Streetsville Sunday Rides

I got your near death experience on GoPro. Try to avoid doing that again, you might not be as lucky next time.

The one i tried following you in that corner when you passed on the double solid? Got my heart going so fast.. (Never doing that again) Think I could get a clip of that?
The one i tried following you in that corner when you passed on the double solid? Got my heart going so fast.. (Never doing that again) Think I could get a clip of that?
Yeah, that'd be the one. Notice that I passed on the straight part, while you passed into the corner, with a car coming at you...

Also, just so you know, passing on the double yellow is not illegal.
nvm i remember you passing on the broken and the red ninja barely made before the turn and I made a split second decision to gun it and follow. oh boy. So when are we riding again? I've got myself a new pair of undies. :)
Who was following me on QEW on the way back?

I was, kind of, I could see your light through the rain and tint which is the only reason I was still on the road and then when a truck would pull into our lane the spray was so bad I couldn't see anything and had to slow down till they moved and then caught back up. I cut off at the 407 and it was clear as day there.

Yep I too agree that the ride past PD was the best
good pace, good videos, and that one paved road was really nice.

What I can't believe is that Creepy Guy didn't even get to see any boobs this year.... talk about a bad F13.

Between leaving for Long Point and getting back to Dover the class of women strolling around changed pretty drastically. No idea how/why but it did.
He wasn't trying hard enough and the women got better because all the ugly fat ones that had been drinking all day passed out and the nicer looking ones came out all dressed up.
I was, kind of, I could see your light through the rain and tint which is the only reason I was still on the road and then when a truck would pull into our lane the spray was so bad I couldn't see anything and had to slow down till they moved and then caught back up. I cut off at the 407 and it was clear as day there.
Just curious, I knew it was one of you two back there but couldn't see well enough to figure it out.
I was, kind of, I could see your light through the rain and tint which is the only reason I was still on the road and then when a truck would pull into our lane the spray was so bad I couldn't see anything and had to slow down till they moved and then caught back up. I cut off at the 407 and it was clear as day there.

The spray off some of those trucks was mental....
I got stuck beside one in a right hand bend, the f*cker was slowly moving into my lane. There was so much water kicking up off its tires i was completely blind, thought i was going under the truck for sure! Damn near gave me a heart-attack.

Poor little SV managed to make it all the way into town before the front cylinder went to sleep.
The spray off some of those trucks was mental....
I got stuck beside one in a right hand bend, the f*cker was slowly moving into my lane. There was so much water kicking up off its tires i was completely blind, thought i was going under the truck for sure! Damn near gave me a heart-attack.

Poor little SV managed to make it all the way into town before the front cylinder went to sleep.

Not good to ride beside a truck...ever!
Sounds like a wet weather mod is required for that SV. Ask around and see what other owners are doing or what the manufacturer suggests. I'm sure there's lots that can easily be done to stop a "sleeping cylinder".
anybody riding today?

....I'm thinking about 2pm this afternoon meet at Streetsville Tim's - I've got till 5-530 to ride - will check back in around noonish
I'm going to Niagara Falls , NY around this time, but is more like hwy all the way down there and back. I have to be back around 5PM.
I'm going to Niagara Falls , NY around this time, but is more like hwy all the way down there and back. I have to be back around 5PM.

Ill be in Streetsville Tims at 215 or if we can meet at tims qew + 3rd line close to my house at 2pm
Let me know I'll check before I leave the house
I'm out for the weekend.
Next ride for me will be BBoyz on Tuesday...if it's dry !!
I'm out for the weekend.
Next ride for me will be BBoyz on Tuesday...if it's dry !!

Martin, you do not have to qualify your replies with "if it's dry." Everyone is well aware that you are the biggest rain wussy around.
Rick Im leaving in 5 mins for Streetsville
Sorry, Ken but I missed this message after seeing your first one that you'll come at 2.15. In fact I left at 1PM. To bad I didn't check it before I left. I got into rain on the border, but after half an hour it cleared out again. I was back in Mississauga at 5.30. I hope you had a good ride and no rain.
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