Scheer resigns

Back to the original thread JT has a 26billion deficeit and is on his way to a 28billion deficiet in two years. His rational is to spend now while the economy is good to be set up for the downturn that always happens.
I always thought, if you thought a downturn was enevitable you tightened your belt and pulled back. Spending our way out of a potential recession.

Please Conservative leadership race, gives us a glimmer of hope.

Keynesian Economics are pretty straight forward
deficit spending during recession
cut back during boom times and crank up taxes
clear the deficit

maybe JT needs to go to London School of Economics (Socialist U)
like the old man did
Bill Morneau looked a little nervous delivering his latest economic update. It followed some dismal job loss numbers a few days ago. I think Morneau gets it, not sure if he has the type of spine necessary to do anything about it (like Martin, Flarety or Eves).

The troubling thing for me is the debt ratios are going up -- that means we are trading services for interest payments, kinda like increasing your VISA credit limit so you can run a higher balance.

Another fear is the Bloc and NDP have the Liberals by the nuts right now, the provinces are also preparing a gang battle for more money too. Trudeau's typical solution is exactly the same as one we came to know from Wynne/McGinty -- bust out another stack of the peoples money and toss it at the problem.
Imagine how many problems would be solved if we found a major cobalt or rare earth metal mine in Quebec.
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the chromite deposit in NW Ontario would be a game changer
largest untapped deposit in the world - Ring of Fire

location is the problem- 1,000 km from anything
no roads, no electricity, no people, no housing

Cliffs Natural Resources blew a billion dollars on permitting and geology etc and gave up
would employ about 1,000 people if it got going
Back to the original thread JT has a 26billion deficeit and is on his way to a 28billion deficiet in two years. His rational is to spend now while the economy is good to be set up for the downturn that always happens.
I always thought, if you thought a downturn was enevitable you tightened your belt and pulled back. Spending our way out of a potential recession.
I always thought (or should be) it was the other way around, tighten things or let it ride while the economy is roaring and spend when it isn't.
The thing that is, shall we say "interesting" right now is that Trump has kept policies in place that spur economic growth, including very low interest rates, and he hasn't exactly been operating a balanced budget, and he keeps clamoring for job creation despite the US having a very low unemployment rate. Probably this has delayed a slowdown - but when that slowdown inevitably happens, what can they do? Negative interest rates? Even more deficit spending? We have been tagging along for the ride.
the chromite deposit in NW Ontario would be a game changer
largest untapped deposit in the world - Ring of Fire

location is the problem- 1,000 km from anything
no roads, no electricity, no people, no housing

Cliffs Natural Resources blew a billion dollars on permitting and geology etc and gave up
would employ about 1,000 people if it got going

Chromite=chromium I guess? Is that a big market?

If we have semiconductor/electronics required metals or battery component metals we'd be really laughing.
Chromite=chromium I guess? Is that a big market?

If we have semiconductor/electronics required metals or battery component metals we'd be really laughing.

chrome yes, but demand for that has been declining

chromite is the stuff that makes stainless steel what it is
large demand and dwindling resources
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