Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

Teeth are settled down. That was NOT pleasant.
Got an tentative ride with Eamonn next week. He says the road to Chillago has only 3km of smooth dirt now. Think I can handle if washboard not horrid. Last time I got out there was on the KLR and did the caves in my big offroad boots....a few hundred steps and my shins were sore the next day.
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He's riding this now ...big jump up from his modified Honda CB500x.
Breakthrough on the pillion bag.
Strapped the Nelson Rigg on and slid it back a bit and can just get my boot to clear. I'll get better at it and like the look
Thaqt raggedy AirHawk could use a new cover.
that's all strapped in, anchors the laptop bag and by moving it back I can just clear it.


There is no need to take it off and it just might do without a tank bag. Will dig out the longer strap for the camera tho it does fit in my riding shirt pocket anyways.
So I will skip the pricey GIVI tank bag solution and just use the tail bag with the laptop case under it. Flexibility exercises coming up.
Impressed with the quality of the straps on the Nelson Rigg. ther reflector tape on the back useful too.
I can live with that look . Will square up a bit when laptop and other gear inside. I pulled the straps pretty tight and it distorts the bag a bit. I think it is not waterproof but resistant and comes with a cover.
Oh joy
they are still fixing the roads from the last one. 🤪
Our simmering oceans could also lead to the most active cyclone season in years, with the BOM expecting around 11 named storms in the Australian region, including an increased risk of severe (category three or above) systems.
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Lovely day - easy ride up the Gillies on the new bike. No traffic and no wind....and no codeine. Excellent scones
Not a hint of sciatica even with the longer ride today and part of that is I can lift off the seat a bit ...have not tried standing ...suspect geometry not conducive to that tho better than the CB300.
Just being able to lift off for a moment helps.
Will wait on any changes until I sort the tank bag...that shortie windscreen appeals a bit,
I think I only need two of the powerful magnets ..just need to sort the adhesive.
This was the recommended brand
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Itchy Boots refining her classic ride.
Uncluttered dash.-like her choice of luggage too. That Mosko stuff √√√Screen Shot 2024-10-14 at Oct, 14    2024    6.47.33 PM.jpg
Will be much nicer than her previous filming set up for the front as the nav stuff got in the way. This is much more low profile and feels like riders PoV without obstruction.
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Proof of living in the tropics - our front garden.

First trip up the Gillies on the Yamaha ....was stunning day and very little wind.
Took it easy on the bike as I was still a bit under the weather from the tooth/codeine treatment and lack of sleep ( self inflicted )
Bike was lively and very easy to pass. No sciatic issues despite saddletime
Up the Gillies to Lake Barrine....wonderful day - very moderate temps.

there used to be a platypus living along the verge there but have not seen in years.
I noticed tho there was a platypus viewing area in Yungaburra so will check out.
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Trip felt longer - construction I guess. Lucky not a hot day.
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Gorgeous day . Off for a ride early.
short ride - forgot my wallet and glasses - did score a better brekkie tho - i had 5 dollars, they were out of bread for their toastie deal so got the turkish roll, bacon and egg for 5 including a small latte :biggrin:
will head home and call it a day - pretty hot n muggy.
tank bag with two cans of pepsi in it stayed solid and seems out of the wind, phone holder blocks some

Screen Shot 2024-10-17 at Oct, 17    2024    10.19.00 AM.jpgstraps too tight for the laptop...still some adjustment to do. Added the bungie back to the tail bag
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Clearly my Canadian Bday showed up in Aus. Got a Whopper Jr with a latte for $2.50 on Shake n Win. (y)
Decent little protein fix and needed the caffeine hit....sluggish this am.
On and off okay this morning and the tank bag is working well.
Good ride today ....fetched my repaired laptop, got the polish for the forks of the ebike and the anticarbon cleaner....there happened to be an autoparts store where I parked.
Also grabbed a cheapie multitool as the Yamaha came without.
Have traded a less sore ass for a bit of a sore back....I'm hoping that will ease off and not need a riser which looks expensive to do on this model.
Not a bad bday ride. (y)
With the return of the repaired laptop my workspace is intact again instead of plugging and unplugging several times a day.
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Yum - Sunday roast at Julatten ...

