Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

"Lots of power to get you out of any dangerous situations on the highway."

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This guy is a tool... 12 grand for a 2008 R1... You can buy a 2014 for 11500 at the dealership, he knows this and doesn't care, because he has mods that he can't spend the time mentioning. If you can't spend the time, then people will go spend their time buying a 2014 for the same price.

He does come across as a total doosh, which is one reason why that bike will be for sale a looong time.
"I would consider a trade for a Harley Davidson V ROD ..." kinda confirms that.

looks like a hack job

even at $2k he would have trouble moving it

It's not worth $1500. To put things into perspective, a cafe custom built by a well known shops is in the $8-10K range.

Two-Wheeled is also selling a Cafe bike for wayy too much, been for sale all year.
Based on year and kms, worth maybe $2000

Based on paint, 500 bucks!

Excellent condition street bike
This bike has had a lot of time blood and sweat into it the person who purchases this bike will have a sweet time with this bike many more centrist to ride this this bike with come with all fluid flush and full tank or fresh new premium gas the day you pick it up also comes with ownership

Oh good, for $3000, my street bike comes with an ownership. Awesome, I don't normally get one of those. facepalm.

What is a centrist?

Whats happening with the exhaust, is it just the wide angle lens, or is it cock-assed?
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