Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

Centrifugal force should make the chain lube flow away from the braking surface on that Yamaha. I've never had so much chain lube that it dripped off the chain onto the sprocket while sitting. On the ATK, seems like there's a small chance of getting fling-off on the back side of the disc and/or caliper.
White Power suspension (it really was called White Power for a while. The White bros are still around)

White Brother. Dan is dead.

Centrifugal force should make the chain lube flow away from the braking surface on that Yamaha. I've never had so much chain lube that it dripped ...
Next time you're near a rear sprocket, run your finger across the surface.

In that design I would expect the caliper itself to get caked with lube.

No big deal for a show bike.
I completely forgot the CBR600RR started out with conventional forks**. I was wondering for a half second if it was fake lol

**No, I am not saying all bikes need to have USD forks, calm down

$14,000 AUSSIE dollery-doos!

Looks well built, but ugly.

I'd say that gets built to keep forever... owners flavor and taste.

Good luck to them. They'll need it.

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The complete absence of any air filtration will not work out well. No obvious battery. Kickstart? Did they run out of parts to graft together and abandoned the project before it was complete?
What are REPSOL lightweight wheels?
I thought Repsol sold oil.
Does the "fully adjustable shock" have ride height adjustment?
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