*taps his helmet* Hi everyone...

It's not all fun and not all of them "get let off" either. They're supposed to be setting an example. For example a good friend of mine is a peel cop and has a heavy foot until he's in an Opp region. They will hand out tickets as they should. Professional courtesy is nice but if you stop someone for a violation it shouldn't matter what they do for a living imo. All goes back to the time and a place thing I've always said......sadly a lot of people don't get it
It's not all fun and not all of them "get let off" either. They're supposed to be setting an example.
Is that why they give GFs and Wifes a copy of their badge to carry around their neck so they are let off when stopped?

Example my ***, yes they are supposed to but they don't.

I have a lot more respect for Fire Fighters, I saw them today at the scene of an accident - then drove a few km and saw a cop car at the side of the road waiting for speeders.
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Not all of them are bad man. I know several great cops who are excellent examples and stand up members of the community. None of my friends wives have copies of any such thing and one actually just got a speeding ticket not long ago (20 over) and we've been making fun of her for it.
Not all of them are bad man. I know several great cops who are excellent examples and stand up members of the community. None of my friends wives have copies of any such thing and one actually just got a speeding ticket not long ago (20 over) and we've been making fun of her for it.
I agree that not all are like that, but unfortunately there is a vast majority

I have seen the badge, maybe is a specific precinct thing
It's not all fun and not all of them "get let off" either. They're supposed to be setting an example. For example a good friend of mine is a peel cop and has a heavy foot until he's in an Opp region. They will hand out tickets as they should. Professional courtesy is nice but if you stop someone for a violation it shouldn't matter what they do for a living imo. All goes back to the time and a place thing I've always said......sadly a lot of people don't get it

Lol I was pulled over by an OPP officer sitting in his SUV doing a speed trap, near the 507 area, two summers ago. I pulled over, he hands me a speeding ticket, we talk about cars and bikes for a bit then he proceeds to tell me that he takes his muscle car out on these country roads and attempts high speed runs. unreal. lol
I've got it on video and there was another GTAM member there too.
I get the grey area argument, I do. I take that as 'areas of the law open to interpretation'. One officers perception of an incident vs. someone else's. There are so many ways to be charged under this section, it might help to be specific. The over 50 definition is the biggest one, I would define that as 'excessive speeding'. Pre-2007 we would charge by way of a summons and send the person to court, but it didn't involve a roadside suspension and impound.

Since then, I can't say that I've seen the number of over 50 speeders drop, but I don't have the stats to back that up.

For riders, the big ones are:

2. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to chase another motor vehicle. 3. Driving a motor vehicle without due care and attention, without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway or in a manner that may endanger any person by,
i. driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed that is a marked departure from the lawful rate of speed,
ii. outdistancing or attempting to outdistance one or more other motor vehicles while driving at a rate of speed that is a marked departure from the lawful rate of speed, or
iii. repeatedly changing lanes in close proximity to other vehicles so as to advance through the ordinary flow of traffic while driving at a rate of speed that is a marked departure from the lawful rate of speed. O. Reg. 455/07, s. 2 (1).

I would only point out that all of those definitions (of "race") involve excess speed, but are in conjunction with either chasing, surfing, or accelerating in some extraordinary way.

I have no doubt that this topic is covered somewhere else in this forum as this section isn't new.

Basically, don't do any of this stuff around a Police officer. :D

Welcome to the forums!
ROQET wtf are you doing pulling a wheelie when a cop is around? He's gonna seize your bike, your keyboard and that icon for a week!
lol now that was funny

Sent from my tablet using my paws
The flight from police won't change until insurance rates change, and bill 203 is retracted. All fine and dandy for opening communication, but those are likely the reasons why. I presume you caught these young guys, of else you have xray vision that determined they were young and not older through their full faced helmets?

Young rider's are more prone to be more fearless and as a result are targeted?

So with that logic, might as well trow all civil rights away, as long as I don't intend to kill anyone, I shouldn't be worried right?

I had a friend that got stopped and when the cop tried to charge her with over 50, she pulled her gps that clearly tracked her speed and proved she wasn't over 50, needless to say she wasn't charged - I guess she needed to be worried even when she wasn't exhibiting the behavior.

There is also the cop that got charged for giving people false over 50 tickets so he could get kick backs from the tow truck companies.

This topic has been discussed in extent in here and i am not going to get into it, but there is something really wrong with giving a police officer the side road right to be judge and Juror!


OP, you seem like a nice guy from your few posts, but you're speaking to an audience that has had many (sometimes unjustified) negative interactions with the law... be it from actual officers, or the "justice" system as a whole. As ZX600 pointed out above - the disdain for law enforcement (here and in general) stems from the "I am the law, you're guilty if I say you are" stance taken by most police officers.

My personal gripe with the "Police" is not upholding the law itself - it's the 1) God mentality and 2) Old boys club selective enforcement.
I understand that it's not everyone on the force that exhibits this - but in my very limited interactions, i'm yet to see otherwise.

But I digress...

Anyway. Welcome and stay safe on the road. Cheers.
But how is judging one cop based on negative interactions of others any different than those others judging us for what we drive or ride? It's the same thing. It has to stop somewhere. Not every rider is a d bag nor is every cop. The fact that this one has come forward trying to interact with people here is a step in the right direction I think.
I would make the argument that most officers have a "moral superiority" complex more so than a "God complex". That comes with the territory and is almost encouraged by current hiring practices - tell me about how you stole a chocolate bar when you were 8 and how you know it's wrong...

In a job where police are making a snap decision as to lay a charge or not, many officers fall into the trap of determining their charges based on 'their' desired outcome for the accused rather than base charges on the available evidence. Ex. charging someone under 172 so they get impounded instead of charging someone under an unsafe lane change because the fine just doesn't seem like enough punishment. This is abusive and wrongheaded.

This is the problem that I have with the 172 law. I could argue (and I'm sure many of you could as well) that something was unsafe, not done in safety, dangerous, or a marked departure, all for the same driving behaviour. I can't fix the problems with the law, but I am interested in your points of view on the matter.
We have motorcycle police in London... The London Police even had a trial run on a Can Am Spyder... not sure if they ever really used it, though.

OMG that would be hilarious and sad if they introduced them. Isn't the whole point of the motorcycle to be able to get through dense traffic with ease?
OMG that would be hilarious and sad if they introduced them. Isn't the whole point of the motorcycle to be able to get through dense traffic with ease?

It was definitely a factor in the "pro" column!
Pretty sure can am was just hoping for some sales lol
Young rider's are more prone to be more fearless and as a result are targeted?

Funny thing is that every time I have gone out riding with young guys they ride like pussies, and when I used to go to the private rides with older guys (all ex racers etc) they rode a "little" more fun

All this was way over 6 months ago :)
Post a pic of your cop bike, bike cop! :D
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