Shooting in Connecticut

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Debate requires some intelligent thought. Some of this back and forth trolling is pretty fun but you've not posted anything substantial about this subject. You're not debating, bro, you're trolling.

And don't buy a gun, you'll probably shoot yourself ... you don't sound like someone who could handle the responsibility.
Seems like a good time to slide in latest piece Jan 15th from Sowell

Jan. 15, 2013
Do Gun Control Laws Control Guns?
By Thomas Sowell

"The gun control controversy is only the latest of many issues to be debated almost solely in terms of fixed preconceptions, with little or no examination of hard facts.
Media discussions of gun control are dominated by two factors: the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment. But the over-riding factual question is whether gun control laws actually reduce gun crimes in general or murder rates in particular.
If, as gun control advocates claim, gun control laws really do control guns and save lives, there is nothing to prevent repealing the Second Amendment, any more than there was anything to prevent repealing the Eighteenth Amendment that created Prohibition.
But, if the hard facts show that gun control laws do not actually control guns, but instead lead to more armed robberies and higher murder rates after law-abiding citizens are disarmed, then gun control laws would be a bad idea, even if there were no Second Amendment and no National Rifle Association.
The central issue boils down to the question: What are the facts? Yet there are many zealots who seem utterly unconcerned about facts or about their own lack of knowledge of facts.
There are people who have never fired a shot in their life who do not hesitate to declare how many bullets should be the limit to put into a firearm's clip or magazine. Some say ten bullets but New York state's recent gun control law specifies seven.

Virtually all gun control advocates say that 30 bullets in a magazine is far too many for self-defense or hunting — even if they have never gone hunting and never had to defend themselves with a gun. This uninformed and self-righteous dogmatism is what makes the gun control debate so futile and so polarizing.
Anyone who faces three home invaders, jeopardizing himself or his family, might find 30 bullets barely adequate. After all, not every bullet hits, even at close range, and not every hit incapacitates. You can get killed by a wounded man.
These plain life-and-death realities have been ignored for years by people who go ballistic when they hear about how many shots were fired by the police in some encounter with a criminal. As someone who once taught pistol shooting in the Marine Corps, I am not the least bit surprised by the number of shots fired. I have seen people miss a stationary target at close range, even in the safety and calm of a pistol range.
We cannot expect everybody to know that. But we can expect them to know that they don't know — and to stop spouting off about life-and-death issues when they don't have the facts.
The central question as to whether gun control laws save lives or cost lives has generated many factual studies over the years. But these studies have been like the proverbial tree that falls in an empty forest, and has been heard by no one — certainly not by zealots who have made up their minds and don't want to be confused by the facts.
Most factual studies show no reduction in gun crimes, including murder, under gun control laws. A significant number of studies show higher rates of murder and other gun crimes under gun control laws.
How can this be? It seems obvious to some gun control zealots that, if no one had guns, there would be fewer armed robberies and fewer people shot to death.
But nothing is easier than to disarm peaceful, law-abiding people. And nothing is harder than to disarm people who are neither — especially in a country with hundreds of millions of guns already out there, that are not going to rust away for centuries.
When it was legal to buy a shotgun in London in the middle of the 20th century, there were very few armed robberies there. But, after British gun control zealots managed over the years to disarm virtually the entire law-abiding population, armed robberies became literally a hundred times more common. And murder rates rose.
One can cherry-pick the factual studies, or cite some studies that have subsequently been discredited, but the great bulk of the studies show that gun control laws do not in fact control guns. On net balance, they do not save lives but cost lives.
Gun control laws allow some people to vent their emotions, politicians to grandstand and self-righteous people to "make a statement" — but all at the cost of other people's lives."

Debate requires some intelligent thought. Some of this back and forth trolling is pretty fun but you've not posted anything substantial about this subject. You're not debating, bro, you're trolling.

And don't buy a gun, you'll probably shoot yourself ... you don't sound like someone who could handle the responsibility.

Thanks for calling me "bro" bro is there also a secret handshake? Gawd I hope there's a secret handshake. This is gonna be great. Will I have to ride the pine or can I start blasting right off the hop? I hope there's no "cool down" period. I wanna practice twirling my gun asap.
here's the thing johnp....i don't need facts to not like something, i just don't like it. eg. i don't know the stats on street racing deaths or anything related to street racing but i don't like street racing, so sue me.....guy rips down MY street where MY children play @buck 60 on VMax i don't care/know what the stats/facts are, i don't have to like it and i want to stop him from doing it....
Fear is wanting to ban firearms, don't kid yourself. You're afraid.

No other explanation for grown men being so vehemently against firearms. I use the term 'men' loosely in this case.

Imagine two guys.

One lives in a concrete bunker, armed to the teeth, alarms, cameras, attack dogs, barbed wire fence, security patrol.

The other never locks his doors, doesn't own a weapon, not even a baseball bat. Wouldn't know how to swing it anyways. Welcomes strangers into his home, leaves his valuables lying out in plain sight.

Which one is most afraid?
Seems like a good time to slide in latest piece Jan 15th from Sowell

Jan. 15, 2013
Do Gun Control Laws Control Guns?
By Thomas Sowell

He talks facts, but I've shown you facts.

It's easy to state something without corresponding evidence. I'd be glad to show you why he's wrong but I can't because he doesn't cite his sources. In fact, most of his spiel is filled with the standard pro-gun blather about weapons specifications, tactical methods, comparisons between neighbouring town, and anecdotal evidence. Where are his facts?
Imagine two guys.

One lives in a concrete bunker, armed to the teeth, alarms, cameras, attack dogs, barbed wire fence, security patrol.

