Sat 12th May,Twisties-Scarb,HaltonHills,Hamilton,Niagara,PortDalhousie(S t.C)

Slogan you know me and I meant what I said I NEVER RACED and I NEVER WATCH RACING so because he states theses guys I am supposed to waste my time and google it dont know dont care.I ride on the street thats it and have no aspirations to race.To learn I watch guys like the assassin and maybe sonny the bull if he comes out.Im just being honest

Watching wont teach you anything. 1 day at race school or on the track with instruction will equal years of street riding.
Watching wont teach you anything. 1 day at race school or on the track with instruction will equal years of street riding.

No disrespect been riding 32 years and I am quick enough and I don't ride a true sport bike.,1/4 inch chicken strips left no strips right side
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Do you guys document eachothers chicken strips before the ride? I assume thats whats happening during the 1 hour posedown before the ride?
Do you guys document eachothers chicken strips before the ride? I assume thats whats happening during the 1 hour posedown before the ride?

its more of a minimum qualification... if you have more than an inch you cant come on the ride. except for me . i showed up with 2 inches but i'm badass.
Wanna hire the assassin for a private ride just the 3 of us? I heard theres happy endings...
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