<a href="https://ibb.co/MNfc9HH">
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The wall with the tiny mirrors that are totally not covering holes is where the pull up bar is going as well as the ancor point for the TRX. Across from the rack by the tiny door is where I'll put my stand with my plates. Just don't want to move it until the new mats are in since I have 345lbs in plates and it's a pain moving it. My rack also goes up high enough to use for squats, only crappy thing with that set up is I can't push my bench press as I have no spotter or bars to catch the weight if I screw up.
Overall decent set up, I just move the bench when I'm not using it. I have a bunch of resistance bands, skiping rope, agility ladder, kettlebells, dumbbells (one adjustable set), curl bar, olympic bar, bosu ball (I like doing squats on it), crappy stationary bike, and some other stuff. I started building this just over a year ago so obviously stopped going to the gym. This is about 8'x9' and will have the concrete fully covered, those were just the least moldy of the mats that survived but you can still smell them horrible if you're on the floor at all.
Most commercial gyms are $10-$40/month, the expensive ones are usually offered structured classes and training. Spending the extra money to have someone there to coach you and keep you accountable is worth it for some people. It's like personal training but cheaper and you get the encouragement and competiton from your fellow group training mates.