Running from police.

I passed a cop last night doing about 110 in an 60... he lights em up and Im gone. tapped out 4 gears up Kennedy around 1am. Jumped on the 401 and headed to Oshawa for coffee. Cop backed off at around 170kph.

I live to ride and I'm not losing my license because some pencil dick wants a hero cookie f@#$ 172

So, you were breaking the law, the officer was doing his job, yet.... he is the pencil dick ?. And you wonder why cops hate certain riders.
So, you were breaking the law, and he was doing his job, but he's a pencil dick ?. You wonder why cops hate certain riders.
why did you buy a sports bike lady. so you can lean on it at timmies and talk about how bad *** you were before the 172 came in to affect. I see cops speed all the time run reds without there lights on. I say if its good for them its good for me. Anytime you are speeding whether you are a emergency vehicle or not you are running the risk of injuring an innocent person. Its a roll of the dice and with the theory of deductive reasoning you will be safe 99% of the time
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path

A very fitting song, gotta love the Floyd.
I'm pretty sure I just saw a (won't mention what type of bike...let's just say it was an SS) booking it with LEO in hot pursuit :p.

My house is one block from Yonge st and right on Sheppard. My office is by the front window. I see the ____ flying by @ about 120 (Sheppard is 60). My G/F is in the other room, the guy flies by, I comment "He's flying"...she heard the bike too and agreed. 3 seconds later I see cherries flying right behind him. I duck my head out the front door (5 steps away = 3 seconds) and the bike is gone and the LEO is screeching through a red light @ the intersection @ Yonge, heading south.

Yup...he was booking it, probably heading right for the 401 on-ramp. :lol:

Good luck my man...whoever you are ;)
why did you buy a sports bike lady. so you can lean on it at timmies and talk about how bad *** you were before the 172 came in to affect. I see cops speed all the time run reds without there lights on. I say if its good for them its good for me. Anytime you are speeding whether you are a emergency vehicle or not you are running the risk of injuring an innocent person. Its a roll of the dice and with the theory of deductive reasoning you will be safe 99% of the time you bought a sport bike so you could play Rossi on the highways :rolleyes:
I like this guy, does he have a newsletter?

I remember when half the people I rode with would run from cops and do endless wheelies on the 401, it was all in good fun. Maybe the general attitude has changed along with the laws... or maybe everbody grew up a little bit.
Yeah, uh, call me cynical but I get the feeling DR PEPPER is not a real person and in fact a troll personality devised by someone who is pro-172.

Nobody could be so stupid as to believe a ninja 250 would go 330kph. And the cop did not 'back off at 170kph' because the ninja 250 tops out at 154km/h :p

I guess there will always be retards of some kind or another in all walks of life, though... :rolleyes:
damn. missed it. i was stuck at the light at sheppard and bayview at that time.

I'm pretty sure I just saw a (won't mention what type of bike...let's just say it was an SS) booking it with LEO in hot pursuit :p.

My house is one block from Yonge st and right on Sheppard. My office is by the front window. I see the ____ flying by @ about 120 (Sheppard is 60). My G/F is in the other room, the guy flies by, I comment "He's flying"...she heard the bike too and agreed. 3 seconds later I see cherries flying right behind him. I duck my head out the front door (5 steps away = 3 seconds) and the bike is gone and the LEO is screeching through a red light @ the intersection @ Yonge, heading south.

Yup...he was booking it, probably heading right for the 401 on-ramp. :lol:

Good luck my man...whoever you are ;)
Yeah, uh, call me cynical but I get the feeling DR PEPPER is not a real person and in fact a troll personality devised by someone who is pro-172.

Nobody could be so stupid as to believe a ninja 250 would go 330kph. And the cop did not 'back off at 170kph' because the ninja 250 tops out at 154km/h :p

I guess there will always be retards of some kind or another in all walks of life, though... :rolleyes:

hahaha you couldn't tell he was being sarcastic with the Ninja 250...
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Well, dude got banned anyway. *shrug*
hahaha you couldn't tell he was being sarcastic with the Ninja 250...
He mentioned in another thread he has a 2003-2004 GSXR 1000

Thats what I assumed too based on his other thread. Regardless, a gsxr 1000 isnt going to hit 330 (on a gps)
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