Sat 12th May,Twisties-Scarb,HaltonHills,Hamilton,Niagara,PortDalhousie(S t.C)

Well it was my first ride out with the theassassin and I must say I had fun, I thought the ride was well ran, i appreciate the waiting at the stop signs. There where a few road rager's out there but that's not unusual. As I am sure it will get out about my almost kissing a tailgate that was no ones fault but my own, not sure why my brakes locked and stayed locked after I let off but in the end we all rode home. As for the wheelies well hey if you can and no one is going to get hurt I do not see the issue, I may not be pulling that rabbit out of my hat anytime soon but I can't begrudge anyone else a bit of fun. As for the speeds well if I wanted a sightseeing tour then I would cruise around with my mother and grandmother. All in all I had fun and look forward to the next one.

very well said Koodos to you
was anyone else de-hydrated. after the ride. when i got home i had a buzzing sensation allover. ended up drinking a bunch of water and passing out. already drank 4 liters of water.
Ok it's not a crash fest maybe but from the reports you are ridng at well over 200km and doing wheelies all over the place. if the people who joined your ride are lying to me and this is all untrue I apologise but why would they lie? If being the fastest in the parking lot is important knock yourself out , I'm just relaying what people on your ride said.

Never had that feedback till now, funny that it comes from someone who hasn't ridden with me! hahahaha!
Maybe I should make a few more Ducati remarks to make this thread get really long, that's still really the problem here isn't it?
Maybe you should check the posts from the people who have actually ridden with me, they all say something different and it tends to be positive, so prepare yourself! hahaha!
Not sure why you're saying all this but I ride the way I want, others are left to ride the way they want. I don't look for approval from anyone, especially keyboard tigers.

Not that you'd know, because you haven't actually attended one of my rides but at the outset I tell everyone I expect them to use their judgement when they come on a ride and they are welcome to leave at any time. I put it in the posts for the rides that I can point people to the highway at any time. If you don't like the way others riders ride, don't ride with them and don't try and go make an issue of it with someone elses supposed comments.
If you would take so much exception to the feeling that you would be pressured into trying to ride with the girls on their 599 Hornet and SV650 that were out with us today, then I'd advise that this ride would not be for you.
i was pretty thirsty as well, but more sore then anything by the time I got home.
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Never had that feedback till now, funny that it comes from someone who hasn't ridden with me! hahahaha!
Maybe I should make a few more Ducati remarks to make this thread get really long, that's still really the problem here isn't it?
Maybe you should check the posts from the people who have actually ridden with me, they all say something different and it tends to be positive, so prepare yourself! hahaha!
Not sure why you're saying all this but I ride the way I want, others are left to ride the way they want. I don't look for approval from anyone, especially keyboard tigers.

Not that you'd know, because you haven't actually attended one of my rides but at the outset I tell everyone I expect them to use their judgement when they come on a ride and they are welcome to leave at any time. I put it in the posts for the rides that I can point people to the highway at any time. If you don't like the way others riders ride, don't ride with them and don't try and go make an issue of it with someone elses supposed comments.
If you would take so much exception to the feeling that you would be pressured into trying to ride with the girls on their 599 Hornet and SV650 that were out with us today, then I'd advise that this ride would not be for you.

Like I said if the person who told me about your ride misinformed me I apologise. Not feeling pressured at all and don't care about Ducati comments so not sure what that means. I will join the rides so you can call me the keyboard tiger.
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"go your own pace". sounds easy but it will never be, especially when there is a pressure to catch up, and if you're newer to group riding.

you guys be careful out there.

Thanx for leading a fun ride.
Everyone seemed to appreciate that you stopped & waited at every Stop sign and turn in the route to ensure no one got lost. And no one expressed or showed any felling of pressure to keep up to or catch up to any front runner(s) if there were any on occassion.

The girls did just fine and did not ride beyond there comfort levels or desired levels.
"go your own pace". sounds easy but it will never be, especially when there is a pressure to catch up, and if you're newer to group riding.

you guys be careful out there.

If you have been following assassins rides and read his posts maybe not this particular one but he states minimum cc's 650 and no noobs so your statement doesn't fly.Of course on these rides which I have been on every one we have riders of varying abilities so find your appropriate slot in the pecking order and ride your own ride.We have yet to lose anyone on the ride maybe some drop out as they are not comfortable with the route or speed or whatever but hey to each their own.If i wanted to cruise I would've got a chrome couch.

was anyone else de-hydrated. after the ride. when i got home i had a buzzing sensation allover. ended up drinking a bunch of water and passing out. already drank 4 liters of water.

High altitude from being on the Ridge. Don't scuba dive today!
If you have been following assassins rides and read his posts maybe not this particular one but he states minimum cc's 650 and no noobs so your statement doesn't fly.Of course on these rides which I have been on every one we have riders of varying abilities so find your appropriate slot in the pecking order and ride your own ride.We have yet to lose anyone on the ride maybe some drop out as they are not comfortable with the route or speed or whatever but hey to each their own.If i wanted to cruise I would've got a chrome couch.

