Stunters at L&L :)


Well-known member
Was at L&L and a pack of stunters left the parking lot in style lol. I know some people dont like that kind off thing and it gives us a bad name bla bla bla but one dude on a black bike I think it was an r6 not sure though had some crazy control of that thing. He was doing a burn out all the way out of the lot doing two left turns and not smoking the tires. It was impressive to me at least. And dude on the green 636 some sweet 12 o clock wheelies with such ease. I am really liken the chopped windscreen and no mirrors look too.
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god damn i picked a bad night NOT to go :(
I got there after they'd left but everyone was talking about them. Ah well....
Have to admit it was a fun display, but I'm very surprised that we didn't wind up being swarmed by cops after they took off. Unfortunately, as entertaining as a quick impromptu stunt show like that can be, it could cause more trouble for the rest of us than it's really worth. Would hate to see L&L suffer the same fate the Kennedy Commons plaza saw, granted that was after a much larger-scale "show"...
Expect the inevitable police crackdown.
I share your enthusiasm and excitement seeing them do their thing lat night, but posting it on a public forum where our LEO friends can see it will bring heat at said spot... you know the saying what happens in vegas, stays in vegas? Should apply here too...
yea, this thread should be deleted
if ur not aware, anyone in the world can see threads on this forum...u dig...~?
I share your enthusiasm and excitement seeing them do their thing lat night, but posting it on a public forum where our LEO friends can see it will bring heat at said spot... you know the saying what happens in vegas, stays in vegas? Should apply here too...

Seriously....why blow up the spot?
It was public enough for plenty of non-riders to see it and I was surprised that we didn't have members of our friendly local constabulary meet&greet us on the way out. It's kinda sad when throwing a mini-show like that can bring popo on us as if it was an evil thing :(
By posting stuff like this, it only provide those guys with more reason to do it again.
Did you notice how close they were doing it in front of by standers?
One Mishap could change a lot of people's lives.
Don't ruined it for everyone. This thread should really be removed.
Did you notice how close they were doing it in front of by standers?
One Mishap could change a lot of people's lives.

^^^^^^IMHO, that's where the problem is. It's nice to see those wheelies and stoppies, but they did all they "stunts" literally in front of dozens of people. One wrong move and the tragedy would hit. It's just stupid to show off like that, whether cops care or not.
Leslie and Lakeshore isn't exactly a secret Batcave hideout - anything posted up here has already been seen by a lot of other people.
Stunting = supercool display of talent and control when done on a closed course.
Stunting = ********* attention-seeking retards when done in a public setting like the L&L parking lot on bike night.
Pics and/or vids or it didn't happen.
thanks man!!

For the rest of you.....your just haters!!

The only hating is of the harassment from the police that the rest of us get when people pull this crap and take off. Those of us who are just hanging out get to "chat" with the cops for a while, or have our night cut short when they kick us out of the lot.

Save it for a closed course when it can be appreciated without causing the rest of us grief.
The only hating is of the harassment from the police that the rest of us get when people pull this crap and take off. Those of us who are just hanging out get to "chat" with the cops for a while, or have our night cut short when they kick us out of the lot.

Save it for a closed course when it can be appreciated without causing the rest of us grief.

Precisely. That sort of thing gets a pass when done in private, rather than in front of dozens of people. When it's done in a very public place, it results in a very public response.

.... but I'm a hater too.
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