Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

Not sure why sellers have the need to bring up their financial perils, the buyer wants a bike, not make a charitable donation to clear someone else's debts and pay their bills. When I sold the bike a month back, I did have quite a few offers so when the buyer wanted to negotiate in person, I had already priced it fairly with interest, so didn't budge, however, I did offer to get the safety done and deliver it to their house at my expense as they were a newish rider with no truck/trailer
Not sure why sellers have the need to bring up their financial perils, the buyer wants a bike, not make a charitable donation to clear someone else's debts and pay their bills. When I sold the bike a month back, I did have quite a few offers so when the buyer wanted to negotiate in person, I had already priced it fairly with interest, so didn't budge, however, I did offer to get the safety done and deliver it to their house at my expense as they were a newish rider with no truck/trailer

I will offer delivery with in reason. I will even throw in some used gear if it fits them and I’m not using it.
1981 xj 550 seca...$6500!!! only needs carbs!!

1981XJ550 Seca
I was thinking that the carbs needed love. I didn't realize they were gone.

If they want to get those kind of numbers, at the very least it should be complete and running and than you will get top dollar for what it is. Missing a pretty major component that also prevents you from running it to inspect for other issues puts the value right in the crapper.

Few reason why its too high, even for those pricey upgrades.

1. Its a 2013 model, first few with valve issues, and you can get a 2019 OTD for that, which has improved vastly over this.
2. Even if its a Rally Raid kit, he/she just put another 17" wheel upfront, with the sad fact that now it's a tube tyre, vs the stock tubeless. No one has managed to dent the stock alloys atm, it's not a Rally bike to start, ground clearance is the biggest issue, of which, they didn't do the main upgrade, a solid Rally raid Skid plate, so they did NOT do a complete RR kit a stated.

There have been a few 2016 Models with the 19" RR wheels sold for around $7.5k, this bike is $6.5k tops IMO, even then I'd get a 2019, people want the value of what they paid without adding depreciation or what the new models bring
Came on here to post this bike...glad someone did it for me.
Not sure why sellers have the need to bring up their financial perils, the buyer wants a bike, not make a charitable donation to clear someone else's debts and pay their bills. When I sold the bike a month back, I did have quite a few offers so when the buyer wanted to negotiate in person, I had already priced it fairly with interest, so didn't budge, however, I did offer to get the safety done and deliver it to their house at my expense as they were a newish rider with no truck/trailer
I'm gonna guess that you're not Italian
I hear financial perils and I start to salivate.....that means I'm gonna get me a great deal, or walk away.

Financial trouble is great, just like with real estate: death, divorce or dumb... I'm going for a deal.

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I was thinking that the carbs needed love. I didn't realize they were gone.

If they want to get those kind of numbers, at the very least it should be complete and running and than you will get top dollar for what it is. Missing a pretty major component that also prevents you from running it to inspect for other issues puts the value right in the crapper.

Apparently the $6,500 was a is now $7,500.

550 Seca
A little chine walk isn’t for everybody :)
I was out one time with a guy I really trust, in a boat he knew very well. At 82 mph, he took his hands off the wheel and we just gently chine walked a half dozen times before he grabbed the wheel again and gave it the beans. The hairiness rapidly increased from that point. Capped out around 92 but he was working really hard to hold on to it. The boat had nothing left at that point but even if you did manage to get more power, there is only so fast you can go at 21'.
I was out one time with a guy I really trust, in a boat he knew very well. At 82 mph, he took his hands off the wheel and we just gently chine walked a half dozen times before he grabbed the wheel again and gave it the beans. The hairiness rapidly increased from that point. Capped out around 92 but he was working really hard to hold on to it. The boat had nothing left at that point but even if you did manage to get more power, there is only so fast you can go at 21'.

I love it. I grew up around hydrostreams, chargers etc so I’m pretty comfortable with them but they are certainly sketchy. Key word you used was trust, getting spit out of one of these things is a very real possibility.

I had a 27’ Fountain for a few years. Looked cool sounded cool but didn’t give the rush that the little boats do. Still not bad at a 70mph boat but acceleration was only okay.

