Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

Hydrosteam have been customers of mine for years , I really like those guys. However the designs are getting pretty dated . The italians are killing it right now with multi step tunnels that 'fool' the waterline.
I test drove one of the new 50hp electric outboards last year in Annapolis, hate to say it, its the future.

I hate boats , there is no organized racing this year, cant social distance with somebodies ass in your face, we've made the decision the big boat will sit in the yard and not launch, the 30 is in, dog and i can day sail, the 24 still has an undetermined fate..... stupidest sport ever. Who wants to buy a boat?
Haha how did we get onto boats!? My wife and I are toying with the idea of a small boat as a family thing...but we're not big boaters traditionally so it probably doesn't make financial sense...


Is these such a thing as an economical boat? Will the Odyssey pull it? Questions I need to seriously consider...but I doubt we'll get one. Maybe if the family cottage was on would make more sense.
Good suggestions from @GreyGhost I would stick with something like that or just rent one 2-3 times a year.
Not $4000 boats. Well, I am sure you could buy part of them for $4000, like a part of the rudder. The rudders on the tornado were ~$8000.

when Tornados lost Olympic status I bought a whole boat on a 50degree trailer for $3,600 .00 LOL . My last Star class was $78,000US new,, what a dumb investment. It lost Olympic status and was worth 10k 5 yrs later.
The big boat sail inventory on the other hand was in excess of 100k , which won't even get raced this yr. The lines to pull on the sails are $500 ea. and some idiot drops one overboard every yr. Usually me.

Back to bikes, Dude at a store I passed today had a Sportster very trimmed out, wanted 16K . For a pretty old sportster. It was an "83 , he said it was rare. Yes indeed, rare like herpes in Niagara Falls
I’ve still got a part of me wants to try a cruiser (not the rebel) and the Sportster and Shadow 750RS are at the top of the list.

sportsters are just stupidly expensive.
Only 4k for this '01 KDX 220. Can be sold without the rare bolt ons.

after trying to teach my girlfriend to ride I don't know if lady ridden is a good thing or bad. My poor clutch.

Ready to ride where? I cant see that thing having a vin. As for midsize, it's 200cc, what does he consider a small bike? He has a bunch of crap chinese rides in his other posts.
Fathers day gift!
He was doing ok cosmetically until I got to that hideous headlight ringed in blue LEDs. Barf. Pass at almost any price, I no longer trust the builders decision making ability.
Hydrosteam have been customers of mine for years , I really like those guys. However the designs are getting pretty dated . The italians are killing it right now with multi step tunnels that 'fool' the waterline.
I test drove one of the new 50hp electric outboards last year in Annapolis, hate to say it, its the future.

I hate boats , there is no organized racing this year, cant social distance with somebodies ass in your face, we've made the decision the big boat will sit in the yard and not launch, the 30 is in, dog and i can day sail, the 24 still has an undetermined fate..... stupidest sport ever. Who wants to buy a boat?
I know your pain. Sold the runabout, leaving the cruiser on the hard this year. Would have been a really cheap season with the price of fuel.

I rode thru cottage country yesterday, I was surprised at how few boats were being towed or on the water. Marinas were still full of winterized boats still under shrink wrap.
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