Running from police.

I want to hear how riders on this board who have admitted to running from the cops actually pulled it off. Did you take side streets? Or, outbreak a cruiser on the highway and take a quick off ramp? Or, duck into an underground parking garage, kill the bike and walk away? Or, as I have suggested, find your nearest school and pass through where only a bike can fit? Curious readers want ton know...
Every situation is different ( and I am in no way admitting I have). I imagine for example if you are on the DVP and the cop is on the side of the road and your plate is flipped just cranck the gas and take the next exit out then take side streets away from where you were.

If you are on the street and you see a cop walking towards the middle of the road to stop you, make a fast u turn and take side streets, do not go fast, there is no need to, there are kids around and the cop wont catch up. then try getting on a hwy and bolt it out of there, or go on an underground garage is you are downtown (I wont run for this ones, I will never be doing over 50 on the streets) only on the HWY
Every situation is different ( and I am in no way admitting I have). I imagine for example if you are on the DVP and the cop is on the side of the road and your plate is flipped just cranck the gas and take the next exit out then take side streets away from where you were.

If you are on the street and you see a cop walking towards the middle of the road to stop you, make a fast u turn and take side streets, do not go fast, there is no need to, there are kids around and the cop wont catch up. then try getting on a hwy and bolt it out of there, or go on an underground garage is you are downtown (I wont run for this ones, I will never be doing over 50 on the streets) only on the HWY
Each decision and action will determine the sucess or failure of the next in a string of events leading to ultimate success or failure (evasion or caught) because those decisions and actions are interconnected and dependent on one another.

Success or failure of one evasion will not affect the probability of the success or failure of subsequent evasion attempts. However, with repetitive attempts, the popo will begin to see patterns and take measures which may increase the probability that you'll be caught.
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All the more reason to be running from the cops on a bike!

Ok If the cops are on a bike and you're running away, they will just pedal faster and catch you.
Ok If the cops are on a bike and you're running away, they will just pedal faster and catch you.

Got the KLR650 and they eat my dust????
But they got my plate...
Really, if you walk the line have a good laywer :0
I've never "ran" from the police. Occasionally, I'll see a cop pass me, and then make a uturn, in which case I start disappearing through side streets. Mostly, this is because I'm pretty sure my noisey muffler is going to get me harassed.
I have a 1000cc, and to be honest if thr situation was right, and it was dark and I knew i was gonna get nabbed for 172, or even like close to that, i dont think i wanna stick around to find out whats gonn happen.
You have to know what your doing and definately be experienced with your bike and riding in general. But I feel if your gonna get nabbed for 172, you might as well try and run cuz your gonna need a lwyer anyways, so add on the failure to stop charge and let then fight that while your in there. lol
Run from the cops? No.

Been in situations where the best course of action was to vanish into thin air and not stick around to find out what was going to happen? Sure. And not necessarily on a bike, either.
Cager gets let off, big shock, try the same thing on your bike and let us know how it unfolds.

Okay. Maybe we should start a new thread and call it "When has the local law been gracious to you?". I was spot checked at KC and had forgotten to make sure my paperwork was with me. The officer could have cited me for each piece of compulsory paperwork that I was unable to produce. Instead he issued a verbal warning. Thank you!
Gracious cop story?

On two wheels, but not the motorized kind... and this is going back about seven years.

I was drunk and getting out of the bar, to my locked-up bike on the light post. I unlock the bike, and show off for my friends by pulling a wheelie on my mountain bike on the sidewalk. It was sloppy (I was sloppy?) and I had to jump off the back.

A very pretty lady officer, suspecting I'd had a few, came over... asked if I'd drank (I told her a little), and asked my friends to walk with me home that night and that I not ride the bike.

Honestly, it could have been a full DUI.

I thanked her, told her I knew it could've been worse, and she told me she'd biked drunk when she was going through university.

Thank goodness this pre-dates HTA 172 :p
I dont run from police, I just avoid them to the best of my ability. We never get along or see eye to eye, so I would rather be riding instead of talking to them
I got away once, I was 5 mins from home doing 130 in an 80. The cop was completely stopped and I saw the lights come and he pulled out on so I pinned it, called home with my bluetooth helmet had the garage door opened. Took some twisty's around the block to lose him and shut the garage door right away. Never got close enough to see my plate and the chase didn't last long enough to radio ahead. I probably wouldn't try that ever again, I was young and it feels like a once in a lifetime ride.

Bluetooth equipped helmets aren't that old a development - you are still young :p
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