in the middle of a road.

And cabbies drive like morons, especially those airport limos. Hate those idiots.

a long boarder commuting and a guy doing some tricks on a skateboard are very different things. Its like comparing Moto-x guy doing stunts to a VFR commuting.
Agreed on both points but when someone creates a new toy why are drivers forced to provide the venue at no expense to the toy owner or maker?

What if pogo sticks make a come-back?

Should I portage my canoe down the sidewalk or down the road?

If the bike lane is already there, then what exactly are drivers "forced to provide"?

And c'mon dude. I see you're trying to make a point, but a little bit of common sense goes a long way in these arguments. A longboard isn't a pogo stick, and there are plenty of downtowners who use a skateboard to get from point A to B. Trust me, I'm not the biggest skateboarder fan on the planet, but I'd rather see them off the sidewalks and forced to adhere to rules of the road.
If the bike lane is already there, then what exactly are drivers "forced to provide"?

And c'mon dude. I see you're trying to make a point, but a little bit of common sense goes a long way in these arguments. A longboard isn't a pogo stick, and there are plenty of downtowners who use a skateboard to get from point A to B. Trust me, I'm not the biggest skateboarder fan on the planet, but I'd rather see them off the sidewalks and forced to adhere to rules of the road.

Common sense on the part the cager or the boarders?

Since they can't legally be on the road there can't be any rules for them to follow when they go there.

A big part of the problem is that our roads and driver training systems were designed for cars and trucks. Most drivers also understand bicycles because they had one at one time or their kids have them. Drivers are not trained to cope with boards, mobility scoots etc.

How do you set up a training system for dealing with something that doesn't have any rules? It's like nailing Jello to the wall. We need more rules. Not sure if I'm serious on that.

On the plus side of boards, roller blades and bicycles, at least people are getting exercise. How do we encourage that without chaos on the roads. Maybe some day people in China and India will be watching us on youtube and laughing at our crashes.
Maybe the cab driver was driving a Toyota; he could claim the floor mat got stuck under the brake pedal.
Just reading an updated to this.

What occurred is still under investigation, but surveillance video seized by police shows words being exchanged as cab and longboard wheeled along King St., neither going very fast.

The footage captured Bissonnette travelling in the curb lane, close to the passing lane, making hand gestures at the cabbie, “but not flipping the bird,” a police source said, referring to the middle finger.

Witnesses told police the taxi suddenly veered into Bissonnette’s lane and mounted the curb. At least one witness reported seeing the taxi strike Bissonnette then drive over his lower body, police said."

Also see

has lots of details

Makes you really want to think twice and keep your cool during an any traffic incidents... you never know what could happen.
Everyone really looses in the end..

RIP Skater dude.

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Common sense on the part the cager or the boarders?

For both, really.

Since they can't legally be on the road there can't be any rules for them to follow when they go there.

A big part of the problem is that our roads and driver training systems were designed for cars and trucks. Most drivers also understand bicycles because they had one at one time or their kids have them. Drivers are not trained to cope with boards, mobility scoots etc.

Would drivers not cope the same way as they do with bicyclists? Other than driver awareness, I'm not sure what real differences would be.

How do you set up a training system for dealing with something that doesn't have any rules? It's like nailing Jello to the wall. We need more rules. Not sure if I'm serious on that.

Good question, and I have no idea. Although it seems like more rules and regulations just confuse the crap out of everyone, which is why common sense and courtesy on the roads *should* make this all possible. Although that's next to impossible with the general douchebaggery out there on display these days.

On the plus side of boards, roller blades and bicycles, at least people are getting exercise. How do we encourage that without chaos on the roads. Maybe some day people in China and India will be watching us on youtube and laughing at our crashes.

True dat.
This just tips the scales for me, i've always hated taxi drivers, but now lets call him what he is, a foreign, piece of crap, murderer.
If i witnessed that, he probably wouldn't have lived either.
This is just solid proof of how they act everyday, and an example of the type of lowlife scum we let in this country.

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