I saw George Bush run the race too. See # 18 lol.
Post pic of medal dude
I was pretty close to throwing up the entire 2nd run. 1h17m, Average HR of 180, Max of 197.
(those spinning classes offered by gyms).
I think the reason gyms are spreading so much bad news is to get more ppl in the gym. So they can make some money.
Personally, I prefer to run outside. Its just too boring to be on a treadmill and watch TV. Plus I get motion sickness on a treadmill.
I've never felt any shock on my knees or joints. Whenever I run, my heels never touch the ground. The calf muscle takes more of the impact.
Caboose has been running competitively for a while. Maybe we should ask him if he has any joint issues
I'll take a pic later this aft!
Oh, I was 14th overall (Tim Toldnes) for those who don't know thats me.
Of course too much running can be bad for you! It's high impact, but there are many things you can do to decrease the odds of injury. Get fit for and wear the proper shoe, get orthotics if you need to, get a gait analysis and alter your running style if you need to. I am lucky enough to have a good natural gait and very soft footfalls. I've never had any knee, ankle or hip issues. Only once have I had a problem due to running and that was with a hip flexor, but rest was all I needed to recover from that.
That being said, I don't JUST run, I spend more time on bicycles than I do running. I'll ride 3-4 days a week and run 2-3.
Very nice. I haven't run all summer. Time to get back at it, now that the temps are starting to cool down a bit. It would be nice to do the Scotia 5k again with a month or two of training under me.....Restarted running about two months back. It's been a grind with the heat and all, but I'm finally starting to see some improvements. Set to the track to do a tempo 5k yesterday expecting around 22 min, half way through realized I could get under 21. Ended up with 20:34. Very happy with it considering it wasn't an all out effort. I'm sure the weather helped as it was a nice 22C with no humidity. Aiming to crack 20min by end of summer.
Maybe u need to train?
My training has been a bit light lately. Juggling the moto racing and the duathlon stuff can eat up a lot of my free time. The moto racing stuff does come first so the last few weeks I have not been running/riding as much as I usually do.
I only have one more du this year. Lakeside on Sept 15th. Trisport Canada (The Subaru series) puts on a better event IMO but the race format for Multisport Canada suits me better. Trisport has the longer run after the ride so I have to conserve some energy while I'm on the bike. Multisport has the long run first, Lakeside is a Multisport event and it's 5km - 20km - 2km. I can push hard through the first run, go kill myself on the bike, then flail through the short run to the finish.
Very nice. I haven't run all summer. Time to get back at it, now that the temps are starting to cool down a bit. It would be nice to do the Scotia 5k again with a month or two of training under me..... Off to Mont Tremblant this weekend for their first ever Ironman. Should be fun.
The effort was good, maybe could have squezed out a little more, but I'm happy overall that there's progress. 19:53(4:04,4:00,3:59,3:57,3:53). Next goal to break 19 by end of year (my PB is 19:02 from 2010).
Congrats and that's a good improvement. Are you going to do the Scotia 5k? I'm really looking forward to getting back into it too and if I'm in town I will run the 5k.How was Tremblant? It looks like a perfect location for a race. Do you know anyone racing or just went to watch for the hell of it?
19:53(4:04,4:00,3:59,3:57,3:53). Next goal to break 19 by end of year (my PB is 19:02 from 2010).