No, but the unit itself could be GPS equipped.
You are correct -- the devices are equipped with GPS and an accelerometer.
No, but the unit itself could be GPS equipped.
One word. Greed. Insurance in this province is the biggest joke going. It's a shame someone can't jump in and tell these scammers that's enough. Insurance should be based on you individually. Not your demographic, where you live etc etc. This brilliant box idea is only to make them more money by finding every reason under the sun to charge you more for insurance.
Sent from my piss poor iPhone while sitting on my squidly gixxxxxxxxer sippin on kool aid
You contradict yourself -- you want to be rated on your own driving characteristics, yet you don't want a device that will report your driving characteristics to the insurer.
You contradict yourself -- you want to be rated on your own driving characteristics, yet you don't want a device that will report your driving characteristics to the insurer.
Out of curiosity, If someone does something stupid around you and you have to take evasive maneuvers to avoid a collision does it count against you (swerving/braking too hard)? Watched a kid on a skateboard ride straight across the road (not at an intersection) without looking and the car in front had to slam his brakes on to avoid killing him, would that car be penalized? The system seems flawed.
Wonder what they would do if you installed one of these things and then somehow tricked it into thinking you just continually drive at a 50 kph speed? heh
Out of curiosity, If someone does something stupid around you and you have to take evasive maneuvers to avoid a collision does it count against you (swerving/braking too hard)? Watched a kid on a skateboard ride straight across the road (not at an intersection) without looking and the car in front had to slam his brakes on to avoid killing him, would that car be penalized? The system seems flawed.
Wonder what they would do if you installed one of these things and then somehow tricked it into thinking you just continually drive at a 50 kph speed? heh
GPS signals are VERY difficult to generate. You could "record" a route say to/from work, drive flawless speed limit, super smooth braking and acceleration, then just "play it back" every time you drive to work. That's the only way I could see any emulation type of device working.If insurance rates start to drastically drop because of these, hooking up a GPS emulator and OBDii emulator to "drive" your car around in safe neigbhourhoods between 10:00 and 14:00 won't be far behind. Then the companies will abandon the devices (like alladvantage paying you to watch ads while you used your computer, emulators were available almost immediately and alladvantage was bankrupt within a year [good money went to the participants during that year though]).
Wonder what they would do if you installed one of these things and then somehow tricked it into thinking you just continually drive at a 50 kph speed? heh
I just had another thought today. It wouldn't be hard for the insurance company to add an algorithm that detects accidents (ie. acceleration >1g followed by a period of not moving). That would give them data on how many fender-benders go unreported. As they would have difficulty proving an accident happened, I don't know if this could affect rates, but it could definitely help their data on accidents within a postal code.
Fender benders aren't likely to involve forces above one g. Probably almost every crash of that magnitude gets reported.
No contradiction. I have a clean record. Doesn't mean I'm an angel 100% of the time I'm out. Means time and a place has worked out for me since 1994. Your black box would screw me just like a ticket. Insurance in Ontario is already a scam. There will never be any such device on any vehicle I own to help make the issue of people getting screwed over everyday worse.