Streetsville Sunday Rides

Martin, you do not have to qualify your replies with "if it's dry." Everyone is well aware that you are the biggest rain wussy around.

ya ...well thats true !! ( good to be known as something ...i think ?)

I"ll have ya know, and the rest of the gtam community, that I rode for about 2 hrs in the rain coming home from Port Dover and that rain was verrry wet ! I thought it might rain so I went out and bought some rain pants earlier (which came in handy) and the next day I wiped them down and returned them (no more plans for rain ridin...waaaay over rated ).
Hi Guys , who'll ride 2morrow, May 21st
I'm out for today (Saturday) and tomorrow (Sunday). Going with Polish Mafia to Kaszuby (Martin do you know where it is?). Ok. Bancroft, 507 etc area. Oficial opening of the riding season for Riding Eagles (first in Ontario Polish motorcycle riding club). They departure 8AM. Mine about noon time. Should be fun...and you have a good time as well.
Finally a weekend that is not a race weekend and which I don't have family stuff going on. Anyone riding tomorrow (Sun) if the rain holds off?
I'm in for a ride Sunday if rain holds off. I'll take look see in the morning.
Streetsville Timmies at 10, regular time and meet spot.
Not raining here right now, but the weather radar doesn't look good until mid-afternoon. I have some work to do in the shop. Work now, ride later.
looks like the rain is clearing up. Anyone riding today?

EDIT: looks like no one wants to come. Im out
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Fantastic day to ride today, no one showed at 10 , no rain. Headed north hit all the twisties up to Hockley sun out by 11am stayed out all day , home by 6 - 500km
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I was hoping to do a northern type ride this sunday , with the group, and end at Wild Wings in Innisville to help support Cutekills drive for Ride For Sight....:p

Weather is not looking so good for sunday with predicted thunderstorms and POP of 70%.
So.....might even have to do a saturday ride if sunday looks like crap.

Just noticed ....ATTS has a thread started for saturday...hmmmm

Any thoughts?...Anyone in for this weekend?
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Sat looks nice, Sunday looks questionable. Anyone up to a Sat ride?

Looking forward to the Sport Bike Rally and three days of Muskoka riding. Got my hotel room booked...just have to figure out what I am going to do for my Thunder Run costume this year.
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