*Shocking News: Reports of billions of dollars in ineligible COVID benefit payments

Hazel was a grifter like the rest of them. Doing everything to push along her son's (or son in law's) developments.

I also think I read somewhere she championed the Green Belt deal so her family could develop on it.

Each and every one of them is the same. If not at the start...then the end of their career.
True, at least she tried to be fiscally responsible with tax payers money. There was a time in Mississauga property taxes were not raised for several years.
True, at least she tried to be fiscally responsible with tax payers money. There was a time in Mississauga property taxes were not raised for several years.
Yes, by utilizing developer fees for growth...but once the developer fees dry up...the lack of property tax increases are going to really hurt the municipality.

No different than CoT or condo fees...do not allow for property / condo fee raises to keep the people happy...but eventually you have to, and it's a big painful blow to everyone. Instead of being fiscally responsible and ensuring the infrastructure is maintained properly with a PROPER management system.

And as @GreyGhost pointed out...let Bonnie deal with the fallout as Hazel is long gone from office.
The battle cry of no new taxes is pretty short sighted and the money has to come from somewhere. Yes there is also financial prudencey that can be applied to any project. But you can't suck and blow at the same time.
Yeah I wasn't sure exactly how effective the stragey was, but like @mimico_polak pointed out all these politicians are the same in the end, just scumbags (my words), rigging the system for their own benefits. I really need a gov job to reap the rewards and do nothing.....
An alternative viewpoint was she was the godfather of the municipal ponzi scheme. Punt expenses so you are loved now, get out before the scheme collapses.
St Marys had a "Mr Zero" who didn't raise taxes for a number of years and now we're paying for the stuff he scrimped on.
St Marys had a "Mr Zero" who didn't raise taxes for a number of years and now we're paying for the stuff he scrimped on.
Any politician that doesn't raise taxes at least in line with inflation shows how crooked they are. They all complain that there are no efficiencies or redundancies to be found and in general public sector wages increase faster than inflation so how could they possibly advocate for an increase below inflation (unless they are punting)? You can punt in extraordinary circumstances but not every year. You are just adding interest to the debt (or alternatively increasing the cost of delayed projects often exponentially). You only need to find a small percentage of dumb voters that don't understand this concept and you are golden. Zero percent increase, free money for all.
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Any politician that doesn't raise taxes at least in line with inflation shows how crooked they are. They all complain that there are no efficiencies or redundancies to be found and in general public sector wages increase faster than inflation so how could they possibly advocate for an increase below inflation (unless they are punting)? You can punt in extraordinary circumstances but not every year. You are just adding interest to the debt (or alternatively increasing the cost of delayed projects often exponentially). You only need to find a small percentage of dumb voters that don't understand this concept and you are golden. Zero percent increase, free money for all.
I've seen reports that say our taxes should be double to be self sustaining.
Yes, by utilizing developer fees for growth...but once the developer fees dry up...the lack of property tax increases are going to really hurt the municipality.

No different than CoT or condo fees...do not allow for property / condo fee raises to keep the people happy...but eventually you have to, and it's a big painful blow to everyone. Instead of being fiscally responsible and ensuring the infrastructure is maintained properly with a PROPER management system.

And as @GreyGhost pointed out...let Bonnie deal with the fallout as Hazel is long gone from office.
New condos are cheap to maintain so until the units were sold fees were low. Once the units were sold and wear and tear kicked in fees went up.

With my industrial condo the property manager told me the books looked good so we could lower the fees. I said go the other way, COLA at least. I'd rather brag about our reserve fund than beg for a special assessment.

In a residential condo, a fat reserve fund adds to the value of the unit if the buyer has brains.
Yeah I wasn't sure exactly how effective the stragey was, but like @mimico_polak pointed out all these politicians are the same in the end, just scumbags (my words), rigging the system for their own benefits. I really need a gov job to reap the rewards and do nothing.....
I knew a guy that ran for MPP and won. I truly believe he was honest and clear thinking with the well being of his constituents first in mind. He was also a born again Christian.

I don't know what happen during his term and if the scars on his hands and feet have healed from where the system nailed him to reality. One of the few people on the planet that could understand what Jesus went through.
Another “oooops” (fraud) situation. With no apparent consequences like usual

If you detect in my posts, a certain distaste for civil servants, let me try to explain. Ms Crescenzi, to me came across well, not that I like the present state of affairs with regards to the questionable employees.

However those alleged cheaters belong to a massive union and have a massive war chest to support any legal challenge to their solidarity.

Even if the majority of the members don't support the spending of resources, union management pumps the fight by the "What if they were picking on you?" line. Solidarity is everything. If the game is upped the costs, time and money, will be massive.

