Another crack-head junkie dead, who coincidently was a celebrity. Whoop-de-freaking-doo. I think that even the Late Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming from a mile away.
Like really? On the same day that the Norwegian massacre has occured, and this self-destructive, 20-something, self-absorbed British addict is threatening to over-shadow that true tragedy in terms of media exposure.
I see this as just one more indicative barometer of our collective misplaced priorities, in one helluva screwed up world.
I perhaps feel sorry for those that tried to throw her a rope out of the sewer that she threw herself into, but not for her. She had a far better chance, and far better resources, than 95% out there in her same sort of situation with addiction issues, with the resources and support that she had available to her. She chose to keep sucking the pipe, and jabbing the needles, instead of availing herself to the help. Live fast, die young.
Amy Whitehouse, Rehab
10 weeks in rehab, vs an uncertain life-time on drugs. She chose the path that she wanted to follow, and even wrote a song about that choice.. one hell of a bad choice recorded for posterity/as an epitaph, if you should ask me..
Sorry, but i really find it hard to have much in the way of sympathy here. I'd much prefer to reserve it for situations and events, that truly deserve it.