Running from police.

I got away once, I was 5 mins from home doing 130 in an 80. The cop was completely stopped and I saw the lights come and he pulled out on so I pinned it, called home with my bluetooth helmet had the garage door opened. Took some twisty's around the block to lose him and shut the garage door right away. Never got close enough to see my plate and the chase didn't last long enough to radio ahead. I probably wouldn't try that ever again, I was young and it feels like a once in a lifetime ride.

I know a friend of a friend who did almost this exact same thing not too long ago, but i believe it was on the 401. Who knows though!
Oh and another thing about running, cuz i see your avatar is your vanity plate.. i would never run if i owned a vanity plate! I never understood the whole vanity plate thing!
Do you really need attention that much( no offense), but like theres no point! Especially if your gonan run from the cops! much easier to read then trying to remember a bunch of letters and numbers.
I just read the thread about the guys getting caught on the 400 doing wheelies. Im not sure how I feel about that, I mean on an open strip of highway.... Who knows I wasnt there to make that judgement call. However this thread asked the question to "run or not to run" and this is a prime example of how people decide to run. Who in their right mind would choose to stay around and deal with the torture of stopping. That being said there seems to be a lot of hypocrites on this site talking **** about how they should have stopped and taking their licks like men. So am I to believe that none of you speed or split lanes, No one has done a burnout or wheelie before. I am of the frame of mind to say to each their own. However practice some common sense and respect for public safety.

For the record Youre not allowed to wheelie at the track.
Ontario is the weakest province in the country.
Ontario is full of tight ***** and hypocrites.
Its amazing how much effort the province puts into battleing sport bike riders and yet we have a huge drug and immagration issues.

In closing if you stop you pay the price. if you crash you pay the price. Take it to the track and enjoy free range to ride a you hard as you can.
Someone I know proved once again that stopping will put you in serious risk of destroying at least 7 and probably more like 10 years of your life plus any fallout from relationships and jobs that can be thrown into the shitter. He got lucky this time, but the tow truck was on the way supposedly and I'm not exactly sure how HTA 172 got worse, but he was threatened with minimum $18000 in fines and 30 days license suspension - and the cop related that nobody would insure him again for at least five years. So don't kid yourself, the cops know when they hand one of these things down, they're tearing someone's life in pieces.
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...yeah....and spelling and grammar among the indigenous population are terrible too.
Im sorry princess, If I had known I was being judged by the know it all internet grammar police... I would have tried harder . Now that being said do you offer an opinion on this topic??
So don't kid yourself, the cops know when they hand one of these things down, they're tearing someone's life in pieces.

I really think blaming the cop is a little misplaced. If you know the consequences are severe then that should be a deterrent. Ignorance is no excuse. If you take the risk and do it, and then you get caught and have to face the consequences of your actions, there is no one to blame but yourself.

If you flee and then get caught, I'm sure those consequences are even more severe.
I really think blaming the cop is a little misplaced. If you know the consequences are severe then that should be a deterrent. Ignorance is no excuse. If you take the risk and do it, and then you get caught and have to face the consequences of your actions, there is no one to blame but yourself.

If you flee and then get caught, I'm sure those consequences are even more severe.

So your argument is:

a) the penalty for literally 1 second of any of the laundry list of HTA 172 offences is appropriate, even if nobody is harmed except the perpetrator

b) if you break the HTA 172, whether intended or not, you should just pull over and possibly ruin a very large part of your life, probably your job, and possibly any personal relationships which depend on you having a license and a job - even if nobody is harmed

c) don't blame the cop, even though he holds the power in his hands to destroy lives and LIKES TO USE IT (he mentioned that too)

If someone is hurt or they do something in such a way as to endanger someone else (in the moment), then I can see laying down some serious penalty. But this law is unjust, and so are the attached hardships. If you can't see that, then it's time to fleece up for winter and stay away from the barn.
No just this:

don't blame the cop

Whether or not someone actually gets hurt when you drive or ride in a manner that is reckless or dangerous is irrelevant - it is the act of you creating that risk that is the offence. Racing and stunting under the HTA has been determined to be one such offence and is punishable if you are caught and are convicted. This is not the cops fault.
Whether or not someone actually gets hurt when you drive or ride in a manner that is reckless or dangerous is irrelevant - it is the act of you creating that risk that is the offence. Racing and stunting under the HTA has been determined to be one such offence and is punishable if you are caught and are convicted. This is not the cops fault.

It's within their power to *not* take a person's livelihood and ability to drive (legally) away from them for what could be an exceedingly minor infraction. Yet, these thugs *love* to do it, some of them make up ways to use HTA 172 - in one case a couple of years ago, the cop was doing it for profit... "pay me money, or I'll charge you with HTA 172!" So screw that, I call B.S. They roll around in this bad law like pigs in manure.

Bad laws are abhorrent. Bad people uphold and inflict the penalties of those bad laws on many decent and productive people, and many of those people will be in and out of the legal system for many years as a result of it. Others will find it hard to be productive in society, still others will wear out the welcome and affection of their family; a few have taken their life. Because of HTA 172 and laws like it.

That's the thing - most cops aren't good people. In fact, very damned few of them are... good people couldn't do the job. In the states, they're now capping IQ test scores for hiring purposes, because if they can't get bad people to do the job, they can always find stupid ones.

I daresay that there are more than a few people that think like you do, who found themselves rolling 100km/h into a 50km/h zone, or maybe weaving to clean their tires and had their life changed suddenly and dramatically for the worse - although they harmed nobody. I wonder what they'd have to say about your opinion... or how yours would change if it happened to you...

...and you wonder why people run from the police.
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In your opinion most cops aren't good people......if we're making sweeping generalisations I'd like to posit my own....I'd say most people wouldn't agree with you, most people wouldn't run from police and most people know to keep an eye out for things that get them into 172 territory.
You're probably right. But then, most people haven't got a clue just how vicious the law has become in this country. It's nowhere near as reasonable or inobtrusive as it was a decade ago. Over time, the general populace will figure it out. I hope.

Then again, we're funding the police drastically more than we ever did before, building larger prisons.... and the schools barely have enough money to keep the lights on. You might be forgiven for thinking there's no coincidence there.
Couple of different issues there.....the prisons thing is legit (except they are getting rid of Kingston pen of course) but I don't think this means the police are vicious or even more vicious. And I will far as Kingston goes at least...when the police ask for more cash they seem to get it above most other causes....again though, this doesn't necessarily mean the police are "vicious" as a whole. There's bad eggs in every basket, I've no doubt there's bad eggs in the police force just as there are in the army etc but I still disagree that they are the majority.
Couple of different issues there.....the prisons thing is legit (except they are getting rid of Kingston pen of course) but I don't think this means the police are vicious or even more vicious. And I will far as Kingston goes at least...when the police ask for more cash they seem to get it above most other causes....again though, this doesn't necessarily mean the police are "vicious" as a whole. There's bad eggs in every basket, I've no doubt there's bad eggs in the police force just as there are in the army etc but I still disagree that they are the majority.

The prison agenda seems to be squarely aimed at scaring the population into falling for the Conservative 'law and order' agenda, by making us all think we're in some sort of post apocalyptic wasteland. Fear; the great voter motivator.
There's bad eggs in every basket, I've no doubt there's bad eggs in the police force just as there are in the army etc but I still disagree that they are the majority.

We'll have to agree to disagree. In your case, you're disagreeing with the person I know in HR for a major Canadian police force.
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