So many accidents already.

Cell phones have screwed things up for us.
No one in charge seems to care about doing anything about it .
You are never going to stop people from texting, or drinking and driving. I think if you had the death penalty for texting and driving or drinking and driving people would still do both.
Also, I don't know why they design intersections so that you can't see oncoming traffic when making a left hand turn. Stagger the damn lanes.
That's the worst-part about a right-hand drive car. Left's at intersections with oncoming traffic waiting to turn is pucker inducing. If it's decently busy, I just wait for cars to stop for yellow and then go around.
You are never going to stop people from texting, or drinking and driving. I think if you had the death penalty for texting and driving or drinking and driving people would still do both.

Some people yes, but education and MADD ads re drinking and driving has had an impact on some drivers, as has increased enforcement.

I'm a strong believer in the 80/20 or 90/10 rule that says that 80 - 90% of issues stem from 10 - 20% of the population.

If you have a hard core drinker who has had a few accidents and DUI's convictions you need to change laws so that this person is stripped of their license, cannot own or register a motor vehicle and that everyone living with him/her has to have a vehicle with an interlock device it might help to remove a chronic offender from the roads. Also include vehicle forfeiture laws so that anyone loaning a restricted driver a vehicle without an interlock will be subject to fines and vehicle seizure or forfeiture. Focus more resources on the hard core offenders and continue with education and enforcement for the balance of people.

Same thing with texting or using a cellphone. If you're in a accident law enforcement should have the right to access your records to determine if you were texting or not using the handsfree feature of the cellphone at the time of the accident, in particular if you're the sole occupant of a vehicle. Mask the contents of the text message or whatever, no one cares what/who you were saying or texting, it's the act itself that is an issue.
Also, I don't know why they design intersections so that you can't see oncoming traffic when making a left hand turn. Stagger the damn lanes.

People also love to pull to the outside of the lane to take a wide turn for some reason. As if the car can't make the turn unless they almost merge into the other lane. Happens so often, I don't think people realize they're turning the wheel the wrong way.
I love the new intersections that they are installing in Stouffville -- roundabouts! Traffic slows to a manageable speed, anyone inept enough to fail navigating a roundabout will only cause a minor accident.

Here's my favorite texting while driving pic, a friend's 24 year old son. The young rider was stopped behind several cars on Markham Rd, the pickup driver behind the bike was sending an important message on his phone.

I love the new intersections that they are installing in Stouffville -- roundabouts! Traffic slows to a manageable speed, anyone inept enough to fail navigating a roundabout will only cause a minor accident.

Here's my favorite texting while driving pic, a friend's 24 year old son. The young rider was stopped behind several cars on Markham Rd, the pickup driver behind the bike was sending an important message on his phone.

View attachment 40625
How's the son???
I love the new intersections that they are installing in Stouffville -- roundabouts! Traffic slows to a manageable speed, anyone inept enough to fail navigating a roundabout will only cause a minor accident.
I dunno I find it doesn't matter what type of infrasture is put in place there will always be dumb dumbs who either don't pay attention or don't know what they are doing. I was behind someone up around blue mountian where there is a round about. The person in front was going slow, then slower and hesitant, there was plenty of space to merge, but nope, they decided to stop before entering the round about. Nearly locked up the rear wheel.
I love the new intersections that they are installing in Stouffville -- roundabouts! Traffic slows to a manageable speed, anyone inept enough to fail navigating a roundabout will only cause a minor accident.

Here's my favorite texting while driving pic, a friend's 24 year old son. The young rider was stopped behind several cars on Markham Rd, the pickup driver behind the bike was sending an important message on his phone.

View attachment 40625
You obviously haven't been T-boned in a roundabout yet?!?
How would a T-bone happen in a roundabout? Sideswipe, yes, but roundabouts make it essentially impossible to turn left in front of oncoming traffic (the situation that is the worst one for motorcyclists at traditional intersections) and they force everyone to slow down, while not forcing anyone to stop unless there is actually other traffic inside the roundabout.
How would a T-bone happen in a roundabout? Sideswipe, yes, but roundabouts make it essentially impossible to turn left in front of oncoming traffic (the situation that is the worst one for motorcyclists at traditional intersections) and they force everyone to slow down, while not forcing anyone to stop unless there is actually other traffic inside the roundabout.
Although not a T-bone, head on happens in roundabouts. I've seen some come close when the municipality insists on some giant thing in the centre. Normally planting, but I've seen stone work. You don't have visibility to the other side and people screw up and go left resulting in a blind head-on crash. The urban design people need to get their heads out of their ***** and leave clear sight lines.
How would a T-bone happen in a roundabout? Sideswipe, yes, but roundabouts make it essentially impossible to turn left in front of oncoming traffic (the situation that is the worst one for motorcyclists at traditional intersections) and they force everyone to slow down, while not forcing anyone to stop unless there is actually other traffic inside the roundabout.
Someone coming in, arbitrarily decides that you're exiting where they're entering, and runs into the side of you as you're going by to the next exit. I've also seen people make a left turn into one. i.e. go the wrong way through.
Tbh, I think only education is the way to go. Like we did with the smoking population. We need hard driving tests like in Europe.
Although not a T-bone, head on happens in roundabouts. I've seen some come close when the municipality insists on some giant thing in the centre. Normally planting, but I've seen stone work. You don't have visibility to the other side and people screw up and go left resulting in a blind head-on crash. The urban design people need to get their heads out of their ***** and leave clear sight lines.
The ones around here swing all traffic to the right, there's no way to go backward through making a head on extremely unlikely. I always wondered about the raised centers too -- apparently raising the center keeps driver's eyes looking in the direction they are going rather than on what's happening up the road or the other side of the roundabout -- supposed to be a slowing and safety feature.
One of the main criteria for designing a round about is to place some sort of plantings , raised median etc in the middle of the roundabout so that a driver entering the roundabout is only focusing on the vehicle to their left before they either yield or merge. You are not supposed to be looking through a round about . The raised median with plantings etc is there to intentionally slow you down before you enter.

With regards to the comment on the left turn lanes. We are starting to use the offset left option more. What happens is we introduce a undivided median between the through traffic and left turn lanes. What this does is ensure that if you have opposing left turns they will now be offset from each other and the left turning vehicle now has a clear sightline to approaching traffic. We use these alot at intersections that are on a horizontal curve and I am pushing to use them more even at straight intersections.
How would a T-bone happen in a roundabout? Sideswipe, yes, but roundabouts make it essentially impossible to turn left in front of oncoming traffic (the situation that is the worst one for motorcyclists at traditional intersections) and they force everyone to slow down, while not forcing anyone to stop unless there is actually other traffic inside the roundabout.

You've lived in Brampton for how long?.. and you still doubt it could happen!
Put a roundabout around here and someone will drive the wrong way around it.. or straight through/over it.
Brings back memories. I lived at the foot of Windermere as a kid, walked by that intersection (before it became a traffic circle) on my way to Swansea PS every day. Was a pretty grungy area back then. Ensign Motors across the street, Stelco to the south. Nicely gentrified now.
That's the worst-part about a right-hand drive car. Left's at intersections with oncoming traffic waiting to turn is pucker inducing. If it's decently busy, I just wait for cars to stop for yellow and then go around.
That's what i was doing 10 years ago with my JDM MR2 lol!
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