Speeding Ticket (10 over)

it should be my choice to wear it or not.. I feel the same way about helmets as well.
i fully understand that the driver should be responsible for passengers under the age of 18, but once you reach that age, it should be a personal choice.

But it isn't, and that isn't the topic of conversation here.
Whats wrong with enforcing rules?

It would make sense to increase rates for something like failing to use your seat belt because you at a higher risk of suffering more serious injuries in an accident (which would obviously cost them more) vs someone who doesn't in most cases. Whats so hard about wearing your seat belt anyways?
Not wearing a seat belt is more likely to end with death than not (rare circumstances not wrists ding) which is cheaper to the insurance company. How ever it does show a lack of judgements hitch could force other risks.
maybe you didnt understand what i wrote, i'll try to explain it better

the ticket that he was given has no points attached to it. so, in essance, all it is ,
is a ticket for you to pay money.

money which is revenue for the city or township you live in.

now that you were given this ticket, your insurance company will find out about it, and more than likely raise your rates.
so what I suggested, was that their be a 4th Option available, where they just rip up your ticket , since no-one really cares about it, except insurance, and you pay their fine anyways.

This is essentially done in California (and I am prety sure a number of other states.)

If you get a minor ticket in California and you haven't had one over a certain length of time (I think 18 months or so) then you can opt to "attend" a "Driving School". You can "attend" the school either by physicaly being there or doing a course and test online. Once you complete the course and have passed a test with at least a certain mark the result gets submitted to the court who will then seal the ticket from anyone else. Your insurance is not notified.

(I may have minor details time wise mixed up but the essence is certainly true.)

received my date to meet with prosecutor- do i request disclosure now? or after i meet with him? any tips on what to say?

You usually request disclosure after you ask for a court date. Right now, you are only meeting with the prosecutor and have not requested an actual trial (yet).

So you have this ticket... 10 kph over the limit, not reduced.

$25 Set fine (10 km over the limit x $2.50 per km) </SPAN></SPAN>
+ $10 Victim Fine Surcharge</SPAN></SPAN>
+ $5 Court costs
$40</SPAN> Total Payable

The most they are going to get out of you is $40.

I would suggest you prepare a sort-of-argument for your meeting with the prosecutor. You can say that they changed the speed limit recently, just like you posted, and you were surprised by the change. You can also say you drive around there often, always within the speed limit. Make you s/he understands that you are </SPAN>not </SPAN>a speed demon, a danger-to-society kind of guy. So, if you usually wear a nose ring and a mohawk, you may want to remove them for this meeting. Last, why not say "It is only 10 over! Can you drop the ticket? Can you give me a chance?" ?

If the prosecutor wonders if the ticket was reduced or not, s/he may ask you. Do not accept to anything, because you do not have to. So, if the question is, "But how fast were you going?", it is OK to say "I think I was moving at the speed limit, but the officer said that I was going 10 over".

A 10 kph over ticket is kind of a waste of time for the court. The prosecutor may wonder, is it true that he was doing only 10 over? - So to be sure, s/he may ask you, "</SPAN>Why </SPAN>did the police officer stop you in the first place? Did you get any other ticket?" because is possible that the officer stops a car for a minimal speed infraction, if there are other issues at hand (suspicious behaviour, no plate or doubts about the plate, possible no working brake -turn signal- head lights, possible issue with the driver or passenger, etc.)

Then you said, "I do not know why he stopped me, I was driving carefully, I didn't get any other ticket" (cause you didn't, right?).

Then you say that you need to keep your insurance cost down because you need to drive yourself and your family around...

SO... prosecutor will not reduce it, because it is pretty much nothing already. Either drops the ticket or not. If s/he says that cannot do anything for you, then you ask for a trial date. Then you ask for disclosure.</SPAN>

Good luck
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I just went though this for 10 over reduced from 15km over. Prosecutor will do nothing for you...waste of time imo. If you request a court date and are found guilty they will amend the actual speed you were going since it was reduced and tack on a court fee. So either you can take your chance at trial that the officer doesn't show up or pay it. I would suggest just sucking it up and paying it and the next ticket you get ask the officer not to reduce it Reducing the ticket on the spot is a trick they are using so you think your getting off a bit better but you are actually getting screwed over. A non reduced ticket taken to court will be given a option to reduce it then or if the cop doesn't show it will be withdrawn. I do agree that if you take it to court ask for the disclosure...but unless the cop didnt make notes or things are very wrong on it like plate #, color of car, time of day etc it's pretty slim you'll get off scot free.

Good luck and be sure to report back what happened. Hate those threads where we don't find the outcome!

I got my first and only speeding ticket reduced to 10 k over in court, the officer lowered it in court for me so no points as it was my first ticket ....

That was cool it was only 40 bucks ... however my insurance didn't like it .. i bought a 2006 zx6r 636 and had to wait to insure it a year later because if I did, the cost of my car and bike would sky rocket ... now with no tickets on file, my insurance dropped big time ... and now have a brand new 2013 zx6r :)
Just got off the phone with TD,They said 1 minor is no big deal and would not effect my rate.They do see you entire record and it does play a role on how they nail you on current convictions,he knew I had the ticket and that I had been clean for long time before i got it.He was also testing me to see if i was lying.
I'm currently in the process of fighting a 10 over ticket in Toronto.

What I did was to make a long story short...It was orignally for 20 over, Officer reduced it on scene to 10 over. It was a speed trap and I was the last person to get nailed before 9pm.

