Scotch anyone?

Not scotch, but I scored that elusive bottle over the holidays.


Not sure when I'll try it. There's no way it can live up to the hype.

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I included this along with the original Crown Royal with the others I recently mentioned. The "Rye" was quite decent but I didn't find it exceptional. Very smooth. I still found the original undrinkable.
Not scotch, but I scored that elusive bottle over the holidays.


Not sure when I'll try it. There's no way it can live up to the hype.

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Really?! At the queens quay location they had a whole pail of it at the entrance on the 24th. Oh well.
I'm getting in better shape so i'm toning down the drinking :( probably will just be a weekend thing now

Just picked myself up one of these at the duty-free shop for only $133 Canadian!
Apparantly while the Canadian vs US dollar is almost 1.3 to 1 (Canadian is 30% less now), at the duty free, the exchange rate is only 1.1 to 1 (only 10% less) which was amazing!
Really?! At the queens quay location they had a whole pail of it at the entrance on the 24th. Oh well.

It probably disappeared right after you walked past it. People are still buying it as soon as it hits shelves. Would like to keep one as a memento and drink one. Will try the Queens Quay location again this week.
It probably disappeared right after you walked past it. People are still buying it as soon as it hits shelves. Would like to keep one as a memento and drink one. Will try the Queens Quay location again this week.
You can always call... they're pretty helpful (they even brought a bottle for me to the front desk for pick up)
Nothing wrong with "Canadian Scotch" :-)

Let me know how this was?

I got one bottle of Northern Harvest Rye for Christmas, opened immediately and honestly it is good, but... nah, it is so over-hyped.

For example, I would not get out of my way to go searching for a bottle.
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For now, my Northern Harvest is sitting next to my limited-edition Collingwood 21yo Rye.

I don't even like rye that much.

Just had a glass, cold (with my cold steels) and you are right, much smoother.
From my beginner perspective, its smoother than the Jura origins BUT it's not as flavourful.
Taste is still great though. :) Thanks for the "recommendation"

Cheers! I used an LCBO gift card to buy the 12 y/o last night (couldn't find the 10 y/o at Steeles & Mavis)... I'll post here once I've tried it. It's noticeably more red in colour compared to the 10 y/o tho...

For now, my Northern Harvest is sitting next to my limited-edition Collingwood 21yo Rye.

I don't even like rye that much.


CR just dropped the price on their Monarch to $60 from $75 I believe - it's a pretty damn good rye. I agree the Harvest is overrated and prefer the CC 100% rye at that price point, which is mainly used for Manhattan duty.
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Canadian Single Malt.

Glen Breton also make a commemorative batch to honour one of the local fiddlers. Do not waste your money on it. It is a horrible product they should pull from the shelves.
Cheers! I used an LCBO gift card to buy the 12 y/o last night (couldn't find the 10 y/o at Steeles & Mavis)... I'll post here once I've tried it. It's noticeably more red in colour compared to the 10 y/o tho...

youre taking awfully long to drink some!
Any bourbon fans who would be interested in this? I found it when I was doing a clean out of the shed at my cottage. 50 ml Blanton.

I'm in Ajax - PM if interested.

"It's dead, Jim."

Kinda neat vintage artifact. There's always a jug of Blanton's in my cabinet. Pappy's is better, but the price is staggering.

Lol - understood. Just figured before I toss it, if there were any die-hard fans, they're welcome to add a dust-collector to their mantle.
My current weapons of choice:


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