RIP Amy Winehouse

Another crack-head junkie dead, who coincidently was a celebrity. Whoop-de-freaking-doo. I think that even the Late Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming from a mile away.

Like really? On the same day that the Norwegian massacre has occured, and this self-destructive, 20-something, self-absorbed British addict is threatening to over-shadow that true tragedy in terms of media exposure.

I see this as just one more indicative barometer of our collective misplaced priorities, in one helluva screwed up world.

I perhaps feel sorry for those that tried to throw her a rope out of the sewer that she threw herself into, but not for her. She had a far better chance, and far better resources, than 95% out there in her same sort of situation with addiction issues, with the resources and support that she had available to her. She chose to keep sucking the pipe, and jabbing the needles, instead of availing herself to the help. Live fast, die young.

Amy Whitehouse, Rehab

10 weeks in rehab, vs an uncertain life-time on drugs. She chose the path that she wanted to follow, and even wrote a song about that choice.. one hell of a bad choice recorded for posterity/as an epitaph, if you should ask me..

Sorry, but i really find it hard to have much in the way of sympathy here. I'd much prefer to reserve it for situations and events, that truly deserve it.

amen to that
Here's some footage from her last ever concert. A shame that noone could see her in such an awful state and not stepped in to give her the proper help she needed for her addiction. RIP

Big surprise. I doubt you would feel sympathy for anyone in any case. When I was a kid there was this old guy that used to call the police when we would play hockey,. and if our ball would go on his front lawn he would take it, you remind me of him.

Bitter, bitter old man.....RIP Amy Winehouse

Yes. Now get the eff off my Lawn!

Seriously though, where are your "RIP's" on this forum for the Oslo victims? They had much less 'choice' involved in their own fate, yet you choose to take time out of your day to remember her death, which was basically at her own hands? Really?

As i said earlier, an indicator of our collective society's misplaced priorities, and overly-valued focus on fame and celebritism.

I'm pretty sure Stevie is still alive...

My bad, i thought he'd popped off a year or so ago. Keep on Smilin', Stevie.
Seriously though, where are your "RIP's" on this forum for the Oslo victims? They had much less 'choice' involved in their own fate, yet you choose to take time out of your day to remember her death, which was basically at her own hands? Really?

As i said earlier, an indicator of our collective society's misplaced priorities, and overly-valued focus on fame and celebritism.

amen to that

No idea why people care so much about some entitled junkie killing herself with drugs.
I am sure BLF has sympathy for the oslo victims, but the real fact is that it is a Amy Winehouse thread. I could ask the same of you as, to where your sympathy is for all the young children in this country that are hungry ,abused and going through sheer hell right now.

I just heard on the news that they were going to cremate her body today.. They put her in the furnace, lit it, and the explosion took out 4 city blocks....

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Yes. Now get the eff off my Lawn!

Seriously though, where are your "RIP's" on this forum for the Oslo victims? They had much less 'choice' involved in their own fate, yet you choose to take time out of your day to remember her death, which was basically at her own hands? Really?

As i said earlier, an indicator of our collective society's misplaced priorities, and overly-valued focus on fame and celebritism.

My bad, i thought he'd popped off a year or so ago. Keep on Smilin', Stevie.
The Amy Winehouse tragedy hits closer to home for me, but unlike you I won't post disrespectful things about the Oslo victims. My interest if far from her being a celebrity, it's about the addiction that ultimately claimed her life. Anyone thinking she should have just got rehab and got better is an idiot. Addiction , just like alcoholism, mental illness, ect., is a disease.
The Amy Winehouse tragedy hits closer to home for me, but unlike you I won't post disrespectful things about the Oslo victims. My interest if far from her being a celebrity, it's about the addiction that ultimately claimed her life. Anyone thinking she should have just got rehab and got better is an idiot. Addiction , just like alcoholism, mental illness, ect., is a disease.
Well said.If people spent a bit of time doing some volunteer work in the physciatric ward of a hospital,they would quite likely feel different about these kinds of things.Keyboards are great desensitizers.
Here's some footage from her last ever concert. A shame that noone could see her in such an awful state and not stepped in to give her the proper help she needed for her addiction. RIP

This footage has nothing to do with her "Addiction" but what it does show is a Spoiled brat who's management surrounded with Yes men,Having a temper tantrum

I Totally agree with everything you've posted in this thread
The Amy Winehouse tragedy hits closer to home for me, but unlike you I won't post disrespectful things about the Oslo victims. My interest if far from her being a celebrity, it's about the addiction that ultimately claimed her life. Anyone thinking she should have just got rehab and got better is an idiot. Addiction , just like alcoholism, mental illness, ect., is a disease.

