Return of Ford Nation

Word of the Day: Intaxication - That brief period of euphoria you feel between receiving a tax refund and then realizing it was your money to begin with.

Sadly funny....
If we can survive Wynee we can survive the apocalypse!

I thought Wynne was the apocalypse......;)

Funny I was riding during the warm spell at the end of Feb, heading east on elgin mills where it ends, and there it was, a sign reading..."Stop Wynne"
Create a platform that is socially liberal while being fiscally accountable/conservative and appoint a rational person as your leader.

How f**kin hard is that!?
Pretty hard, since social liberal and fiscal conservative are extremely contradictory terms.

I wish... we live in a world where this is becoming increasingly impossible. The parties have more or less decided where they stand, with the Liberal party being (theoretically) as close to that balance, which is why they have earned that 'natural ruling party' moniker.
WTF are you smokin?
As far as stating taxation is theft, especially in an advanced and civilized country, only word I have is parasite.
Not quite, but you know what does qualify as a parasite? A person who doesn't pay taxes, yet collects a tax refund. Somebody who collects disability because they're slow, while people with autism and down syndrome are out there working. People who collect disability because they're fat. Just about every person on welfare in Hamilton where one of the highest paying industrial employers 2 weeks ago announced a job fair to hire 600 full time workers(no exp req'd, full training provided), and 200 people showed up! That's just a short list of the many that qualify as parasites.

I can't even...
Makes sense, most liberals can't, don't get yourself down about it.
As far as I know, most of Council spent all of their time trying to sabotage and get rid of him, they did managed to take away his powers. In the meantime the city went to ..... So how exactly was it his fault, and not theirs?
Don't ask, he "can't even..."
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Not quite, but you know what does qualify as a parasite? A person who doesn't pay taxes, yet collects a tax refund. Somebody who collects disability because they're slow, while people with autism and down syndrome are out there working. People who collect disability because they're fat. Just about every person on welfare in Hamilton where one of the highest paying industrial employers 2 weeks ago announced a job fair to hire 600 full time workers(no exp req'd, full training provided), and 200 people showed up! That's just a short list of the many that qualify as parasites.

Interesting. What do you hope Dougie is going to do about that?
I just came here to wallow in all the butthurt. Feels good!
Pretty hard, since social liberal and fiscal conservative are extremely contradictory terms.
bs - I don't care remotely about what you do in your bedroom, or what recreational drugs you use, or your religious views, but spend taxpayer dollars prudently and efficiently.
bs - I don't care remotely about what you do in your bedroom, or what recreational drugs you use, or your religious views, but spend taxpayer dollars prudently and efficiently.

this x2
Interesting. What do you hope Dougie is going to do about that?

Well I'd like to see disability and welfare reform, but it's not likely to get top billing in this show. And by that I mean I'd like to see able bodied people severely limited in teat suckage. I'd like to see people without real disabilities removed from ODSP to make it less of a struggle for people with real disabilities.

I actually have a complete list of things I would do if I was leader of the conservative party. And I try to think in terms of 'will I break something else' when I come up with this stuff. Also I'm a real conservative, I think with the wallet in mind, not the bible. I think less government interference is better, not more. For example, on abortion my philosophy is this; I won't try to dictate what you do with your body(this dead horse has been beaten enough), but we're not paying for it, abortion is now an elective procedure and will not be covered by any form of government funding or assistance.

On guns? Murder is the highest crime in the land, it doesn't matter which weapon you choose, threat of a fine or short jail term isn't going to stop you from committing a crime that already has a life imprisonment sentence, therefore it is pointless and counterproductive to disarm the law-abiding(and make no mistakes, gun control ONLY effects the law-abiding) leaving them defenseless.

On Welfare? Cut it, I don't mean trim it, I mean completely dissolve the broken beyond repair system and start anew. For starters no more checks, we provide lodging complete with nutrition, and for that you are required to provide a minimum of 40 hours per month of volunteer service or you become ineligible. Employment startup assistance will still be available to those who find gainful employment, or alternatively assistance in training, crafting business plans and raising capital for the entrepreneurial oriented. I can go much more in depth with this, as I've thought about it alot.

Disability? As I said above, find and remove those with trivial so-called disabilities, who can still work. Dump them to the refined welfare system where they should be. Then raise the ODSP benefits to be more in-line with the basic income supplement that is in pilot right now, sorry nobody else will be getting that except for people who are actually unable to be contributing members of the population. Stupid is not a disability, fat is not a disability. My girlfriend has had severe rheumatoid arthritis since she was a child, she still went out and got a job. Her son is autistic(Asperger, so high functioning), still out there working. I hate seeing people that I know are much more able, claiming disability status, while my girlfriend's RA isn't preventing her, or while my mother who was left physically unable to work after years of factory labour was denied for years before seeking legal help to get benefits.

Infrastructure? Guess where alot of those on the new welfare system will be volunteering. No, that doesn't mean construction labourers lose their jobs, it means we get more done with the same budget. And I don't believe in selling publicly funded infrastructure to foreign corporations(or any other private entity for that matter), so no repeats of the 407.

Of course there is some federal/provincial crossover there. But it doesn't matter, as much as I think I could flip this country on it's head(in a good way), I'll never bother running. I can't afford it, I definitely couldn't win a seat in either house with my ideals in my riding.

As for "Dougie", I've already jumped on twitter to congratulate him and wish him well. And to hope he can fix some of her colossal ****-ups, one baby step at a time. It took over a decade for it to get this way, it won't be fixed in a term.
Isn't Welfare Federal?

Part of the problem I have, is that there are many red Tories, that may have simply joined the wrong party to **** disturb.

Early on, people like Trudeau Sr. and many before him, found that they could either join a political party that perfectly meshed with their own ideology, or they could join one that could get elected, and then proceed to change it from within.
@JTR you can run for Mayor of Toronto. I believe there is only a $100 admission fee.
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bs - I don't care remotely about what you do in your bedroom, or what recreational drugs you use, or your religious views, but spend taxpayer dollars prudently and efficiently.
So you're for small government. That is definitely not in the liberal mindset, not the way the west sees liberalism anyway.
Isn't Welfare Federal?

Part of the problem I have, is that there are many red Tories, that may have simply joined the wrong party to **** disturb.

Early on, people like Trudeau Sr. and many before him, found that they could either join a political party that perfectly meshed with their own ideology, or they could join one that could get elected, and then proceed to change it from within.

Welfare is majority provincially funded(Ontario Works), municipally administered.

OH! I forgot the most important thing, Schools! We need more, not less. Better education for our young. Zero interest student debt(OSAP anyway, obviously have no control over CSL). Political ideology of teachers is not welcome. Any teacher caught indoctrinating students with their own political beliefs would be sanctioned(can't fire them, union is too strong), teachers are paid to pass on facts, not opinions. Persuade colleges and universities to follow suit lest they lose their gravy train.
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Compulsory speech with allowed talking points then....hmmm. Sounds a bit commie.

Can also take this a little further...children are also elective so why should those without be forced to pay for such things as schools and education? After all...I don’t want to pay for your lack of use of birth control?

This politics stuff is awesome isn’t it?

Also I’m not serious but it’s an extension of the tired “I shouldn’t have to pay for freeloader” line.

Also...if you really are that concerned about freeloaders and want the best bang for your buck....plug tax loopholes for the rich.
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