Running.. ugghh

Just ran the Chilly Half Marathon a few weeks ago, and managed to chop 35 minutes off my previous time. I could have managed an even better time, but I made some mistakes. I got too hot halfway through and had to stop to change my top but then when my bib started blowing across the grass in the wind and I lost my pins that held it onto my shirt... took a while to get it all sorted out. The first 10k I ran in 45 minutes. The second 10k I ran in 68?

In my training up until the race I was running about 50k/week, cycling about 90 minutes a week, with lot's of strength training in between. Ran a 5k in 19 minutes during my training which makes me think I should start training for shorter distances as I kinda dislike the longer stuff. Lost about 12lbs during my training too which was good.

I took two weeks off for rest after the half marathon and now I'm going to slowly ramp it back up. Physical work as a day job and exercise in the evening makes for good nights sleep.

My girlfriend has signed up and is training for the Mont Tremblant Ironman this summer. For those that don't know, it's roughly a 3.8km swim, followed by a 180km bike, followed by a 42.2km run.:confused:

Wow, that's nuts!
I don't think I can achieve that in this point in my life. It would mean I have to devote alot of time training and at the end of the day you're too tired to do anything physical.

Good for you tho
Personally, I don't think I dedicate much time at all to training. I just do it for fitness and to stay in good shape and it's more of a lifestyle than anything... Strangely enough, I'm tired when I take a break from exercise... I feel more energetic on a daily basis with regular or consistent exercise.

People who do Ironman's are crazy.
Just ran the Chilly Half Marathon a few weeks ago, and managed to chop 35 minutes off my previous time. I could have managed an even better time, but I made some mistakes. I got too hot halfway through and had to stop to change my top but then when my bib started blowing across the grass in the wind and I lost my pins that held it onto my shirt... took a while to get it all sorted out. The first 10k I ran in 45 minutes. The second 10k I ran in 68?

In my training up until the race I was running about 50k/week, cycling about 90 minutes a week, with lot's of strength training in between. Ran a 5k in 19 minutes during my training which makes me think I should start training for shorter distances as I kinda dislike the longer stuff. Lost about 12lbs during my training too which was good.

Congrats on the 35 minutes PR, but if you really went 45/68 (even with few minutes fixing your top, say 45/60) all I can say is Ouch. That's a pretty major positive split, and sounds painful :). Do you think you went out too fast or did you have other problems during the second half? Hope you get that sorted out for your next one.

As for doing shorter stuff (5K, etc), I highly recommend it. It'll improve your running. The only thing I don't like about the shorter stuff is the intense pain. I find the shorter the distance the more painful it is :).
Congrats on the 35 minutes PR, but if you really went 45/68 (even with few minutes fixing your top, say 45/60) all I can say is Ouch. That's a pretty major positive split, and sounds painful :). Do you think you went out too fast or did you have other problems during the second half? Hope you get that sorted out for your next one.

I did go out a bit too fast, because a 45 minute 10k is too fast for my 1/2 marathon pace. Also my feet started to get numb (which happens often) so I had to stop and take my shoes off a bit for a few minutes. I had a total of 12 minutes of stoppage time to change clothes and rest my feet. Cardio was fine though...

Goal time was under 2hrs, ideal would have been 1:40, I came in around 1:53. I should have run a 50/55 for a total time of around 1:45. It's only my second 1/2 so a good learning experience overall.

I was doing 1:50 in training, so I know I could do much better. Looking forward to running some shorter distances... 10k's and 5k's for while.
Thinking of doing the boxercise at cabbagetown boxing club. Does anyone recommend any other boxing gyms with good cardio workouts before I go ahead with this one?

Our trainer just introduced Boxing type exercise into our workout routine. Wow, I have new respect for boxers. Its very tiring! I dont think I would last more than 2 rounds in a match.

Great exercise though, and glad its part of the routine now.

And props to you joggers out there..... looks like I need to up my 2 x 5k jogs per week!

