SOAR & RACE make big announcement at motorcycle supershow !?

Do some of you guys have aspirations of winning Lost Era championship, so you can noticed by Yamaha Canada and getting a factory ride next yr and going to pick on Szoke and Christie? LMAO Buy a new bike every 3 yrs and race 600 EXT if that's the kind of racing you are into.

Yeah Scott, you got me. Those are totally my plans. I'm not even going to bother addressing some of the other points in your post.
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It's SOAR- do you really think anyone would protest a child on a smalll single, in a class that allows 60 hp RZ 350s and FZR400's? Never seen it happen.
Don't know if that was pointed at me.

My concern is that if RACE Sportsman Light develops a 12 year old bike requirement it closes the class to my kids who have competed in it on small, newer cc bikes.

It's a good inter class for them and provides a class for them to get more race time on smaller bikes before they move up. The newer options on the market, like a R3 or RC390 fit nicely in this class. They have competed on their CBR250s as well (granted at a disadvantage) so that they get more seat time.

99 SV650. Yep got one of those for the older kid.

It was mostly pointed at me
I can't see why anyone would care, if it makes the grids larger.
I made $1500 LESS contingency money in 2014, than I did in 2013. Know why?
Grid size.
Last yr, I didn't see even one person in Lost Era protesting 2004 Kawi 636's that were gridded what's everyone's panties in a bunch about?
The people squawking most in this thread about rule changes, are the ones who didn't even commit to making all of the SOAR rounds last yr.
I will come if it doesn't rain
I will come if there is a timing system
I will come if we don't do a reverse layout
I will come if the rules never change
I will come if the rules do change....etc etc etc

.....tell ya what- buy a 99 SV650, and race every class there is. You only have to pay for the first 4 or 5 classes you run anyways, and that bike fits just about every class.
Anyone remember the SOAR early days with Rob Buzby on a rhino linered clapped out '99 SV650 duking it out with Scott Rupert on a then-new GSXR1000 for the Superbike win?
You guys do realize the Novice Superbike champ for 2014 was riding a 12 yr old R1, whopping up on new bikes, some making 40 more hp than his?

Keep being princesses, and **** all over the bed you sleep in, and our series may turn out like the other ones.
I am just happy to race. My 929 has never been a competetive bike. GSXR750's are lighter and more powerful. It's bone stock , right down to the steel sprockets, OEM gearing and 530 chain......almost showroom stock really, except for a shock and steering damper. I knew it then, and know it now. I am not fooled into thinking my bike is holding me back- I am still the weak link in my own racing program, and am having fun without spending cubic dollars-I was washed up before I began at almost 38 yrs old. Spending my own $ being a legend in my own mind.

Do some of you guys have aspirations of winning Lost Era championship, so you can noticed by Yamaha Canada and getting a factory ride next yr and going to pick on Szoke and Christie? LMAO Buy a new bike every 3 yrs and race 600 EXT if that's the kind of racing you are into.

Jebuz, enough with the condescending BS.

Maybe some riders think that a Lost Era championship is the only championship they'll ever have a shot at winning so they try pretty hard. You pretty much just admitted that you don't care about being competitive so why would you comment at all about rule changes?

Doug's R1 is not 12 years old nor is it 40hp down on anything it's running against.

I did not race at all in 2011 and I will probably sit out 2016 as retooling seasons. Does my absence mean my opinions are of no value? Ridiculous.

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Tyler's R1 is what I was talking about. He won Nov SBK. Doug's and TJ's bikes slaughter it in a straight does PAulo's , Jeff's and some of the BMW's too. Plainly seen. In fact I would wager that Ty had the slowest bike regularly gridded in NOv SBK

My point is this- Do you really believe that 36 more cc's, or a pair of radial brakes will make a difference between a won and lost championship?
Yrs ago, I was on the Lost Era podium on my steel framed 94 YZF 600 that had no 2nd gear. And someone whispered to me that I ought to protest Brian Camp's win on his 98 R1, because he had an 06 R1 front end on it.
Of course I didn't protest- did I really think that if he had a 98 front end, I might have had a shot at beating him? LOL
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It's not JUST SOAR.

We have licenses to allow us to run both RACE and SOAR.

It's to become common classes and rulebooks.

I'm not complaining. This is all good. Just offering comments that need to be given some consideration by those combining the rules and classes.