Terminated without a conviction by a court could mean a dismissal with compensation. That or a more expensive courtroom Chit show. The courtroom circus could have other people (Weasels) dragged into the fray and embarrassed. The weasels prefer a quiet exit and will reward those that leave without making a fuss.

Ms Crescenzi has to consider the above in her actions. The weasels are watching her as well. Blow the case and she becomes a file clerk.

It is far worse if a civil servant harms another civil servant because the victim, without union support, has to hire legal counsel to fight the massive legal brigade, taxpayer funded, of the government. Settlements are historically pathetic and the victim often loses their home.

How bad is this? The armed forces (The organization we trust to protect us from invading hordes) have given up trying to fix their own mess and are now relying on civilian courts. If it gets really ugly it goes nowhere because the military could be defined as having a collective agreement and the Supreme court kicks it back to arbitration. Let the chicken complain to the foxes.

In the early 1960's I met an ex-German soldier, a really decent likable guy. Twenty years earlier my uncles would have been trying to kill him. Similarly, if you're wearing a civil servant uniform expect to be treated like one.

I've also met some really good civil servants but I make no assumptions on the group as a whole.
When I worked for a big bank, we were prohibited from whistleblowing on customers unless we saw a pattern of large 'unusual transactions'. When CERB came in, there were thousands calling in looking for their deposits -- people that any banker could see had scammed the system. It was common for people to share their stories on how they 'qualified' themselves. Here were a few things I saw regularly:

* High school kids (15-18) who were 'coached' to file income tax for prior years showing $5000 CASH income from grass cutting and snow shoveling.
* Incarcerated people collecting CERB
* 'Consultants' were filing for Seniors, indigenous people, and foreign workers. They charged a hefty fee, a karge number.ber of the recipients were ineligible.
* Small businesses had a bonanza with CEMA interest free CEBA loans. I personally know dozens that arranged loans then immediately paid them back so the could pocket $20k forgivable part.
Another “oooops” (fraud) situation. With no apparent consequences like usual

That's 49 people in 1 govt dept. The CRA gas found plenty in their ranks too, so far they are 'handling things internally' (smells like a coverup).
This is my favorite part and why politicians are not trusted.
Fraud? no no no..... it was misrepresentation of their circumstances.
I'm pretty sure that is the dictionary definition of fraud.
An MP is not allowed to use the word "Lie" or "Liar" in the House. I guess they are expanding the zone.
This is my favorite part and why politicians are not trusted.
Fraud? no no no..... it was misrepresentation of their circumstances.
I'm pretty sure that is the dictionary definition of fraud.

Wait, is she saying the 49 cases in her employ were NOT referred to law enforcement and were treated as internal issue, but the 12000 other cases were referred to law enforcement?
Wait, is she saying the 49 cases in her employ were NOT referred to law enforcement and were treated as internal issue, but the 12000 other cases were referred to law enforcement?
Thou shall not shine any light on problems with government lest thou be cast out. Thou shall focus blame on innocent citizens if necessary to deflect blame and make the story focus on others.
When I worked for a big bank, we were prohibited from whistleblowing on customers unless we saw a pattern of large 'unusual transactions'. When CERB came in, there were thousands calling in looking for their deposits -- people that any banker could see had scammed the system. It was common for people to share their stories on how they 'qualified' themselves. Here were a few things I saw regularly:

* High school kids (15-18) who were 'coached' to file income tax for prior years showing $5000 CASH income from grass cutting and snow shoveling.
* Incarcerated people collecting CERB
* 'Consultants' were filing for Seniors, indigenous people, and foreign workers. They charged a hefty fee, a karge number.ber of the recipients were ineligible.
* Small businesses had a bonanza with CEMA interest free CEBA loans. I personally know dozens that arranged loans then immediately paid them back so the could pocket $20k forgivable part.

That's 49 people in 1 govt dept. The CRA gas found plenty in their ranks too, so far they are 'handling things internally' (smells like a coverup).
I was musing over whether the CRA gave a damn about people working for cash. I suppose it depends on how the number stack up.

Being retired I have a low tax rate so if a business owner wanted to put $1000 in spendable money in my hand they have to take of far more than the $1000 to cover their source deductions, If they were in the 40% bracket they would have to withdraw $1666 to give me $1000 after the government takes their cut. If they wrote me a cheque for $1666 out of the business it's a direct expense. I would pay a lot less than $666 in taxes.

It would be different if a low income earner paid a mechanic cash as the mechanics rate of income is higher. The mechanic gets paid the same only cutting the government out of the HST. The mechanic also ends up with more in his pocket. Win for everyone but the CRA.

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