Our trainer just introduced Boxing type exercise into our workout routine. Wow, I have new respect for boxers. Its very tiring! I dont think I would last more than 2 rounds in a match.

Great exercise though, and glad its part of the routine now.

And props to you joggers out there..... looks like I need to up my 2 x 5k jogs per week!


Anybody who's been in a fistfight would tell you how fit u have to be. After that adrenaline wears off, its all about fitness, skill and smarts.

How do u think I used to fare with my bigger bro ;)
Thread revival!

Anyone here tried barefoot running?

I picked up these a few weeks ago:

But then I aggrevated my hip flexor the day I got them. I wasn't able to actually run in them until this past Monday. They're super weird but it mades me feel very bouncy and light. It will take some getting used to, and certainly works the leg muscles differently. I only did 1.7km (I was advised to start off with very short distances) and even after just that distance my calves felt like grapefruits stuffed into tube socks! Yikes!

Since then I've been on the bikes but I'll be running in them again this weekend. Im curious to see how slowly/quickly I'll be able to add distance.
I hear they are great if you want killer calves/lower leg muscles... Haven't tried them though. I can imagine how sore I would be after a barefoot run.
Thread revival!

Anyone here tried barefoot running?

I picked up these a few weeks ago:

Did you run on pavement at all to get to trails with them? I would be interested to try something like this out, but the nearest soft trails are about 2km from my house so I wonder how they would feel/last on the pavement to get to the trails. Are you still heel striking with them too?

Interested to know more... I assume not even thin socks are worn with them?

edit: I just read a bunch of the reviews of them (answering most of my questions) and they seem very interesting. I have constant achilles, calf and hamstring issues too. I am going for a running gait analysis soon and we'll see what that shows me. These look really good.
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Did you run on pavement at all to get to trails with them? I would be interested to try something like this out, but the nearest soft trails are about 2km from my house so I wonder how they would feel/last on the pavement to get to the trails. Are you still heel striking with them too?

Interested to know more... I assume not even thin socks are worn with them?

edit: I just read a bunch of the reviews of them (answering most of my questions) and they seem very interesting. I have constant achilles, calf and hamstring issues too. I am going for a running gait analysis soon and we'll see what that shows me. These look really good.

I have been having a hip flexor issue lately, then I had a really big get-off on my road bike (bicycle) so I have not been running much lately. I was planning on doing the Trisport duathlon in Waterloo next Monday but I think that'll have to wait.

I have only run in the Trail Gloves twice, on the sidewalk. Hard pavement but if you run properly you use muscle to cushion it. Feels really weird but i do like it. Hopefully I'm back on it soon and can start adding distance slowly.
Hey guys, I was wondering what a decent somewhat-competitive 5km running time is? I tried looking it up online and I'm getting such varying answers - I can't tell if those are mediocre or novice times.

I ran outside for the first time in years and I managed 22.5 mins for 5 kms. I know I can get it down to 21 mins no problem (4.2mins/km) in one week. How much quicker could I reasonably expect to push for? I wanna aim for 3.5 mins a km but I don't want to get too carried away lol. I highly doubt I can run faster times than you guys so I'm looking for a second opinion.

In case you're wondering, I'm training for the spartan run and warrior dash and MAYBE the tough mudder but I just want to make sure that the running part isn't what will slow me down.
My running is a bit slow. Granted it's not a 5km time but in my sprint duathlons my run pace is in the 4:40s. Id like to get down to the high 30s. If I was well rested and just doing 5km I could probably get into the low 30s. 21m would be pretty quick I think but the really competitive guys will be under 20m for a 5k.

I'm already registered for Tough Mudder. The runs between obstacles should be fairly short, i doubt running will hold you back.
My last 5k was about 26mins. That's not at all "competitive"..although I suppose you have to qualify what competitive is. To win, you'd need 17 or 18 mins I'd imagine. I think I was JUST top quarter for men.. Having said that, I was whipped by 14 year old girls... :-( 21 or 22 mins is solid though. You'll do well in most races 10% probably. Nice work! :-)
In related news! The Multisport Binbrook event is tomorrow. The sprint duathlon is 5km-30km-5km. I have not run much since my bike road bike fall down fiasco 6 weeks ago (then i crashed my 10R 3 weeks ago and fell on my bruised hip, then I crashed my mountain bike two weeks ago and hit a tree with my bruised hip).... bruised pelvis and aggrevated back and hip flexor.. no like run! I've only been out for a few runs this week, so I imagine my run times will be slow.. I'll just have to make up for it in the ride.