The other never locks his doors, doesn't own a weapon, not even a baseball bat. Wouldn't know how to swing it anyways. Welcomes strangers into his home, leaves his valuables lying out in plain sight.

Which one is most afraid?

So Bunker Bob "accidentally" shoots Wimpy William and now has 2 bunkers.
How ya like me now, says Bunker Bob.

It's hard to have a mass killing spree with a knife or musket.
No guns = no bullets = nobody being killed by bullets from guns.
Imagine two guys.

One lives in a concrete bunker, armed to the teeth, alarms, cameras, attack dogs, barbed wire fence, security patrol.

The other never locks his doors, doesn't own a weapon, not even a baseball bat. Wouldn't know how to swing it anyways. Welcomes strangers into his home, leaves his valuables lying out in plain sight.

Which one is most afraid?

Guy #3, the one who wants to take away others' freedom to defend themselves because of an irrational fear of inanimate objects.

Unless of course you consider someone who keeps an extinguisher in the house to be in constant fear of fire.... then I suppose we're all afraid.
So Bunker Bob "accidentally" shoots Wimpy William and now has 2 bunkers.
How ya like me now, says Bunker Bob.

It's hard to have a mass killing spree with a knife or musket.
No guns = no bullets = nobody being killed by bullets from guns.

10 million guns in Canada, 300 million in the USA. I like your Utopian fantasy as much as I like the idea of living in a house made of chocolate and strippers.... but reality gets in the way.
here's the thing johnp....i don't need facts to not like something, i just don't like it. eg. i don't know the stats on street racing deaths or anything related to street racing but i don't like street racing, so sue me.....guy rips down MY street where MY children play @buck 60 on VMax i don't care/know what the stats/facts are, i don't have to like it and i want to stop him from doing it....

May be time to get a better job and move away from your area if you have guys running up and down the street with AR15s!!! That sounds terrible, your poor children :(
Are the Russians coming? Anyone know which gun will take out a soviet helicopter? Help me I'm scared.
i don't need facts to not like something, i just don't like it.

And you have the right to not like anything. A normal person would just stay out of until it effects them like your noisy bike comparison. In that case the noisy bike is actually doing something that effects you. If it's speeding through your neighborhood then that individual is breaking a law and putting people at risk.

Questions is, you like motorcycles even though you give examples of how they effect you and then don't like guns with no example of how a gun owner effects you. Why?

It's kinda strange. Or just sad if it's the typical reason.

I know a few examples of people that take their dislike of things further, like you are doing here. Trolling, baiting, acting like a child to get a reaction or attention. Insulting people in hopes that they respond to you etc.

You remind me of the Christians most. They move into a homosexual neighborhood and then start campaigning against homosexuals. On the basis of, not understanding them I guess. Ignorance. They try everything they can to get them out of (ironically) their neighborhood and yell things like "they are a threat to our children".

Oh well. Narrow minded people that have to hate others to feel like they have some worth are common.

They usually seek out confrontation on the internet because their fear is being caught face to face with the people they throw insults at so the keyboard is their safety buffer. Usually the more ready to argue with anyone types are in fact the biggest social failures and this is all they have.

Spew your crap all you want here. After this post I won't be able to read it anymore so unless you're quoted, I guess that's the last I'll hear from you.

Good luck with your fear and hate.
Debate requires some intelligent thought. Some of this back and forth trolling is pretty fun but you've not posted anything substantial about this subject. You're not debating, bro, you're trolling.

May be time to get a better job and move away from your area if you have guys running up and down the street with AR15s!!! That sounds terrible, your poor children :(

I bring it down to a level you might understand, still nothing. Who's the troll?
Are the Russians coming? Anyone know which gun will take out a soviet helicopter? Help me I'm scared.

Where are you getting this stuff from? Did someone mention an invasion or something? What other conclusion can I draw about you being in fear when you can't provide a coherent, mature argument to your stance on the subject.
And you have the right to not like anything. A normal person would just stay out of until it effects them like your noisy bike comparison. In that case the noisy bike is actually doing something that effects you. If it's speeding through your neighborhood then that individual is breaking a law and putting people at risk.

Questions is, you like motorcycles even though you give examples of how they effect you and then don't like guns with no example of how a gun owner effects you. Why?

It's kinda strange. Or just sad if it's the typical reason.

I know a few examples of people that take their dislike of things further, like you are doing here. Trolling, baiting, acting like a child to get a reaction or attention. Insulting people in hopes that they respond to you etc.

You remind me of the Christians most. They move into a homosexual neighborhood and then start campaigning against homosexuals. On the basis of, not understanding them I guess. Ignorance. They try everything they can to get them out of (ironically) their neighborhood and yell things like "they are a threat to our children".

Oh well. Narrow minded people that have to hate others to feel like they have some worth are common.

They usually seek out confrontation on the internet because their fear is being caught face to face with the people they throw insults at so the keyboard is their safety buffer. Usually the more ready to argue with anyone types are in fact the biggest social failures and this is all they have.

Spew your crap all you want here. After this post I won't be able to read it anymore so unless you're quoted, I guess that's the last I'll hear from you.

Good luck with your fear and hate.

"Shooting in Connecticut" is a pro gun thread? And I shouldn't post my opinions here? I'm having fun with this because the facts don't mean anything. Fact is a kid got shot and died over night. Does that fact mean anything? Is that going to change anybodys' mind about anything?

Your whole post is made from fabricated "insights". There's nothing of substance there. Is this the new thing, trolls calling good citizens trolls?
Nice that you're having fun in a thread about mass murder of children. Stay classy.
Doesn't take much to blindside a guy who makes such profoundly stupid statements as 'facts mean nothing'

Keep on being edgy, cool guy
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