Tha is why I posted this!
Bill, the point is that many people will think like it happen last night that he passed away, last night the Daughter had to post on facebook that he is still alive because there were people posting RIP posts.You shouldn't of posted that. He's his brother, he knows more then
we do, it's disrespectful to say that. It's obvious they are ready for Daryl to pass on, and I'm sure Nancy would rather be at his side for his final days then be posting on fb.
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Just got back from the hospital and the day we have dreaded has finally arrived.The doctor has put Daryl on what they call an " End of Life 'journeywhich means they will not treat any infections, he will not be revivedif his heart stops beating or if he has a seizure.He will not be in pain and he will leave this world with dignity. Our hearts are breakingat the thought of never seeing our son again or seeing that beautiful smiling faceor hearing his laughter. Our hearts are breaking we love you so much Daryl.Nite nite sleep tight see you in the morning Sweet dreams. Love You Loads.xxxxxx
Jayv, I would love a sticker if you still have some! Please let me know. I know a few others that would very much appreciate one as well.
I would really like to go down and visit, give my best and all in person.. Does anyone want to come down when I go?
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