Right on Red when Opposite Direction has Left Turn Arrow

It's 4 lanes there, according to satellite view. Also, there are two entrances to that Canadian Tire within 150 ft of each other AND the first one isn't even that close to the intersection (over 100 ft) so I can't see why he would be so aggressive about it. Even if he missed it if he went right at the next road and right again that gets him into the same lot again. So he had 3 possible options and chose the least safe option.
It's 4 lanes there, according to satellite view. Also, there are two entrances to that Canadian Tire within 150 ft of each other AND the first one isn't even that close to the intersection (over 100 ft) so I can't see why he would be so aggressive about it. Even if he missed it if he went right at the next road and right again that gets him into the same lot again. So he had 3 possible options and chose the least safe option.

It is the parking lot that never ends...he made that choice so he could honk at me and curse at me?? Accusing me of almost hitting him in a right turn violating his rights?

Correct; that is an unsafe lane change. Unfortunately the basic rules of the road are rarely, if ever enforced. It's not as easy to prove in court as is speeding.

The reciprocal is Red Light – Fail to Stop, followed by Unsafe Lane change; the collision occurs in the middle lane.

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