It's SOAR- do you really think anyone would protest a child on a smalll single, in a class that allows 60 hp RZ 350s and FZR400's? Never seen it happen.
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There is a small bore class in the plans not sure of a name yet. It will be a catch all for all the little bikes. You guys did come up in the conversation and we are altering my original Lightweight Superbike to include a small bore production option just for this scenario (Chris's idea just with you and your boys in mind). Its still a work in progress so I dont have details on how exactly it will work but likely a multi scoring scenario. So you will see a very liberal set of mod rules for bikes like the new 250-500 and older 400s-650 twins. Included with a separate set of restricted mod rules for say 500 and down (think production). Something along those lines should work for all the smaller stuff. SOAR will continue with NuSpeed but as its not points paying anyway it will not be a championship class. BTW we are going this week to pick up the new timing hardware.
Tyler's R1 is what I was talking about. He won Nov SBK. Doug's and TJ's bikes slaughter it in a straight line. Plainly seen.

Who cares? Tell us more about Rob Busby or your endurance bike
Tyler's R1 is what I was talking about. He won Nov SBK. Doug's and TJ's bikes slaughter it in a straight line. Plainly seen.

And what's your point? Tyler's R1 is what I would consider "modern". USD forks, radial brakes, etc. Chassis matters more than HP.

HP at Grand Bend doesn't mean much. Tony Lanni's ZX6R was probably 50hp down on my ZX10R in the 2012 season. I guess my bike just won those races and my riding had nothing to do with it.
Thanks Ken.

Much appreciated.

But, you are smart enough to know to make a class that is good for the Series and sport so that we have big grids. Not just to accommodate 1 race team.

I am just remembering the ARL round at CSBK where they fielded some 21 bikes in the 250 cc class. Biggest grid they have. Most entertaining to watch too in my opinion.

I have in the past bought an additional bike that my kids were on just so I could join and we could field a grid. Letting them have an additional class available like the RACE Sportsman Lightweight was a nice bonus.

There is a small bore class in the plans not sure of a name yet. It will be a catch all for all the little bikes. You guys did come up in the conversation and we are altering my original Lightweight Superbike to include a small bore production option just for this scenario (Chris's idea just with you and your boys in mind). Its still a work in progress so I dont have details on how exactly it will work but likely a multi scoring scenario. So you will see a very liberal set of mod rules for bikes like the new 250-500 and older 400s-650 twins. Included with a separate set of restricted mod rules for say 500 and down (think production). Something along those lines should work for all the smaller stuff. SOAR will continue with NuSpeed but as its not points paying anyway it will not be a championship class. BTW we are going this week to pick up the new timing hardware.
Last edited: you got my point Tim. I am saying Ty still won on the slower, less sophisticated bike. The bike means alot less than the why is everyone so up in arms about minor differences in bikes allowed in a class? A rider on an 03 R6 could easily beat a rider on an 05 CBR 600. We aren't talking about allowing 1000's in 600......they are saying MAYBE 2 yr newer 600's will be allowed. That's minor isn't it?

If we were trying to keep Lost Era as a "not what is considered modern" class, then we would need to what? Make it a carbed only class or something like that?
Last edited: you got my point Tim. The bike means alot less than the why is everyone so up in arms about minor differences? We aren't talking about allowing 1000's in 600......they are saying MAYBE 2 yr newer 600's will be allowed. That's minor isn't it?

I'm only going to write this one more time, Scott. Actually I'm done with this thread after this post. I'll let the SOAR circle jerk continue.

The difference between 10-12 years allows more bikes that are part of the modern sport bike era. When you compare a true lost era bike, something with considerably less new technology, to a modern bike there is a definite competitive advantage (or disadvantage). Further, changing the rules from 12 to 10 years (if it does happen) this close to the start of the riding season when several riders have invested in new bikes, the bikes they feel will offer them the best chance at a championship, is a pretty big kick in the crotch.

Guys I love all of your passion I really do (on both sides) The ONLY reason that I am in this discussion is to try and get out as much as I can as early as I can. I know it messes with people and I am sorry I really am. However the mission ahead remains the same. We have no choice about doing this. Could SOAR continue as is , sure. But its necessary for the sport and especially RACEs survival.As many of you I have zero motivation regarding monetary gain from racing. It has to be self sufficient but in the end my ONLY motive is to move my loved sport for 30 years forward, you may agree or you may not with my position on things but please know my heart is in it. I truly believe that this is going to be great for everyone in the long run. I am learning tons for all of your comments and am sure many of these will be considered and influential in how we move forward. We are a very small group doing a very specialized thing. Everyones opinion counts and has some merit regardless of how I feel or anyone else. So forchristsake hug and move on :D Please keep the comments coming I will come as often as I can and will answer as much as I can. If it turns into ugly I am not interested and will bail leaving everyone to speculate until it all is just released and done. you got my point Tim. I am saying Ty still won on the slower, less sophisticated bike. The bike means alot less than the why is everyone so up in arms about minor differences? A rider on an 03 R6 could easily beat a rider on an 05 CBR 600. We aren't talking about allowing 1000's in 600......they are saying MAYBE 2 yr newer 600's will be allowed. That's minor isn't it?