Busy - clearly have been discovered. Lot's more arriving....including lots on motorcycles I was hungry today ...very light brekkie.
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Baching it overnight as partner away dog sitting. Getting opportunity to sort through some of the motorcycle gear I brought last year.
Since it is getting warm thought I would try the Thor armoured shirts the kid and I had. He of course looked much better in his but at least with my 44 lb drop thanks to Ozempic the fit is better than a while back in Canada :rolleyes:
It is also much cooler than any of my jackets.
Have a Fox riding shirt to wear over it as wll tho sort of prefer just the shirt.
Bit of vinegar on the zippers to get rid of the mould and they are fine. Might be able to sell the second one.
Damn - expensive gear now. did not bring the kidney belt with me....I don't think it fit either my belly or the kids at the time. ;)
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Reconfigured the storage again on the new bike..put the pillion seat back on and strapped the laptop sleeve further back just with a pair of bungees. Quite secure and stuck a 3L waterproof bicycle bag on top....see if I can clear that now I've sort the problem with the tank bag getting in the way.
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Some funny commentary on Noraly from this site - Google translate suggestedScreen Shot 2024-10-22 at Oct, 22    2024    8.55.16 AM.jpg
Have to get ass in gear here as warm humid day coming and I'm still sleepy at 9 am. :rolleyes:
Off to try the revised set up to get on the bike with a little bit of grace.;)
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No excuses...decent if short sleep, no wind and decent temps. Will wear regular jacket at just 24 right now. Only protein for breakfast. Downside of being up early ( 6.30 am ) is no destination is open :unsure: . I suppose Hastie Swamp is a good idea. Think I can fit the big lens in the Nelson-Rigg.
not my shot
These are
paid off getting out early
Lotsa birds, bird types AND birders at Hasties Swamp today. Hundreds of magpie geese...it was nice to hear the honking of the geese when I turned the engine off. These ancient geese roost and nest in trees.

Too cute Spoonbill and Pied Cormorant sharing a perch

Big egret

Purple gallinol aka mud hen, plover and not sure on the ducks.

Smaller Egret and gorgeous ducks

Too cute Spoonbill and Pied Cormorant sharing a perch
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Other spoonbills in a small flock further out with an opportunistic egret overseeing things.

Serious birder from Perth, couple of Canadians from Montreal, and a smattering of others ...clearly dragged along and feeling a bit overwhelmed but was fun to answer questions.
Best I've seen there in a long time.
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Noraly back on the road ...really like the view point forward not blocked by gear. Bike sounds good - weather not so much.
Well Noraly got wet and appears I will as well today tho clearing in the afternoon when the bike transfer is scheduled.
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Still have not managed to contact the owner of the GS310 I want to buy tho the alternative seller is in touch. I will wait for the farkled one. There is a riders group I can reach out to. Patience is not my virtue ... :sneaky:
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Wrote this in April 2021
..took the 310 BMW for an afternoon and quite enjoyed it ....about the same power as the KLR but way lighter. Bit small tho - seat locks you in place so starts to be annoying after an hour or so. Was pleasantly surprised tho....easy to keep up with traffic and smooth even without Grip Buddies on which tame the KLR shakes.
Hopefully picking one up tonight.
Putting this very good article on it here for future reference.
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New bike 2018 BMW GS310 - likely last full sized motorcycle for me. Going to Chillagoe high on list now I can handle the washboard. Will take a week to get comfortable with the GS.Screen Shot 2024-10-30 at Oct, 30    2024    7.22.57 PM.jpg
Happy to not have to deal with storage on the pillion. Will just strap the most suitable bag I've got on the rear rack. For now just the laptop bag. The tank bag that came with it is the same size as the one I was using.
There are two of these tool bags - one on each side - complete with additional tools including tire repair kit.
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Bark busters, the anti-buffet screen and engine guards all welcome additions.
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Big bash plate and excellent third party foot pegs really nice to have.
Not likely to get much use of the bash plate but being able to stand up on the wider foot pegs a very welcome mod. Hated not being able to stand on the CB300 or ME-30 to be able to stretch my back.
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Glad the hunt is over ...now to make to 80 still riding :unsure:
Well I may lied about the hunt...more later.
Meanwhile...really like Noralys video set up as I can see the road ahead unimpeded.
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No interest in visiting Turkey but like to see travels there.

30c already at 10.30 am. The Wet cometh....it's even Nov 5th here across the dateline. Tomorrow is the US circus ....err election. 🍿
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Lavi and Ollie have moved up in the vlogger world with very nice camera upgrades. Love the views and 4k is nice to have.
and a new adventure.
Didn't get out on the bike today. Front brake getting fixed tomorrow and a day of socializing plus returning spare luggage options to Amazon.
Bike is more comfortable lowered. Lovely day - not too warm and very dry. I lied it's 31 but feels like 28.
Personal plumbing is clogged up so have to go in tomorrow to unclog...grrrr $895 but most is covered by insurance. Don't mind the catheter, do mind when it doesn't work. Even the pro could not get it inserted today. Glad they could take me midday tomorrow. Sucks that this is happening

Well sold the Ebike for what I paid for it. $890. Needed the extra funds...our power bill has jumped when we switched to electric hot water ....the solar hot water died. Partner not happy with the jump tho likes the consistent water.

Off to the plumber, aka Dr Smith Surgeon shortly.
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Not so much fun at the "plumber" so a tad uncomfortable and need a redo on my TURP which is annoying tho it will be nothing like the first go. The three hour ride yesterday was okay tho could feel the intrusion.
Operation will put me under TBD.

Funny I'm annoyed at the sound of BMW 310 but similar sound from Noraly's 600 is okay. :rolleyes:
Always something interesting in her vlog. Just really enjoy her changed view forward. Far more "being there " especially in 4k on the 55" screen. Her audio is greatly improved too.
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