Speed camera update (Sept.11) | GTAMotorcycle.com

Speed camera update (Sept.11)

I am hoping that the public destroys every one they find. Sorry, not sorry.
I am hoping that the public destroys every one they find. Sorry, not sorry.
This brings to question, who exactly pays for the speed camera and/or replacements?
Wouldn't the better option be for the public to not speed? Then they would not be required at all.
This brings to question, who exactly pays for the speed camera and/or replacements?
Wouldn't the better option be for the public to not speed? Then they would not be required at all.
Part of the standard contract is the camera provider pays for maintenance/damage out of their cut (IIRC, they take about 30%). Some municipalities are owning their own cameras so that wouldn't apply.

As for not speeding, if the road was designed for 60 km/h and has been posted 50 km/h forever and now it gets a camera and posted 30 km/h speed limit, are you speeding or are politicians money grubbing arseholes?
The few around Niagara Region were being vandalized frequently back in April & May 2024. Haven't heard anything recently though.
Part of the standard contract is the camera provider pays for maintenance/damage out of their cut (IIRC, they take about 30%). Some municipalities are owning their own cameras so that wouldn't apply.

As for not speeding, if the road was designed for 60 km/h and has been posted 50 km/h forever and now it gets a camera and posted 30 km/h speed limit, are you speeding or are politicians money grubbing arseholes?
I guess you could say both.. Depends on which side of the fence you're on..
But I agree, it is always about profit (for someone)
/s Big shock. /s Parkside drive camera remains. Still zero effort to change anything with road design to lower vehicle speeds. 100% fundraising based with a light safety wrapper.
I accidently tested that one today.
Waiting for test results. 😡😡🥹🥹
Hope the results are negative.
A few got destroyed in Georgetown a few wks back
Our local school zone speed cameras were constantly being vandalized.

The whole area where I live in Mississauga is now 40 km/h and school zones are 30................. 30 seems very slow, but all based on pedestrian survivability.


Can I drive at 30 vs 40 to potentially save another 3 of of 10 pedestrians...........? Yes I can, it's not a huge imposition.

On the other hand, they've caught people doing 80+ in the school zone. 60 and above is fatal to all based on stats.
Our local school zone speed cameras were constantly being vandalized.

The whole area where I live in Mississauga is now 40 km/h and school zones are 30................. 30 seems very slow, but all based on pedestrian survivability.

View attachment 69696

Can I drive at 30 vs 40 to potentially save another 3 of of 10 pedestrians...........? Yes I can, it's not a huge imposition.

On the other hand, they've caught people doing 80+ in the school zone. 60 and above is fatal to all based on stats.
Those stats are vehicle speed. Most crashes have some braking prior to impact. Still not a good idea to do 80 around kids though.

If these were about safety, put them in school zones when kids are around and have them issue summons at 61 km/h. Handing out tickets for 10 over at 3am is fundraising and nothing to do with safety.

To add to the douchebaggery, many of the camera locations are beside schools that are set back 100m or more from road. I have literally never seen a child walking there. Straight up fundraising on a hill with flashing lights for 40 covered and speed limit that changes a half dozen times a day. Unless you stop to read the paragraph of times, it's really hard to know the applicable speed limit past the school you can't even see.
If the speed cameras' true purpose was to actually slow people down in certain areas, there would also be highly conspicuous flashing warnings to identify a slow zone and speed camera ahead. Instead, they have small inconspicuous signs only prior to deployment, and put the cameras in inconspicuous grey boxes by tress and other camouflage. This does nothing to help people unfamiliar with the area drive at the correct speed.

I did not see a warning sign.
There are no warning signs. Sites where ASE is in use have signs posted in advance indicating that ASE is in use. Such signs are for information only. The presence – or absence – of any such signs is irrelevant as to whether the vehicle was exceeding the speed limit.
If the speed cameras' true purpose was to actually slow people down in certain areas, there would also be highly conspicuous flashing warnings to identify a slow zone and speed camera ahead.
This is what they do in Europe, which supposedly we've "copied." Only, of course, we didn't put in the warning signs.

As for 30kph, sure let's limit all travel to 30kph. Great idea. People will survive, but then again people won't be able to get anywhere and will have blood pressure like a transport truck after an hour of it, but getting nowhere.

OR, hear me out... OR... we could take personal responsibility for not walking in front of oncoming traffic. We could, you know... parent our kids. I'm more than aware that personal responsibility is a radical concept in today's Canada.

OR, hear me out... OR... we could take personal responsibility for not walking in front of oncoming traffic. We could, you know... parent our kids. I'm more than aware that personal responsibility is a radical concept in today's Canada.
Not going to happen soon. We have become a society that has grown accustomed to parents bubble wrapping their kids, and politicians increasingly tightening nanny state laws around us.
.................Those stats are vehicle speed. Most crashes have some braking prior to impact. ............................

Oh, you're able to guarantee all the speeders will brake before impact to effectively reduce impact speed to 30? :)

many of the camera locations are beside schools that are set back 100m or more from road. I have literally never seen a child walking there...............

Well, I can tell you that at our local school there are kids and parents walking, crossing the street, entering and exiting cars for 20 - 30 minutes in the AM and then PM. It's a busy place with hundreds of people coming and going. The 30 zone is a couple of 200 - 300 metres in length + there is a stop sign in front of the school, slowing down is not a huge imposition.

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