I'm up in arms because the basket I put my eggs in for this season was based upon a certain set of rules (you're right, I didn't commit to all rounds last season, having a baby took up a bit of my numbers time and money, I will try to be more committed next time so my opinion will be valid) and those ruled could potenrially change. Is it a minor change? In your eyes maybe, but not in my eyes. And so what if it's minor as you say, it's a potential change four months before the season thay could affect the results next season. Period.

Just because I voice my opinion on issues, doesn't mean I don't appreciate everything Ken/SOAR does to give us the race series. I do, very much so. But in the end I am a paying customer.
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I guess my motivation for racing in Lost Era was to race the bikes I loved and wished I had when I was younger. I didn't want to have to buy a new bike every 3 yrs. I signed up and knew I was gonna race in Lost Era, even before I had the bike, and even when I began, I didn't bring a bike nearly as new as the rules allowed. I wasn't worried about the bike itself being my competetive advantage. This thread is showing I am a minority in this thinking I guess.
The riders who are in Lost Era, generally are an easy bunch to please. The weekend my original bike burnt up, I was loaned a bike to finish the weekend. It wasn't Lost Era legal, but was close. I walked around to the other riders and asked if it would be a problem, and offered not to ride if it was. All I got was laughter and pats on the back, and loud "It's not like you can ride the burnt one! Bring out whatever. It's Lost Era-we are the fun bunch", LOL
Maybe I am still stuck back there. Hell I just sold a competetive Lost Era bike, to replace it with a slower one that is 75 lbs heavier,LOL
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This is what makes things hard. Ken has taken the time to more or less make the biggest news in our world in 15 years.
RACE has taken upon them selves to entertain and work with SOAR. Anybody ,,anybody have any idea how pivotal this is?
Anybody have any idea what an "EASTERN CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP" might be worth in the future?
You have a complete disaster of rules and classes across Canada! Sadly you need to crack a few eggs to make an omelette!
Yes some of you will be caught in the change over. You won't be the first and certainly will not be the last! It's not personal it's
life in this sport! Just like in the past RACE and SOAR will have to adjust things to accommodate people as they can.
Then when done it will be easier and simpler.
But for those that don't know,,Ken pretty much changed the platform schedules and changes are done. Prior to Ken,, you would be lucky
and happy to get a month to schedule and changes! No JOKE either! So getting four months notice is a credit to Ken and changes he has
made happen.
Lets look at the good side,,we have four months to sort this out! I think it's awesome!
Good job SOAR and RACE. Lets get ASM going and then work on Shuby and out west!
It was mostly pointed at me
No....Me. I dragged omni into the thread. I kinda feel that the grids will go the other way. " I cant compete against the newer why bother" is a more likely scenario. A LOT of LE riders upgraded to 03 generation 600's this year. I don't believe its right to change it on such short notice.

And Scott, I didn't mean to drag you into this, and you do incredibly well on a very on a shoestring budget. But when you started SFK the 929 was state of the art in the GTU class.
No....Me. I dragged omni into the thread. I kinda feel that the grids will go the other way. " I cant compete against the newer why bother" is a more likely scenario. A LOT of LE riders upgraded to 03 generation 600's this year. I don't believe its right to change it on such short notice.

Yeah, how many guys from last year who didn't upgrade will be out? The guys who would have only been one gen behind would be two behind.
I think the consensus to keep Lost Era light/heavy at 12 years has been heard ... can we stop arguing about something that is likely a foregone conclusion ... ? ? ? Going with RACE's 10 years will screw more people than going with SOAR's 12 years. Done.

As for the TRUE lightweight bikes (Not 600s), that's where there is substantial difference between RACE and SOAR. RACE has what is now called Lightweight Sportsman but is really a LW Superbike class (no bike age restriction, only displacement and cylinder configurations etc) and my bike is competitive in that class. The only places I can go into in SOAR are Vintage where I'm not competitive due to no displacement break, and Lost Era Light where I'm not competitive because everyone else has 50% more power minimum. And yet look which series I did.

I hear where bakaboy is coming from, and a decent place to put the various newer 250 300 and 390 along with older 350 400 and 500 would be a good thing to have. I would do it if it were available. On the other hand, it's another race in the schedule unless it takes the place of something else, and I hear that, too. If Vintage stays as it is then I'll continue doing that. Whatever. I'm good as long as there's someplace to be.

Would it be appropriate to replace Formula 2 Stroke with this new proposed class? I can tell you who won't be happy right now ... the two riders who actually participate using proper 250 GP bikes. It also runs on track together with Vintage ...
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