Running from police.

By running you're significantly increasing the likelihood that it will happen. To imply that the odds are the same is disingenuous, at best.

Seasoned runners done get "rattled", it becomes a natural instinct and your heart rate doesnt even climb after you become used to doing it 1-3 times a day a few times a week. Running doesnt always mean high speed maneuvers through traffic. It can be a calm maneuver at or just above the speed limit. Or something as simple as a little low speed lane splitting to create a gap, make a few turns, go through a park. etc etc......I know when most people think motorcycle chase, they think high speed, dangerous, etc....That kind of chase is for movies and tv shows, or people that decided to run for the first time...
By running you're significantly increasing the likelihood that it will happen. To imply that the odds are the same is disingenuous, at best.

In relation to what type of riding though? Is it inherently more likely to happen if you usually ride around at 60km/h everywhere and all the time then sure. But if you ride around doing significantly more than the speed limit everywhere and lane splitting all the time...then I dont see how its any more dangerous.
Seasoned runners done get "rattled", it becomes a natural instinct and your heart rate doesnt even climb after you become used to doing it 1-3 times a day a few times a week. Running doesnt always mean high speed maneuvers through traffic. It can be a calm maneuver at or just above the speed limit. Or something as simple as a little low speed lane splitting to create a gap, make a few turns, go through a park. etc etc......I know when most people think motorcycle chase, they think high speed, dangerous, etc....That kind of chase is for movies and tv shows, or people that decided to run for the first time...

Jeebus. If someone is getting lit up 1-3 times a day and as a result have become "seasoned runners", then they should probably reevaluate their riding style.
Seasoned runners done get "rattled", it becomes a natural instinct and your heart rate doesnt even climb after you become used to doing it 1-3 times a day a few times a week. Running doesnt always mean high speed maneuvers through traffic. It can be a calm maneuver at or just above the speed limit. Or something as simple as a little low speed lane splitting to create a gap, make a few turns, go through a park. etc etc......I know when most people think motorcycle chase, they think high speed, dangerous, etc....That kind of chase is for movies and tv shows, or people that decided to run for the first time...

Rattled or not, that sort of behaviour significantly increases the chances of a collision.

In relation to what type of riding though? Is it inherently more likely to happen if you usually ride around at 60km/h everywhere and all the time then sure. But if you ride around doing significantly more than the speed limit everywhere and lane splitting all the time...then I dont see how its any more dangerous.

See above.

If this is the way that someone rides on a regular basis, then their license is hanging by a string, at any rate. The stakes also generally increase the tension, which in turn increases risk.
Running is just like any other crime,eventually you will lose,whether you get killed,injured,caught, whatever ...........
Seasoned runners done get "rattled", it becomes a natural instinct and your heart rate doesnt even climb after you become used to doing it 1-3 times a day a few times a week. Running doesnt always mean high speed maneuvers through traffic. It can be a calm maneuver at or just above the speed limit. Or something as simple as a little low speed lane splitting to create a gap, make a few turns, go through a park. etc etc......I know when most people think motorcycle chase, they think high speed, dangerous, etc....That kind of chase is for movies and tv shows, or people that decided to run for the first time...

Lots of the seasoned, professional guys languishing in prison didn't get rattled either, but they did get caught in the end.

This is a really easy thing to understand. Run from cops and sooner or later your number will come up in one way or another.

The vast majority of riders manage to spend every day behaving normally, responsibly and riding within the law (or at least under the radar) and enjoying themselves. The people that run aren't heroes, as someone above said, those people are making it more and more likely that riding bikes on the streets will be seen by the public as a threat rather than a normal occurence and things will change.

If you feel it's your duty to use the full power potential of the machine you just purchased on the streets then you really have to check your maturity level and your ability to control your own actions. Everyone that owns a bike wants to see what their particular bike can do, but most of us realise the streets aren't the place to do this.
The vast majority of riders manage to spend every day behaving normally, responsibly and riding within the law (or at least under the radar) and enjoying themselves.

