Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

2003 SV650S $1600 crashed hard

View attachment 46464
But, but... its got a clean title??? Lol

Owners best bet is to part it out.

Looks like its in a condo... good luck.

They'd be doing real well if it sold for a grand.

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2003 SV650S $1600 crashed hard

View attachment 46464
Clean title translates to "I didn't have insurance when I crashed it, so no claims!"

View attachment 46466

The ad says it looks nothing like it did that an improvement? How bad was it? With all those stickers I bet that thing is putting out close to 300hp...
That's a first gen EX500 so the year is probably 1988, not 1998. I was also distracted by the "mag needle" and almost didn't notice that it's got 185,000km on it. Impressive, but I think the poor thing deserves a rest.
Drilling the crank bolt seems very concerning.
That bolt into the end of the crank,holding the alternator rotor on,is left hand thread... the EX is known as "starter bike" so it gets serviced by a young oaf with a wrench, and the first gen EX was known for eating rotors, so this is actually quite common. I've fixed more than a few. The bolt is real soft, it's a fairly simple job.
"One super great deal". Not a desirable bike when new, has 131000km on it, wants $4500. Seems legit.

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one super great deal,

Price: $ 4,500

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This guy takes the cake. Flat black tremclad is custom. The worst is the final pic, he proudly took that beautiful original and "customized" it. Tool.

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1982 Honda CM / CB 450 C *Temporary Price Drop*,

Price: $ 2,999

Download the application from the Google Play Store.

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Same guy, different clean original been "customized".

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1983 Honda CB 750 SC PRICE DROP *temporary*,

Price: $ 3,250

Download the application from the Google Play Store.

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"One super great deal". Not a desirable bike when new, has 131000km on it, wants $4500. Seems legit.

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one super great deal,

Price: $ 4,500

Download the application from the Google Play Store.

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If you're going to ask top dollar, at least polish the damn thing so it doesn't look like it has be parked for years.
1983 Honda CB 750 SC PRICE DROP *temporary*,

This price drop is "temporary" it's on only till it sells. lol
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