I'd hit it
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me..."
Yes... I believe it is as simple as that.
That's the reason why I blame the parents. She's only 13. They should've been watching her activities more and controlling what she does and doesn't do.
If you really think you can control what a 13 year old does to such an extreme extent, you're delusional.
not a 100%, but you can restrict their activities a lot.
Not really, even something as simple as blocking Facebook. They'll go on their friend's/school's/library's computer and setup another account.
Not really, even something as simple as blocking Facebook. They'll go on their friend's/school's/library's computer and setup another account.
obviously you can't control everything unless you're there, but atleast you have to try. Educate the child and work with them. Atleast you can restrict them at home. Talk to the school. Ask them to restrict fb on school computers. She didn't have friends so she couldn't have used their computers.
Saying they will get around and there is no point is just a cop out for lazy people. You won't know unless you try.
Glad they got him. What a sicko.hackers found the pervo troll http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/10/16/amanda-todd-death-2012-anonymous/
Glad they got him. What a sicko.
Looks like he's already facing charges in another incident. Kinda funny that a bunch of pimplyfaced teens that are on gov ****-list found the troll a hell of a lot faster than dozens of RCMP investigators![]()
It's friggen awesome that they took the time to do that. Hope they catch many more.
It's friggen awesome that they took the time to do that. Hope they catch many more.
It's kind of ironic but these same kids are usually the ones ruining innocent people's lives to begin with by maliciously finding out private info and doing things like emailing naked pics to family, and now this one time they turned their detective skills on one of their own. Good for them but they're hardly innocent "heroes". Maybe in this particular case, yes, but usually, no. Just my 2 cents.
As far as I'm concerned, this went well beyond your "run of the mill" school yard tough guy bullying. It shows the real ugly of humanity.
Looks like he's already facing charges in another incident. Kinda funny that a bunch of pimplyfaced teens that are on gov ****-list found the troll a hell of a lot faster than dozens of RCMP investigators![]()