Coles notes?
*Chick is gullable as hell
*She cams a lot in grade 7 and like most validation seeking females that aren't too bright, she eventually gets naked on cam
*Someone, probably some sort of mommy's basement dwelling loser 4Channer, screen grabs her n00dz and goes on an online mission to screw with her life
*He detectives her on facebook, finds the contact info of all her friends, family, etc. and sends everyone the pics
*Kids start making fun of her, she looses friends etc.
*Switches school several times but same dude makes a facebook page with the boob shot (which could have been easily taken down by contacting police and telling them she was underage and it's child porn...could probably even charge the guy) so people at her new school find out too and bullying at school continues
*Some guy with a girlfriend gives her a little attention and since she's STARVED for attention at this point she sleeps with him and is surprised after that he ditches her right after
*She gets the crap kicked out of her at school by a whole group including the GF..........she doesn't press charges cause she thinks she's in love with this guy or something stupid like this and doesn't want to hurt him
*She spirals into depression, is on meds, cuts herself, attemps suicide, kids continue to make fun of her, etc.
*At this point she makes the video I'm guessing
*Eventually (not shown in video) she eventually tries to kill herself again and this time succeeds
It's not even just the father going after the guy who spread the pics. What about when she went over to that guy's place to have sex. If parents were close maybe she would have asked her mom for advice and her mom would have set her straight. Trouble making friends? Sign her up for some sort of a club, give her advice, etc. Like I said, she needed guidance that was clearly missing (could have came from a friend and/or parents).I tend to agree, and there's only one side to the story. She made massive mistakes one after the other, but she was a little kid when this started and no one rescued her.
Some troll goes after her and not one single family member comes to her defence? Mom and Dad are to blame mostly. If someone trolled my daughter that dudes life would be a living hell after that. I wouldn't be going "oh I guess you need to move schools or something."
Her dad was a pussy. When that troll put the pics out to the family the first time that should have started WW3 from her family.
The dark, ugly side of social media, facebook and todays kids who have no concept of self-privacy.