Would love to go for a blast in a little tunnel hull like a stv euro one day. Never had the chance. Pretty sure I want nothing to do with the big block v bottom drag boats though. Scary deal those are.
I love it. I grew up around hydrostreams, chargers etc so I’m pretty comfortable with them but they are certainly sketchy. Key word you used was trust, getting spit out of one of these things is a very real possibility.

I had a 27’ Fountain for a few years. Looked cool sounded cool but didn’t give the rush that the little boats do. Still not bad at a 70mph boat but acceleration was only okay.

Would love to go for a blast in a little tunnel hull like a stv euro one day. Never had the chance. Pretty sure I want nothing to do with the big block v bottom drag boats though. Scary deal those are.
A guy at the inlaws cottage has an STV tunnel and STV v bottom. He is a dbag. Everybody on the lake hates him. Obviously they are obnoxiously loud (surface piercing props) and quite fast (although he is short of either stones or skill to really give them the beans). The worst part is you will be in a narrow connection between two lakes (like 20' clear between submerged rocks) in a no wake zone and dbag will scream past you at 50 mph.

I've never been in a big go-fast boat, just bass boats and ski boats. I was in a floating condo (~52') at 40 mph before but that was decidely meh. That did not interest me at all.

Last summer I saw a nice Skater 3312 heading up the 400 that looked pretty fast. Frig me it is good for 140 to 160 mph. I don't know how you use that remotely safely on Simcoe (which is where I assume it was heading).
A guy at the inlaws cottage has an STV tunnel and STV v bottom. He is a dbag. Everybody on the lake hates him. Obviously they are obnoxiously loud (surface piercing props) and quite fast (although he is short of either stones or skill to really give them the beans). The worst part is you will be in a narrow connection between two lakes (like 20' clear between submerged rocks) in a no wake zone and dbag will scream past you at 50 mph.

I've never been in a big go-fast boat, just bass boats and ski boats. I was in a floating condo (~52') at 40 mph before but that was decidely meh. That did not interest me at all.

Last summer I saw a nice Skater 3312 heading up the 400 that looked pretty fast. Frig me it is good for 140 to 160 mph. I don't know how you use that remotely safely on Simcoe (which is where I assume it was heading).

Most guys that own fast boats kind of are d-bags. Best to run them Monday to Friday. On the weekend make one or two passes of the lake and then shut it down. Same with jet skis and tubers/skiers hanging out in one spot. Keep it moving.

I don’t really have a ton of interest in the over 35’-40’ boats. I just want to go out for a good hard run and then come back to the dock.

I’ve never really done much boating on Simcoe. There is for sure some fast stuff on that lake though. I think a few members of Leibel family have some Skaters on Simcoe. Very possible it was heading to Georgian Bay. LOTS of very serious go fast boats are running out of the Midland/Penetanguishene area and head out to the Islands. It’s wild how much money can be floating around out there at any given time.
Haha how did we get onto boats!? My wife and I are toying with the idea of a small boat as a family thing...but we're not big boaters traditionally so it probably doesn't make financial sense...


Is these such a thing as an economical boat? Will the Odyssey pull it? Questions I need to seriously consider...but I doubt we'll get one. Maybe if the family cottage was on would make more sense.
Haha how did we get onto boats!? My wife and I are toying with the idea of a small boat as a family thing...but we're not big boaters traditionally so it probably doesn't make financial sense...


Is these such a thing as an economical boat? Will the Odyssey pull it? Questions I need to seriously consider...but I doubt we'll get one. Maybe if the family cottage was on would make more sense.
We have about the smallest boat that is family friendly. A 13.5' aluminum with bench seats, a flat floor, a live well and a 30hp. Any vehicle can tow it. It can tow wakeboard or knee board without much trouble. A kid in a tube works but it cant pull an adult out. I have waterskiid behind it to prove that it could be done, but it wasnt ideal (waterline in front of the boot). It would pull a kid on skiis. We bought it for $4000. I put a four blade prop on it for better launch and otherwise just gas, gear oil and the occasional impeller. Insurance is $200 a year. Pretty economical.

The one thing I will say about boats. Try to get one with the max plated power. Companies like legend are famous for selling boats plated for 135 with a 40 and it can barely get out of it's own way with one person in it. Often they cant plane with the family aboard. It just makes for a cheap but miserable experience. If you can only afford a 40 that's fine, buy a 14', not a 17'.
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