i think the main issue is the speed limits, and what the police are enforcing.
when average traffic flows are generally 20-25kmh above the limits, that indicates in a 60 zone where everyone is doing 80-85... well then the limit should be 80. or on highways where majority are going 130-140 with the left lane left open because everyone is frightnened of making a pass and getting hit with a 50 over.... the limit should be 130.
the black box just doesn't make sense so long as the LAWS dont' make sense.
also, im confused how insurance can penalize for speeding when traffic flow itself (meaning EVERYONE - maybe aside from the corolla in the passing lane doing 10 under current limit) is speeding. basically we are being considered hazards for going with the whats right instead of the archaic speed limits.
speed doesn't kill. stupid kills. change enforcement to include "unsafe lane change", "restricting traffic flow - which i believe should be careless driving", or "not using mirrors", "making a right turn on major intersection when vehicles approaching" etc....
how can one respect laws that don't respect the people they are supposed to serve??
how do you follow laws that just don't apply?? yet there is the fear of penalty.
im not a crazy guy weaving in and out of traffic. maintained clean record for a decade. but i realzie at any moment i couldve been hit with a few minors or a major simply for driving like the majority of everyone else.
a bit of a rant... i do apologize angry9:
the black box just does not apply. who here actually does 60kmh in a 60 zone?? or 100-115 on highway??
frankly no passes would be made and there would be even worst traffic.
if that was the case, in a 60 limit zone, right lane should be doing 40-50 and left lane 60 just to allow for flow. and that just is not the case.
or on highway, right lane then should be 60-70, middle lane 80-90 so the left lane can pass at the 100kmh. doesn't make sense.