Moral of the story- Facebook ruins lives
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I think the moral of the story is that all of the adults and systems failed miserably resulting in a dead kid.
Seems like she had FB had played a huge part as well. Moving and getting rid of social networking can almost erase a teen's past life. Seems like contact was being made originating from school which was most probably posted up on FB for people to know her location.
Information can be found really easily on the net if you choose to post it up. Although a teen should never have to worry about their safety, to that extent. Too much information is given out in social media sites.
Every try doing a search of yourself in google? Or better yet, . You would be surprised of how much information is found.
You would be surprised of how many hacked accounts (fb, hotmail, gmail, etc) are hacked because of information that is given by the owner of the account, especially on social media sites. Lost Password? Secret question: Name of Dog? Lets just go through facebook/myspace and find a pic of the person's dog with the caption most probably of the dog's name.
Cyber security should be taught in school. I didn't realize myself how bad it was until I started looking into hacking.
Seems like she had FB had played a huge part as well. Moving and getting rid of social networking can almost erase a teen's past life.
aside: step it up a notch and just researching Social Engineering.....
it's a tragic story. some of those kids need a beating. i wonder why the cops didn't go after the initial pervert who harassed and tried to extort her...
When will people learn whatever you put on the web is permanent.
This is indeed sad.
It amazes me that the School System talks so much about bullying yet do so little.
This has occurred for decades but I guess it's hip to pretend they care and talk about it.
What happened to stand up to the bully? Where were the other kids to report this to the school?
Ahh, I guess we have to wait for the next episode of GLEE to tell everyone what to do.
Where were the Parents, School Councillors, Police, Social Workers?
Stories like these solidify the fact that Humanity has no hope.
The girl was an idiot.
The parents are the biggest blame as seems like they did absolutely nothing but hope that it would go away by moving her around.
Facebook should've been deleted.
Charges should've been filed against the picture poster and had him arrested.
Stories like these solidify the fact that Humanity has no hope.
The girl was an idiot.
The parents are the biggest blame as seems like they did absolutely nothing but hope that it would go away by moving her around.
Facebook should've been deleted.
Charges should've been filed against the picture poster and had him arrested.
Agreed, yes the girl acted in a stupid manner but she was a needy young teenage girl. She was failed by her parents and the social support structure around her.
I can't get over the fact that five weeks after posting that video that she committed suicide. I've heard nothing about what was done to support her after that cry for help. It's very sad.
Everyone has time to attend your funeral.Yet Everyone is so busy when you are alive
Stories like these solidify the fact that Humanity has no hope.
The girl was an idiot.
The parents are the biggest blame as seems like they did absolutely nothing but hope that it would go away by moving her around.
Facebook should've been deleted.
Charges should've been filed against the picture poster and had him arrested.