What difference does that make when you seem to claim that going the "legal limit" trumps all? You said "HOWEVER, it can NOT be laid if the vehicle is traveling at the legal limit."
Despite travelling at the posted limit they were charged with obstruction. Gordon Thompson and his friend pled guilty to the obstruction charge and it was accepted by the court meaning he was legally convicted. Did you read the story?
If the legal limit trumps all why did it matter how many individuals are involved or where their cars are relative to one another?
The reason how many vehicles and where they were positioned relative to one another is a MAJOR factor is that it was proven that these individuals had discussed this plan and had "agreed" to a concerted effort to block the highway. If three vehicles had just randomly been driving along and had been standing abreast of each other, they would be the mere fact that to get into that position, (at least one would have been traveling slower or faster then the others, otherwise they would have never ended up beside each other), eventually clear the road. These vehicles were intentionally placed so as to block the roadway. It is no different than when say Taxis in Toronto "protest" they are warned by police not to obstruct traffic. If they fail to comply then they "may" be charged, but most often aren't. There was in this case an "extenuating circumstance" that being the "agreement" to block the highway by those involved.
Simple I was speaking, (as were you at the time), of a SINGLE vehicle traveling the speed limit in the case provided it was a concerted effort to obstruct the flow of traffic by occupying all lanes of the highway. The drivers involved were driving their personal vehicles and I highly doubt the speedometers were properly calibrated. As it has been shown MANY times in the past that if your speedometer is showing 100, your actually traveling somewhere around 90 km/h. Which in fact means Mr Thompson and his "merry gang" were indeed traveling at LESS than the posted limit of 100 km/h. therefore, an appropriate course of action was taken. You can't rely upon the media to point out the actual facts, (they only reported that Mr Thompson and the others were traveling at 100 km/h as that is likely what Mr Thompson told them he was doing, because he didn't take into account the manufacturers standard practice of intentionally setting the speedometer to read higher than the actual speed.
We have not seen the court transcript it "could" be that the officers testified that the speed was lower than 100 km/h. Regardless My position still remains if a driver is driving at the LEGALLY posted speed on any highway in the province of Ontario they will NOT be charged, AND CONVICTED of doing so.
Again ones self entitled "opinion" that "everyone" needs to drive at 120 to not block the flow, simply is not factual. Again rigs are governed to travel at 105 MAXIMUM, some actually drive at 100 km, yet we don't see the OPP and MTO inspectors tagging them daily because they as Private Pilot stated are courteous and do not INTENTIONALLY block the highway. You will note MR Thompson, was charged with obstructing NOT driving 100 km/h in a posted 100 km/h zone. I have been doing the 2.5 hour drive 2 - 4 times per week to see my ailing mom in Hospital from Oshawa to St Thomas over the past 4 months. I used to set my cruise at 115, then I realized my mileage was sucking so I now set it at 108. This causes my rpm's to drop by almost 500, and I now get an extra 75 km out of a tank of fuel. Now at 108 my car is actually traveling at about 101, (I had a friend radar it)..lol SO I guess in your opinion I should be pulled over and "talked to" every time I make this run by the OPP because I chose not to speed to appease some self entitled, fool? I would relish the day ANY officer pulled me over, either for a talking to or to ticket me. I can assure you, it would not have the same outcome as Mr Thompson had. I don't conspire with others to obstruct a highway at less than the posted limit.