Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

I'd love another one too but right now it's not a priority and at 6500 bucks it would have to be still in the crate brand new. There's great deals on them to be had and that wasn't one of them. Low mileage and literally not a scratch or chip anywhere and maybe towards 4k tops.
Well, people like the word mint, so they are paying stupid prices for 'mint' 12 year old bikes, while my 2010 'not mint' has no offers at 5900 lol

I haven't really tried to sell it yet but still.
Re: CBR250s

Indeed. I got a major soft spot for the 7 myself. Its such a good looking bike in my opinion. and the handling- its on rails. so stable.

id say itll pass some major gas instead of just farting though :p, with a full pipe and good jetting, itll surprise a lot of modern bikes.

Caboose- got any pics of your old P models? Would love to see em.

Sadly no..... well there might be some on my old laptop. I'll fire it up and see if there's anything there.
Re: CBR250s

Sadly no..... well there might be some on my old laptop. I'll fire it up and see if there's anything there.

sounds good!
Re: CBR250s

What it is with ZX7s is more like what you guys are posting, fondly remembered but not too many dedicated followers. Hence the low demand. What hurts them is wide availability, unorthodox styling (I do like it personally) and that they are heavy pigs compared to even some of the same era bikes like 929 for example.

Some kijiji sellers are under the impression that old = classic = desirable = gold mine
Rarely the case
Re: CBR250s

What it is with ZX7s is more like what you guys are posting, fondly remembered but not too many dedicated followers. Hence the low demand. What hurts them is wide availability, unorthodox styling (I do like it personally) and that they are heavy pigs compared to even some of the same era bikes like 929 for example.

Some kijiji sellers are under the impression that old = classic = desirable = gold mine
Rarely the case

Basically you nailed it. Zx7's to me are the iconic sport bike simply because when I was old enough to ride on the road they were the hot bike to have. Eventually I'd like to have one again just because of regret of selling my last one. There were better/faster bikes but there's something about them for some of us. That's not to say they're for everyone just like any other bike or car or anything like it. As they get older I'm sure the really nice ones left will command higher dollars but I don't think that time has come yet.
This one is awesome :lmao:

[url] [/URL]

I admire the effort and work that would have gone into it but best of luck with that price.

Show bikes:

MSRP is $4k too. Da hell.
Wut. Lol. That's ****** up. Just buy a crf50. That looks like Chinese junk

Edit - just checked them out. How have i not heard of these
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Actually, cobra motocross bikes are not Chinese junk. They are highly competitive mini-motos. Comparable to Ktm mini racers.

"You lost 15 friends on motorcycles? and you have only been riding since 2008? was this a group ride that fell off a cliff or are you being serious?"-ZX600
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