Guys, there is a science to setting speed limits, it is called Traffic Engineering. We don't need to get all emotional and opininated. Time to bone up on our Traffic Engineering.
For 50+ years Traffic Engineers have learned that uniform speed is the goal, it is called the 85th percentile speed. It is the speed that 85% of the traffic is going at or below. This means the top 15% of driver's are the high risk drivers and enforcement is targeted at them. Unfortunately the 400 series highways in ON are set at the 1%, meaning 99% view them as "irrational" a highway engineering term defined below. The 85th percentile in Ontario has been measured by CBC Marketplace Oct/15 as 120-130km/h. The 85th percentile speed is by study the safest speed on a closed access freeway.
From the smart guys at Durham Region Public Works
"A safe and reasonable speed limit is usually set at or below the speed at which 85% of drivers travel. Installing the inappropriate control device or arbitrarily lowering the posted speed limit will result in drivers speeding between control devices to make up for lost time.
Research has shown that most drivers travel at a speed they consider to be comfortable, regardless of the posted speed. Studies undertaken "before" and "after" revised speed limit signs have been posted, have shown that there are no significant changes in average vehicle speeds."
Recall the 400 series highways were posted 112km/hr prior to the gas crisis of 1976.
This created an irrational speed limit.
“Roadways with irrational speed limits tended to have larger differences in travel speeds and higher crash rates,” says Campbell. “These results are consistent with other studies that indicate that lower limits do not have much effect on the speed most drivers choose to travel and do not guarantee a safer road.”
Please check out and support It shows the 61 other states, provinces and countries that have higher speed limits than Ontar-I-owe. If we believe in government by the people for the people we need to advocate for engineering based limits.