I've been on a ride with theasssasin, the nature of the rides hasn't exactly been kept a secret, well advertised the type of ride it's going to be. I don't like hooliganing so close to home in Niagara, where most of thassassin's rides end up, so I don't join up. He isn't advertising them as noob friendly, nor are the rides advertised to be kept to sub HTA 172 speeds, again, no surprises at the speeds. Wheelies, yes, he does them, and is a very skilled rider, no doubt. I hope nobody gets hurt trying to imitate, that's all.
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"go your own pace". sounds easy but it will never be, especially when there is a pressure to catch up, and if you're newer to group riding.

you guys be careful out there.

I always "go my own pace". Easily done because if I decide the group ride isn't for me, I'll just branch off and chart my own course thanks to on-board GPS (and healthy sense of adventure) :-)

by Ikan's report, it looked like the leader made an extra effort to keep the group together. :thumbup:
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What an ascending experience. Ha. Glad I stuck it out to the end and got a feel for the west side of T.O.

Assassin, thanx for setting this ride up. Have to do it again, cause I don't think I could find all those sweet twisties without ya. Still chuckling over the parking lot stories of everyone's take on this ride and reminiscing about previous ones.

I did you guys a favour. By making you wait up. Your adrenalin leveled out. But not your testosterone. ahhh it was wonderful watching all that talent.

Long day of great riding. Hope to ride with all of you again.
you can all say what you want no other rides compare after riding with the assassin been on other rides since and find myself branching off being bored and too slow.When I want to take it easy I'll ride by myself
"go your own pace". sounds easy but it will never be, especially when there is a pressure to catch up, and if you're newer to group riding.

you guys be careful out there.

At each stop sign or turn, we wait. When we leave the stop sign I disappear, no one has site of me so its not like I am "towing" or "leading" anyone into anything. They can't see me so there is no way they are being influenced, they are riding their own ride, as instructed at the beginning of the ride. I show them where the road is and they ride it.
The only time they see me otherwise is when I stop before a bad area of the road and I sit and motion for riders to slow down for the bad spot ahead until the whole group goes by. There are sharp corners on the other side of steep hills or blind corners that are sharper than you'd realize. I know where the bad spots are and I've seen a place or two lately that I will be stopping to warn about in the future. I also stop and gather the group at the edge of construction zones where there's gravel so we're all aware of it and if anyone has difficulty they'll have help if something happens.
I've stressed it many times to everyone that they are to use their own judgement on these rides. Riders leave the rides for their own reasons which is something I appreciate. I expect them to if they are not comfortable. I have personally warned riders when I think it could help them have a good day and avoid mistakes. I also tell everyone to "pair up with someone riding at a pace they're comfortable with so they enjoy the ride more.
I do everything I can to help everyone have a good ride but bottom line is that like many things in life, we are responsible for our own choices and the decisions we make will influence the outcome. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. I don't ride people on their bikes into some kind of doom, they ride their own bikes and make their own decisions. It's best to realize this and let people do as they may. There's a wide variance to how people ride their bikes so let them do it in the way they see fit. If it were up to me I'd protest people riding cruiser bikes, hahaha, because I don't think thats what motorcycling is about, but that's just me and I know that no one cares about what I think of cruiser bikes or the way their ridden. Once again, personal choice.
I get the message of what you're saying and I make efforts to get everyone to think about their riding and I try to help where possible. As a ride hoster, that's about all I can do and it's more than many I've seen who've hosted rides I've joined over the last 25 years.
I've been on a ride with theasssasin, the nature of the rides hasn't exactly been kept a secret, well advertised the type of ride it's going to be. I don't like hooliganing so close to home in Niagara, where most of thassassin's rides end up, so I don't join up. He isn't advertising them as noob friendly, nor are the rides advertised to be kept to sub HTA 172 speeds, again, no surprises at the speeds. Wheelies, yes, he does them, and is a very skilled rider, no doubt. I hope nobody gets hurt trying to imitate, that's all.
Here's someone who "gets it", he realizes that the rides don't "fit" his style, for whatever reason and he opts out. I appreciate and respect that more than someone who would shoot off their mouths when they haven't ridden one of my rides.
Everyone is encouraged to NOT ride like me as I know the roads like I know my own face and I tell them so they don't try things they shouldn't be doing.
Thanks for keeping your comments in perspective, not everyone seems to be able to do that when they have a different outlook.
Here's someone who "gets it", he realizes that the rides don't "fit" his style, for whatever reason and he opts out. I appreciate and respect that more than someone who would shoot off their mouths when they haven't ridden one of my rides.
Everyone is encouraged to NOT ride like me as I know the roads like I know my own face and I tell them so they don't try things they shouldn't be doing.
Thanks for keeping your comments in perspective, not everyone seems to be able to do that when they have a different outlook.

Yeah now you make no sense.., he says you are riding like hooligans and others are confirming the nature of the ride which you seemed to be in denial about. What I was implying with my original post is you guys are riding way over the speed limit and doing what the cops would consider stunting. If anyone is doing it the whole pack will be nailed with the stunting or racing law. The style of the ride is fine but people should know the first sign of cops you are all ****ed. So posting that this is a ride about skill and comfort level is false, it's about accepting you might lose your license following the leader, I raced and have a win at mosport so I won't have any problems riding with you.What I will have an issue with is losing my license. So why not just come out and admit the ride is about going as fast as you can, screw the laws. At least people will come out knowing the real deal and not get nailed before they can decide to opt out half way thru.
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I rode with the assassin, not this one but the ride last week. I had a blast, there is no pressure of keeping up cuz he waits at the stops. I would love to go out with him again, but I need new tires first lol
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