I requested a disclosure 1 month before my trail date. Toronto now requires you to pick up this package in person. They called and told me it was ready after I requested it by fax. I did not pick it up (this is key)! They had it ready at my trail date. When I was called up, I told the Judge I was only given my disclosure that day and I need more time to review and prepare a defense. So the judge adjourned the case to another date. Most likely the cop won't show up just for my 10 over ticket since its a waste of time (fingers crossed).

I'm turning 25 this year and I dont wnat any convictions on my record to impact my savings I can potentially get.
I just went though this for 10 over reduced from 15km over. Prosecutor will do nothing for you...waste of time imo. If you request a court date and are found guilty they will amend the actual speed you were going since it was reduced and tack on a court fee. So either you can take your chance at trial that the officer doesn't show up or pay it. I would suggest just sucking it up and paying it and the next ticket you get ask the officer not to reduce it Reducing the ticket on the spot is a trick they are using so you think your getting off a bit better but you are actually getting screwed over. A non reduced ticket taken to court will be given a option to reduce it then or if the cop doesn't show it will be withdrawn. I do agree that if you take it to court ask for the disclosure...but unless the cop didnt make notes or things are very wrong on it like plate #, color of car, time of day etc it's pretty slim you'll get off scot free.

Good luck and be sure to report back what happened. Hate those threads where we don't find the outcome!


went to meeting with prosecutor- waste of time. saw a bit of the disclosure, was very unreadable so i'm gonna request it typed.
went to meeting with prosecutor- waste of time. saw a bit of the disclosure, was very unreadable so i'm gonna request it typed.

Good luck! Wasted my morning for the meeting as well. I even offered 3x the fine or a contribution to a charity of their choice....no go. Sucks!

Just got off the phone with TD,They said 1 minor is no big deal and would not effect my rate.They do see you entire record and it does play a role on how they nail you on current convictions,he knew I had the ticket and that I had been clean for long time before i got it.He was also testing me to see if i was lying.

So they even go past 3 years and look at tickets that have dropped off your record?? Are they even allowed to do that?
Beat my 10/Over ticket in court yesterday!

Straight luck and I really rolled the dice!

Received speeding ticket beginning of August 2012 in Toronto
Requested the trial option on the ticket.
Court date was scheduled for February 2013 - I requested a disclosure a month before the date
They called me within a few days after requesting the package and told me to pick it up at the court office
I did not pick it up as requested. It was an inconvenience for me to go there on Eglinton/Black creek drive just to pick up a stupid piece of paper.
I walked in on my court date to get the package it was actually handed to me inside the court.
I told judge I just received the package and that I would need time to go over the officers notes.
Judge adjourned the case until April. They tell me the new date verbally for 3:00pm as they do not send anything else in writing so I had to put my new court date in my phone. (this is key)
I show up to my new court date an hour early- and they then say it was in fact for 1:30pm and I was late. They said they don't know who told me 3:00pm but it was for 1;30pm. So a long story short I had to do a lot of running around in the court house. They finally tell me to go to the 3:00pm session and talk to the Prosecutor and on his records shows 1:30pm. I'm like how? I know for sure they told me 3:00pm. So after debating for 2 minutes he's like come on man just pay the ticket? The cop showed up for the second time. I'm like no..(very ballsy) I said I'm pleading not guilty lol.
they reviewed the tape of them telling me 3:00pm on my last court date and of course I was right! They told me verbally 3:00pm. Court messed up.

Prosecutor told judge what happened and they threw out the case. No ticket, no conviction, no fine.

I wanted to plead guilty so bad because I was being pretty ballsy and badass. I thought it might backfire. I then got scared because the cop was there for the second time. But the court's mess up worked in my favor.

Clean record maintained. Me 1- Toronto Cops 0.

Sorry for any grammatical errors.
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it should be my choice to wear it or not.. I feel the same way about helmets as well.
i fully understand that the driver should be responsible for passengers under the age of 18, but once you reach that age, it should be a personal choice.
Higher costs to the public for your healthcare.

I'm in the same boat with the 10 over ticket. Caught at 69 in a 50 reduced to 60 in a 50 (I actually thought it was 40 here so I guess I was lucky in that respect). First ticket on my bike. Speed trap on Scarlet southbound yesterday afternoon. Not sure if I should bother fighting it, though, since I doubt it will get dropped completely and it's already a minor offense so nothing much lower they could lower it to. Don't care about the fine, just the insurance. I'd pay 10x the fine to not have insurance hiked.

Might have noticed the trap if that road wasn't so crap. I was busy looking for potholes to avoid.
Why did you offer to pay more?

There was no way I would have beat it! Also, Ive had success with this in the past, offered to contribute to a charity for the charge being dropped. I also knew if I went to court I would have to pay original fine plus court costs....roughly 100$ and they may bring it back to the original ticket. Plus having even a minor ticket will haunt you for 5 years with insurance, so if I was to switch ins companies my rate would be higher. Works in Durham....not in Hamilton!

There was no way I would have beat it! Also, Ive had success with this in the past, offered to contribute to a charity for the charge being dropped. I also knew if I went to court I would have to pay original fine plus court costs....roughly 100$ and they may bring it back to the original ticket. Plus having even a minor ticket will haunt you for 5 years with insurance, so if I was to switch ins companies my rate would be higher. Works in Durham....not in Hamilton!


Sounds good. Just the way I read it, it seemed you were offering to pay more for what I assumed was no points.

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