Smoking pot in a condo

Wow, even in a condo there are people who doob?

This again justifies why you should try your absolute best to move to the most upscale (RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE) neighborhood.
all this because you're worried about the re-sale value of a condo in Burlington ?

dude, its burlington. it wont matter.

its like thinking having a nice lawn will get you a better price for a place in Hamilton.
Solve this problem by buying your neighbour a vaporizer.
dude, it is illegal. I will not tolerate illegal drugs in my appt.
weren't you crying asking mods to delete your account?

GTAM is like hotel California
Haven't read through all the posts...

I had a similar problem in my condo. My neighbour smokes and it got out into the hallway. The condo bylaws state that your enjoyment of your unit may not infringe on the enjoyment of other tenants. This includes loud music, and smells.

The problem is a little bit clouded because most newer condo's are supposed to work on forced air principle where the air blows from the hallways into the units eliminating smoke and cooking odours. However, if the resident has their window open, often the smoke will go from the unit into the hallway. My neighbour was trying to do a good thing by opening his window when he had smoke, but was actually creating a problem for everyone else.

Solutions: Try talking with him, try writing the anonymous letter or go straight to the property management office, but they may threaten with legal action right away instead of being polite about it. I would always talk to someone about it first and if it fails to produce results then deal with the property management. I find that most people are very reasonable when I am to them...
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Kinda find it odd that people can smoke in appartment buildings and condos. Yea, it's your own unit and whatever but isn't everyone sharing the air in there? Everyone should be going out side to smoke whether it's smokes or weed. Common curtisy I think.

There is supposed to be a postive pressure in the corridor. As for having an open window and that creating the problem for everyone else, it depends on what side of the building they are and how the wind blows. Each side of the building handles it differently and the right side with actually pull air out.

So happy I didnt use the building sciences class to nap like everyone else.

I am in a similar boat with neighbours stinking up the hallways. I have no prob with pot, heck I grew up in BC. My dealer was a cop. My prob is now that I am trying to get to the states. If I get turned away at the border because they can detect it on me somehow I will be one ****** off girly. And considering they are able to trace back further and further. I don't want to be associated with the stuff.

Talk to the people and if it doesnt stop approach building management. Let the contact to the police be the decision they make.
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