Riding etiquettes: honking at distracted drivers?

I'm going to go against the grain and say I use the horn daily, multiple times a day.

Driving with your head down looking at your phone, horn.
Doing 5 under the limit on a single lane street, horn.
Stopped in a no standing zone, getting in everyone's way, horn.
Driving beside the car in the lane next to you, horn.
Not turning left on a green arrow/flashing green, horn.
Blocking the intersection getting in everyone's way, horn.
Doing anything stupid, horn.

People need to be shammed for their own development and the good of all of us. Don't be shy. Use your horn. Hopefully they will feel stupid and learn to be better.
Did you keep beep-beep as well? If all you have is a loud angry horn, sometimes it is too much for situations where you want to give people a friendly reminder to get going. Angry horn is more likely to produce angry reaction. If you have an a-woo-ga horn, people have trouble getting mad at it.
I get what you're saying. There was no need. It's VERY loud, but still quick. If I tap the horn it'll give a loud, but quick beep that doesn't give the angry vibe.
Yes, but sometimes even the smart make stupid mistakes. Can't save them all, but we can save some.
It would be so nice if this happened even 1 out of every 100 times.

Driver: Distracted
Rider: "Beep-Beep"
Driver: "thank you rider, I should not have been doing that distracting thing"
Rider: "Happy to help, just want to ensure we're all safe on the roads"

Instead we get.

Driver: Distracted
Rider: "Beep-Beep"
Driver: "F@ck you rider, I make my own rules and now I'm angry and must seek revenge as you made me feel bad"
Rider: "F@ck you!, you almost killed me you stupid idiot, now I'm all aggressive and stuff"
News Report: 1 dead and 1 injured in traffic incident on Street A & Road B..
^ rare but it does happen occasionally.
I'm going to go against the grain and say I use the horn daily, multiple times a day.

Driving with your head down looking at your phone, horn.
Doing 5 under the limit on a single lane street, horn.
Stopped in a no standing zone, getting in everyone's way, horn.
Driving beside the car in the lane next to you, horn.
Not turning left on a green arrow/flashing green, horn.
Blocking the intersection getting in everyone's way, horn.
Doing anything stupid, horn.

People need to be shammed for their own development and the good of all of us. Don't be shy. Use your horn. Hopefully they will feel stupid and learn to be better.
Your display pic checks out.

In all seriousness, I absolutely abhor honking. I always feel one can be forgiven for a "little" out-of-the-ordinary behaviour on the road... twice. You repeat it again, you get a honk from me. Yesterday the bloke was very intentionally out-of-the-ordinary.
The Ural has a meep meep kinda horn. Kids love it.
I rely on conspicuity to get me noticed. I added yellow lenses to the sidecars led driving lights.
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Happened to me a couple of days ago: Old guy drives out of his driveway straight onto the road in front of me, without turning his head or looking at ANYTHING other than his phone in his hand down by his horn button. He managed to turn to the right and point his Mercedes SUV down the road, straddling the centre line. As I quickly passed his driver door I gave a long blast from my twin Freeway Blaster horns. Jolted him awake and likely also whoever he was talking to. I hope it was his car insurance agent, or someone who will advise him to stop driving.
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Happened to me a couple of days ago: Old guy drives out of his driveway straight onto the road in front of me, without turning his head or looking at ANYTHING other than his phone in his hand down by his horn button. He managed to turn to the right and point his Mercedes SUV down the road, straddling the centre line. As I quickly passed his driver door I gave a long blast from my twin Highway Blaster horns. Jolted him awake and likely also whoever he was talking to. I hope it was his car insurance agent, or someone who will advise him to stop driving.
Those people will have a different version of the events. "I pulled out carefully and there was nobody around and this crazy biker came flying out of nowhere and blasted his horn. Aholes on bikes need to learn how to ride. They will end up dead if they ride like that."
Those people will have a different version of the events. "I pulled out carefully and there was nobody around and this crazy biker came flying out of nowhere and blasted his horn. Aholes on bikes need to learn how to ride. They will end up dead if they ride like that."

Car drivers don't have a monopoly on self-righteousness.

Rider in our group pulls out into traffic without looking and a car has to swerve to avoid hitting him. Car honks the horn and the motorcyclist gives him the finger.


First reaction of *most* people is, regardless of *ANY* situation they're in: "I'm not the problem, YOU'RE the problem. I'm entirely incapable of any wrongdoing!"
According to some of you guys my honking should have gotten me killed by a road raging cager about 258,584 times already over the last 17 years of year round riding... and yet I've honked about a zillion times and zero incidents. How bizarre... it's almost like people would rather exaggerate the risk of honking a horn than admit their personality type is conflict-avoidant...

Anyway, during my 25 day ride across Italy this summer it was nice to see that honking over there is in fact the norm, although there is much less need for it as the drivers are, on average, much better.
According to some of you guys my honking should have gotten me killed by a road raging cager about 258,584 times already over the last 17 years of year round riding... and yet I've honked about a zillion times and zero incidents. How bizarre... it's almost like people would rather exaggerate the risk of honking a horn than admit their personality type is conflict-avoidant...

Anyway, during my 25 day ride across Italy this summer it was nice to see that honking over there is in fact the norm, although there is much less need for it as the drivers are, on average, much better.
Sadly, the odds are not in your favor. You can have 258,584 good encounters and then one bad one. It only takes one bad encounter to end you. There are a lot of people driving around with serious emotional issues. Pretty much daily in the GTA, there are road rage incidents involving weapons all the way up to firearms. Facts are that you are more likely to trigger one of those people by honking than you are if you blend in with the crowd. A bike gives you very little protection if it escalates.
According to some of you guys my honking should have gotten me killed by a road raging cager about 258,584 times already over the last 17 years of year round riding... and yet I've honked about a zillion times and zero incidents. How bizarre... it's almost like people would rather exaggerate the risk of honking a horn than admit their personality type is conflict-avoidant...

Anyway, during my 25 day ride across Italy this summer it was nice to see that honking over there is in fact the norm, although there is much less need for it as the drivers are, on average, much better.
Nah, you ride/drive the way you want. Just like everybody else.
If you want to honk, honk away. Many choose to simple avoid the possible situation (if possible).
As for Italy, I drove through the entire country a few years back, Not sure if they were better drivers or if I was just hyper-aware as it was a new environment... Either way never used the horn once and never had anyone use one towards me..
Car drivers don't have a monopoly on self-righteousness.
Car drivers got nothing on ex smokers for self righteousness

I haven't used a horn in 30 years. I gave up trying to teach other people how to drive a long time ago.
Honking your horn at someone infers you think you are going to chance their actions.
I used to be disgusted, now I'm just amused.
Nah, you ride/drive the way you want. Just like everybody else.
If you want to honk, honk away. Many choose to simple avoid the possible situation (if possible).

You can honk if you want to.
You can leave your friends behind.
'Cause your friends don't honk,
and if they don't honk, well they're no friends of mine...
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