sad that it takes death for ppl to rally around someone...

Moral of the story- Facebook ruins lives

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I think the moral of the story is that all of the adults and systems failed miserably resulting in a dead kid.
I think the moral of the story is that all of the adults and systems failed miserably resulting in a dead kid.

Seems like she had FB had played a huge part as well. Moving and getting rid of social networking can almost erase a teen's past life. Seems like contact was being made originating from school which was most probably posted up on FB for people to know her location.

Information can be found really easily on the net if you choose to post it up. Although a teen should never have to worry about their safety, to that extent. Too much information is given out in social media sites.

Every try doing a search of yourself in google? Or better yet, . You would be surprised of how much information is found.

You would be surprised of how many hacked accounts (fb, hotmail, gmail, etc) are hacked because of information that is given by the owner of the account, especially on social media sites. Lost Password? Secret question: Name of Dog? Lets just go through facebook/myspace and find a pic of the person's dog with the caption most probably of the dog's name.

Cyber security should be taught in school. I didn't realize myself how bad it was until I started looking into hacking.
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Seems like she had FB had played a huge part as well. Moving and getting rid of social networking can almost erase a teen's past life. Seems like contact was being made originating from school which was most probably posted up on FB for people to know her location.

Information can be found really easily on the net if you choose to post it up. Although a teen should never have to worry about their safety, to that extent. Too much information is given out in social media sites.

Every try doing a search of yourself in google? Or better yet, . You would be surprised of how much information is found.

You would be surprised of how many hacked accounts (fb, hotmail, gmail, etc) are hacked because of information that is given by the owner of the account, especially on social media sites. Lost Password? Secret question: Name of Dog? Lets just go through facebook/myspace and find a pic of the person's dog with the caption most probably of the dog's name.

Cyber security should be taught in school. I didn't realize myself how bad it was until I started looking into hacking.

aside: step it up a notch and just researching Social Engineering.....
aside: step it up a notch and just researching Social Engineering.....

That too, just saying, a lot of information can be acquired without even contacting the person whatsoever.
Regrettably I've casually known a few suicides. I hope her tormenters find a special hell, I wish them unmitigated doom and failure. If someone has the ability to track the original ****** that hounded her i hope the last thing he feels is a shovel full of cold dirt, while he's still breathing.

Mean people suck.
it's a tragic story. some of those kids need a beating. i wonder why the cops didn't go after the initial pervert who harassed and tried to extort her...
it's a tragic story. some of those kids need a beating. i wonder why the cops didn't go after the initial pervert who harassed and tried to extort her...

They are busy.
There was a girl I met this summer at the track. Thought she was early 20s, turned out to be 17 (luckily found that out before I got anywhere).

After knowing her a few weeks, I heard others her age that were her "friends" talking about a little cam show she had done for a guy she liked. They were talking behind her back about it and totally bashing on her, and some had harassed her about it. I had enough of the talking, so the next time it came up I gave the "friends" a little speech.
Told the girls that chances are they either have or eventually will do something like she did... I think most people have. I've seen pretty much every gf I've had naked on skype due to me being gone.
And I told the guys they were just jealous that she wouldn't do it for them since she is an attractive girl. And that a real man wouldn't blurt it out that she did that for him... And he just blew his chance with her.

The teasing about that stopped, and I thought maybe she had learned her lesson, but she ended up being with a few different guys through the summer, and that ended up being the new trash talk... She just couldn't figure it out why people always talked about her... If you're going to be a slut, you need to be more discreet about it!

I feel horrible for the girl, but this could have been stopped. Either by her or her parents if the right actions were taken.
When will people learn whatever you put on the web is permanent.

my wife and I have been adament with this message to our kids. What goes on the web can't be taken back.
This story is very saddening, the girl clearly had issues and inadequate support.
This is indeed sad.
It amazes me that the School System talks so much about bullying yet do so little.
This has occurred for decades but I guess it's hip to pretend they care and talk about it.
What happened to stand up to the bully? Where were the other kids to report this to the school?
Ahh, I guess we have to wait for the next episode of GLEE to tell everyone what to do.

Where were the Parents, School Councillors, Police, Social Workers?

social media, internet, web cams, cell phone cameras.... when I/we were kids lots of *things* happened that probably were wrong, but back then there was rumour only mostly, today there is some video record of it so everything ups a notch and so few people understand this. Chances are if you have done something you shouldn't have, somebody has a record of it that may bite you in the ***** down the road
Stories like these solidify the fact that Humanity has no hope.

The girl was an idiot.
The parents are the biggest blame as seems like they did absolutely nothing but hope that it would go away by moving her around.
Facebook should've been deleted.
Charges should've been filed against the picture poster and had him arrested.
Stories like these solidify the fact that Humanity has no hope.

The girl was an idiot.
The parents are the biggest blame as seems like they did absolutely nothing but hope that it would go away by moving her around.
Facebook should've been deleted.
Charges should've been filed against the picture poster and had him arrested.

According to Canadian law, anybody who has that image is in possession of child pornography. The troll especially should either be arrested or extradited here to face some charges.. o when he goes in O when/if he gets out.
Stories like these solidify the fact that Humanity has no hope.

The girl was an idiot.
The parents are the biggest blame as seems like they did absolutely nothing but hope that it would go away by moving her around.
Facebook should've been deleted.
Charges should've been filed against the picture poster and had him arrested.

Agreed, yes the girl acted in a stupid manner but she was a needy young teenage girl. She was failed by her parents and the social support structure around her.

I can't get over the fact that five weeks after posting that video that she committed suicide. I've heard nothing about what was done to support her after that cry for help. It's very sad.
Agreed, yes the girl acted in a stupid manner but she was a needy young teenage girl. She was failed by her parents and the social support structure around her.

I can't get over the fact that five weeks after posting that video that she committed suicide. I've heard nothing about what was done to support her after that cry for help. It's very sad.

I got the impression from the news article that the school was aware and trying to help her.
Link, let's keep in mind that she was only 13 when she made that first mistake. She was only a naive little kid.
Everyone has time to attend your funeral.Yet Everyone is so busy when you are alive

Well said, it reminded of something similar I heard before about people being invited to someones funeral...if we did not see each other when I was alive what do I care now when I am dead.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me..."

Yes... I believe it is as simple as that.
Stories like these solidify the fact that Humanity has no hope.

The girl was an idiot.
The parents are the biggest blame as seems like they did absolutely nothing but hope that it would go away by moving her around.
Facebook should've been deleted.
Charges should've been filed against the picture poster and had him arrested.

Think about how the retail economy works today. How many TV sets would they sell if families lived like the Cleavers? The consumer economy is based on seperating the sheep including kids from their parents so they can sell more stuff. The message is to reject your parents because they are automatically wrong. Add to it by showing them you can defy them and the guidance councillor will back you. Parental rights are at a all time low but they get the blame when something goes wrong.

How about the bullying on this forum? The sale forums is basically locked because of the mouthpieces.

Bullys will always be around and they don't scare me. People that tolerate them do.
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