I was 4th in my age group at Lakeside last September.. I doubt I will do that well this time, once I get my running legs back I'll go show em what's what.
My first 5k with no training was at 22min. My best time running a 5k has been 19min. But this was while training for a 1/2 marathon, so if I was training specifically for a 5k, I would think I should be able to get it down to about 18 or less. I am interested to know how well I could fare in a 10k, if I trained for it.

There's guys in the gym I see on the treadmills that must be running in the 17's, because they are doing my sprint pace as their distance pace.

Right now, working outside all day in the sun and this heat makes me too tired to run when I get home.
Merrel trail gloves are OK but Vibram Five Fingers are way better IMHO.
They are ugly but I absolutely love them - I run, walk my dogs and hike in them, If you decided to stick with Merrels or any other barefoot like soled shoes - take your time to train your muscles. Muscles you will start to use if you rung barefoot were pretty much asleep and not used for your whole life. Recommended approach is to walk in them around the house for 30 min or so a day, then start doing short runs (like 500m to 1 km). It is also very important to run properly - same as on the bike body positioning and movement are very important. If you just decide run as you used to in your old running shoes - you risk serious injuries.
If you still did not - buy and read this book, Born To Run -
I used to hate running and on a side note - had a lot of questions about why we evolved in what we are today. These book will blow your mind, you will never look at running the same and it will blow your mind again.
Thanks guys! I think I'll be happy with a 20 minute 5k after reading your posts. Lol one week later and it still feels like I blew my back from running that 5k - I hate my flat feet.

And as for the vibrams... I think they're great but I'm not sure if I'd ever get them. Please correct me if my way of thinking's wrong: it seems to be a lifestyle change that mimics barefoot running...but if you're wearing shoes for most of the day/throughout the week and only switching to vibrams to run, then isn't that a little counter-productive?

Only thing that I can think of is that foot strikes are different walking (heel) vs running (toes/balls of feet) so it's really not all that counter-productive.
Thanks guys! I think I'll be happy with a 20 minute 5k after reading your posts. Lol one week later and it still feels like I blew my back from running that 5k - I hate my flat feet.

And as for the vibrams... I think they're great but I'm not sure if I'd ever get them. Please correct me if my way of thinking's wrong: it seems to be a lifestyle change that mimics barefoot running...but if you're wearing shoes for most of the day/throughout the week and only switching to vibrams to run, then isn't that a little counter-productive?

Only thing that I can think of is that foot strikes are different walking (heel) vs running (toes/balls of feet) so it's really not all that counter-productive.

I wear several types of shoes daily - bike shoes, dress shoes and vibrams. Different stroke, different movements, different muscles.
If I don't walk for at least one hour a day in my vibrams - I feel much worse, winter was a killer as it is not a lot of fun to walk in them when snow is on the ground :D
And for the flat feet - definitely read the book.
Strikes - I use my arc primarily and it is very different, toes/balls of feet play secondary role.
i love running. Its been five years since i started working out and my motivation is my body. If i don't run i feel guilty. Gotta keep the physique.
Binbrook duathlon: 18th out 75.

My runs sucked. 5:08/km for both of them. Normally in a du I'll be in the 4:45-4:50/km range so I lost a fair bit of time there over 10km. The ride went well though, 7th fastest overall and 35.5km/hr average over 30km.

Merrel trail gloves are OK but Vibram Five Fingers are way better IMHO. -

Vibram makes the soles for both shoes. Other than the individual toes on the 5 fingers, they are basically the same shoe so I'm not sure what you're basing your opinion on.
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