Streetsville Sunday Rides

Ok, so what's time do you guys plan to depart from Timmie, I need couple hours sleep, I think I'll be there around 11:00

Maxspeed/ Red Zeder : you guys in for the 11AM meet at Timmies Sville?
Then we can head to Ice house join up with 2 more.

If you're not going to Timmies I'll probably go straight to Ice Housefor 1130
Ride on !!
wow....the forecasted doom n gloom really doesn't look so bad !
here's the radar at 7:20...looks like its to the north( i may just get clipped)..
also heard on cp24 that chances of t/storm in afternoon but,...drying in evening.

So....lets LEAVE timmies in Streetsville at 11:00 others at the Icehouse for 11:20 ish.
Ride on !!
wow....the forecasted doom n gloom really doesn't look so bad !
here's the radar at 7:20...looks like its to the north( i may just get clipped)..
also heard on cp24 that chances of t/storm in afternoon but,...drying in evening.

So....lets LEAVE timmies in Streetsville at 11:00 others at the Icehouse for 11:20 ish.

You are right weather looks better, leaving now to register my new bike, i'll be on a silver vfr not the bandit. I'll be ready to leave timmies sville at 11 sharp for the ice house.
Weather looks good. See you all at 10ish.

Kinda hard to do that since you were at my place at 10:30 this morning, isn't it?
Very nice ride down to Port Dover , great route, lots of good twisties. Perfect day. Pulled into my garage and it started to pour rain. Hope you guys that stayed in dover had a great night and everybody got home safe.
Kinda hard to do that since you were at my place at 10:30 this morning, isn't it?
I waved at you and everything. :) Hence, the ish. I was still the first one to the meet spot.

Very nice ride down to Port Dover , great route, lots of good twisties. Perfect day. Pulled into my garage and it started to pour rain. Hope you guys that stayed in dover had a great night and everybody got home safe.
Yeah we got pretty wet on the ride back. You guys missed out on our ride out to long point, best part of the day I think.

Who was following me on QEW on the way back?
I got home safe, albeit very wet. Well, my gear was wet, I was pretty much dry. My rain gear is pretty good for a one way trip through rain. It just requires some time to dry off.

Thanks for the great riding today guys.

For my thanks, here's this picture I took to remember the day by.


Ok yeah, her eyes do look a tad odd to me, but its still a killer outfit.
Who was following me on QEW on the way back?

That was ATTS with me following him until...his cutoff.
I managed to stay dry, except my feet. Raingear works !!
And as a bonus was dry north of Brampton. Don't think it rained at all up here in Gods country.

Yep I too agree that the ride past PD was the best...we'll have to do that again and go for a swim at Crystall beach.
PD seemed a little more tame this year, not quite as many people. I really would like to camp there one of these times...maybe get someone with a cage to haul our gear down.
What I can't believe is that Creepy Guy didn't even get to see any boobs this year.... talk about a bad F13.

Between leaving for Long Point and getting back to Dover the class of women strolling around changed pretty drastically. No idea how/why but it did.
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What I can't believe is that Creepy Guy didn't even get to see any boobs this year.... talk about a bad F13.

Between leaving for Long Point and getting back to Dover the class of women strolling around changed pretty drastically. No idea how/why but it did.

For the better or for the worse?
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