Running from police.

I have heard that 80% of traffic tickets are paid without a trial. I have also read that the officer does not have to show you the radar for speeding offences. So in theory, if a crooked money hungry officer wants to collect court overtime, he will probably have better chance of that by just falsifying numbers and giving higher speed tickets and or give 172's to motorcyclist. I may be mistaken, but if thats the case, than its pretty scarry if you run into a crooked cop. Does anyone know if this is possible? I am not condoning running from the cops, but if someone has had this experience, than I could see why they would run.
I have heard that 80% of traffic tickets are paid without a trial. I have also read that the officer does not have to show you the radar for speeding offences. So in theory, if a crooked money hungry officer wants to collect court overtime, he will probably have better chance of that by just falsifying numbers and giving higher speed tickets and or give 172's to motorcyclist. I may be mistaken, but if thats the case, than its pretty scarry if you run into a crooked cop. Does anyone know if this is possible? I am not condoning running from the cops, but if someone has had this experience, than I could see why they would run.

google the following:

sgt. dennis mahoney-bruer
This would be my weapon of choice for running from the cops:

why did you buy a sports bike lady. so you can lean on it at timmies and talk about how bad *** you were before the 172 came in to affect. I see cops speed all the time run reds without there lights on. I say if its good for them its good for me. Anytime you are speeding whether you are a emergency vehicle or not you are running the risk of injuring an innocent person. Its a roll of the dice and with the theory of deductive reasoning you will be safe 99% of the time

Bro, you are the biggest loser in history. Be gone... -_-
google the following:

sgt. dennis mahoney-bruer

Wow...His victims weren't even compensated for ANY of the charges (impound fees, paralegal, alternative transportation,etc.)... Disgusting.
Wow...His victims weren't even compensated for ANY of the charges (impound fees, paralegal, alternative transportation,etc.)... Disgusting.

Yep. I have no issue with people getting busted. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime and all that, but a vague law making officers roadside judge, jury, and executioner is fundamentally flawed.

With so much on the line, why would you stop? Ask a black guy in inner city LA if he's going to run when the cops come around. Even if you're doing 100 in a 100, how do you know you're not about to get screwed hard? if you're on a probably aren't going to get a friendly "hey, how ya doin?"
With so much on the line, why would you stop?

Um, because there's so much more on the line if you don't stop, legal-wise and otherwise??

Investigators with the Special Investigations Unit concluded officers committed no criminal offence in the death of Justin Baron, 31, who died after his motorcycle collided with a car at the intersection of Adelaide Avenue and Harmony Road March 24.

The SIU found officers were conducting speed enforcement on Harmony just north of King Street at about 2:17 p.m. when they clocked Mr. Baron's southbound motorcycle at 82 km/h in the 50 km/h zone. Mr. Baron slowed down, made a U-turn and sped off north, the SIU said in a report released Wednesday.

An officer prepared to pursue the bike, activating emergency lights as he entered traffic, then turning them off once on the roadway, the report said. At about the same time, Mr. Baron's motorcycle entered the intersection of Harmony and Adelaide, colliding with a car making a left turn.

Mr. Baron was catapulted over the car, sustaining fatal injuries. The SIU said the motorcycle was travelling between 90 and 110 km/h at the point of impact.
You really need to stop watching Sheriff John Bunnell and get involved in a few chases so your input would speak of experience, not from watching TV.... :)

With that rationale I would say you are unable to pass judgement on a murder case, robbery or buggery of a farmyard animal unless.........
With that rationale I would say you are unable to pass judgement on a murder case, robbery or buggery of a farmyard animal unless.........

... unless you had been involved in investigating/charging for murder, robbery or buggery of a farmyard animal?That would be the logical extension of Dave's comment, not the direction you were going in.
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