Could you please let the Police know that. I don't think they got the memo.
Rattled or not, that sort of behaviour significantly increases the chances of a collision.

See above.

If this is the way that someone rides on a regular basis, then their license is hanging by a string, at any rate. The stakes also generally increase the tension, which in turn increases risk.

Like I said, if this is the type of riding the rider is accustomed to then his chances of wrecking with 1/10 seconds of misjudgment are higher than a normal rider....running or not. Believe me there are guys its become such second nature to them that its no different than making a yellow before it goes red...there is no increase in tension.
If there are some people that ride above the law all the time, never stop for the police, and would run anytime they see cherries, why bother with insurance, a plate or any legality? Always riding to escape, ala Ghost Rider...

I'd say running is a bad idea 99% of the time... but if the flashing lights are a km behind you when they turn on and you can make a few quick turns to get outta sight without riding like a nut, how many would really stop? I never would say running from a cop is a good idea, but when you are that far ahead is it really a chase?
There is still too much gravel on the road.

Better to wait for the third week in May before putting out perennials and running from police.
Like I said, if this is the type of riding the rider is accustomed to then his chances of wrecking with 1/10 seconds of misjudgment are higher than a normal rider....running or not. Believe me there are guys its become such second nature to them that its no different than making a yellow before it goes red...there is no increase in tension.

Running or not, these are the sort of rider that is screwing over the rest of us and causing things like the racing and stunting law to seem reasonable to the average road user.
Running or not, these are the sort of rider that is screwing over the rest of us and causing things like the racing and stunting law to seem reasonable to the average road user.

Again I dont disagree. But I dont think that we should suffer the undue consequences due to the actions of the minority.
Running or not, these are the sort of rider that is screwing over the rest of us and causing things like the racing and stunting law to seem reasonable to the average road user.

Don't forget upcoming horsepower restrictions on motorcycles.

Yes, there is a government committee looking at it.
Again I dont disagree. But I dont think that we should suffer the undue consequences due to the actions of the minority.

That's exactly why restrictive laws come about, to protect the majority from the bad effects arising from the careless/reckless/criminal acts of the minority who commit them.
Seasoned runners done get "rattled", it becomes a natural instinct and your heart rate doesnt even climb after you become used to doing it 1-3 times a day a few times a week. Running doesnt always mean high speed maneuvers through traffic. It can be a calm maneuver at or just above the speed limit. Or something as simple as a little low speed lane splitting to create a gap, make a few turns, go through a park. etc etc......I know when most people think motorcycle chase, they think high speed, dangerous, etc....That kind of chase is for movies and tv shows, or people that decided to run for the first time...

I know Durham has the helicopter these days. Good luck if they are quick enough to radio that.
That's exactly why restrictive laws come about, to protect the majority from the bad effects arising from the careless/reckless/criminal acts of the minority who commit them.

This makes no sense. Your talking about protecting the public from the malicious actions of a minority segment of the population against that very same population.

What I am talking about is unduly punishing a certain group because a minority segment of the that group is acting recklessly. For example should SUV drivers be persecuted because some of them drive recklessly?
This makes no sense. Your talking about protecting the public from the malicious actions of a minority segment of the population against that very same population.

What I am talking about is unduly punishing a certain group because a minority segment of the that group is acting recklessly. For example should SUV drivers be persecuted because some of them drive recklessly?

Nobody in that "certain group" faces any undue punishment unless they run afoul of the law. Once they do that, they become part of the minority that the tougher sanctions are aimed at.
Nobody in that "certain group" faces any undue punishment unless they run afoul of the law. Once they do that, they become part of the minority that the tougher sanctions are aimed at.

Bill 203 is undue punishment.
I know Durham has the helicopter these days. Good luck if they are quick enough to radio that.

Unless they have Airwolf as a copter I still dont see how it can help within the first 30 seconds.
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