Amy Winhouse tragedy? Where's the tragedy? Dumb ***** flaunted her stupidity in the face of people who tried to help her... You have heard the song Rehab right?
Why people are surprised by this is beyond me....
I agree with others in that there are people far more deserving of my sympathy than this idiot...
Addiction is treatable, just like any other "disease." If you fail to seek treatment for it when others are trying to help, then you are an idiot.... She made her bed, now she has to lie in it....well, maybe not a bed, perhaps a coffin would be a better analogy...

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This footage has nothing to do with her "Addiction" but what it does show is a Spoiled brat who's management surrounded with Yes men,Having a temper tantrum

Dude, are you freaking serious?? She's completely trashed. I have no idea how that can be interpreted as a "temper tantrum".

I have sympathy for anyone who is that far gone - although I admit, I'm not surprised. I don't really understand why my sympathy has to be finite, and that by expressing sympathy for one dead celebrity that it somehow takes away from the far larger tragedy of Oslo. For those who are yawning at this news, why even read and post in a thread like this then? I've never understood the "I don't care so I'm gonna post how I don't care" mentality.
Dude, are you freaking serious?? She's completely trashed. I have no idea how that can be interpreted as a "temper tantrum".

Watch it again then

0:07 doesn’t want to sing next song on play list
0:38 tells band leader what she wants played next
1:08 glares at someone in the crowd and you hear someone tell her lets go

Pretty much the rest of the song she’s singing off Key just to piss of the crowd

I’ve seen her live and she does (Did) that a lot

4:27 tosses mic ****** off
4:44 glares again at the crowd singing her song

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no what's painful is You assuming something from a 5 min clip on Youtube

Wait, who's making the assumptions about a "temper tantrum" here?

Winehouse went to rehab mere weeks before that concert, and cancelled the rest of her European tour afterwards. That, and knowing her history with drugs and alcohol, it's more than a mere "assumption". And I don't know about you, but I can tell the difference between a temper tantrum and someone who's completely knackered.
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Amy Winhouse tragedy? Where's the tragedy? Dumb ***** flaunted her stupidity in the face of people who tried to help her... You have heard the song Rehab right?
Why people are surprised by this is beyond me....
I agree with others in that there are people far more deserving of my sympathy than this idiot...
Addiction is treatable, just like any other "disease." If you fail to seek treatment for it when others are trying to help, then you are an idiot.... She made her bed, now she has to lie in it....well, maybe not a bed, perhaps a coffin would be a better analogy...

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
It's obvious you know nothing about addiction. How about doing some research before posting your garbage. How about going to a rehab centre, and talking to addicts for a while, look at what they go through when rehabbing. To an addict they don't have a problem so they don't need rehab. Here's a true story for you. Not exactly the same as this discussion but still in the ball park. One of my co workers a few yrs back was working on a project for a utility company at Broadview and Gerrard, and every morning this guy would ask him for money for a coffee and a smoke, John gave him a smoke and some change for a coffee;knowing full well what the money was for, this went on for a few weeks, then one day John didn't have time to stop for smokes, and when the guy asked him, John told him, sorry buddy but I don't have any right now, but stiil gave him some change, the guy pulls out his pack, and hands John a smoke, then wishes him a good day. Sounds like an idiot to me eh. I don't know if you are that oblivious to the real world, or you just try to sound cool on the internet, I believe it's the second one. By your thinking we shouldn't have any sympathy for a rider that crashes and dies, since we all know the risk is there, yet we choose to still ride. How many of the new riders come on here and say their parents are against it, some even hide it from them by keeping their bike at a friends place, are they idiots to? do they deserve to die? and would you have sympathy for them if they did?
Unlike another thread where people are trying to act all tough and say they'll do this and that to them if encountered, when we know most of them are cowards and would run and hide under their bed. It's actually rare an addict will resort to violence to get money for their fix.

Randomly displace much?

When did Amy Winehouse resort to violence to get her fix?
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