Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

BTW " If you decide to buy it out before the 7 year term ends, then you will pay the regular price of roughly around $8,000 rather than $12,000 ($157 for 7 years totals to around $12,000)"

Umm my calculator must be broken cause i could swear that 157 x 7 years = $13,188 :lmao:

I don't think math is this guy's friend. Sadly, this is actually common, as Canadians are the most broke-*** society in the west, driven entirely by people leading fake lifestyles.

Shady? Legit?

New accounts parting out bikes with no pictures always sound very fishy to me. also where is the frame?

Shady for sure. The frame is there, but not available, he won't sell the complete bike.
And, insanely over priced. He's not selling gold bars, these are used and crashed track bike parts.
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so how likely and for what legit reasons would someone keep the frame and just sell a lot of parts?

that thread seems to be gone now
so how likely and for what legit reasons would someone keep the frame and just sell a lot of parts?

that thread seems to be gone now

Better question would be why would he delete the thread just hours after someone brought it up?

If it was legit i can't see anyone taking it down, but then again i don't see why anyone would completely strip a bike minus the frame if it hasn't been cartwheeled and you're just trying to salvage some parts.
Shady? Legit?

New accounts parting out bikes with no pictures always sound very fishy to me. also where is the frame?
The whole bike has been for sale for quite some time on Kijiji. Guess he couldn't find a buyer and decided to part it out.

I just checked and the Kijiji ad for the whole bike is gone now. I had it saved for quite a while because it was a pretty good price. Weird.
Those Ruki are premium priced machines forsure, but where are you seeing new ones for $1900?
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