Return of Ford Nation

Mismanagement/poorly managed for sure.....but not staff bloat as far as I know. Would a PC government step in and ask if hospital administrators should be paid as much as they are though for instance?

I don’t like paying the amount of taxes I do, nobody really does. But I see it as the cost of living in a country that compared to most is actually pretty good. Could it be better? Yes, absolutely. Vote wisely.
There are hard working people everywhere, there are also slackers. I'm not an expert on health care, but I am an expert on business and efficiencies -- that's what I do.

I get to use hospitals and doctors occasionally, I writhe at the waste an inefficiencies. For instance, I did a cardiac rehab program 5 years ago, there were 10 staff looking after 40 people. There was never a time where more than 2 staff were working -- meaning the system pays for 8 people to stand around and do nothing.

Same thing at hospitals. I recently spent a night in Markham Stouffville hospital with a person that had a cardiac event, same thing -- 4 people sitting around for each person working.
Higher education is partly about developing freedom of thought and utilizing freedom of speech. If you want to put constraints on that then be my guest but that’s not a democratic style of governance. Putting constraints on speech is what Peterson is currently railing against. As for sex education for the young that’s’s more damaging to do nothing in my opinion though and you’re always going to offend someone whatever you do.

Who decides who is and who isn’t a freeloader? If you decide to go after those not contributing/paying/working their way who says the rich freeloaders get a free pass? Again, that’s not a democratic style of governance. Anyone found to be gaming the system should be treated exactly the same way with the ultimate penalty being jail time for the biggest offences.

Back to your abortion point...ignoring anything emotive that’s simply basic economics. It costs less to allow a young woman to choose what to do with her body than to force her out of the potential workforce and make her bring up a child she didn’t want. That kind of upbringing is likely to cost you as a taxpayer much more than an abortion.

Personally I don’t like anyone gaming the system for any reason. That means falsely claiming benefits if you’re just lazy, hiding cash offshore, using creative accounting techniques not available to many of us, even down to the buggers that have disabled parking stickers that don’t need them. However, if it was me I’d go after the biggest return on investment for clawing that money back first, I’m pretty sure that would have an effect on anyone thinking of gaming after that.

Do you have freedom of speech at work? Completely free without consequence? I don't. Who said anything about sex education? I didn't, if I did there would have been a tirade about them telling little boys and girls that they can trade places anytime they want. You also seem to have some delusion, that you're entitled to somebody else's money, and also the delusion that it's even possible to get it. You don't get it, if government goes even as far as to suggest that they will take that money, it will be gone before they can even write the legislation, let alone pass it. Then what's left? When the wealthy pull their money, when they decide they'd rather live somewhere else, where do you work then? Who's giving you a job? Trudumb?
Mismanagement/poorly managed for sure.....but not staff bloat as far as I know. Would a PC government step in and ask if hospital administrators should be paid as much as they are though for instance?

I don’t like paying the amount of taxes I do, nobody really does. But I see it as the cost of living in a country that compared to most is actually pretty good. Could it be better? Yes, absolutely. Vote wisely.

OHIP expensive, maybe mismanaged? maybe but compared to what? spend the cost of being a cancer patient anywhere else but Ontario and check that bar tab.

What should a hospital administrator make ? Public sector CA averages 170k plus or minus, CFO 200+ . You want dummies running hospitals? you have to pay them, its a job not a "calling to serve".
Ford wanted to get rid of street cars & put more subways. Anyone who can't see the efficiency of doing that, I won't bother arguing with.
Anybody remember when Rob was criticized for not attending the gay parade? That's F'ed up. Since when is someone compelled to support something they don't feel comfortable in?

Slow precedence on how normal people is being scrutinized!
Ford wanted to get rid of street cars & put more subways. Anyone who can't see the efficiency of doing that, I won't bother arguing with.

Who's buying and where do you put them ?
Subways cost a lot of money, do you want your taxes to go up ?
Suck or blow, you can't have it both ways.
Who's buying and where do you put them ?
Subways cost a lot of money, do you want your taxes to go up ?
Suck or blow, you can't have it both ways.
We throw away 4B already, investing in something can't be that bad.
Anybody remember when Rob was criticized for not attending the gay parade? That's F'ed up. Since when is someone compelled to support something they don't feel comfortable in?

Slow precedence on how normal people is being scrutinized!

Gays represent a reasonable number of people so should have access to political leaders. While Rob didn't have to participate in the parade he could have arranged a meeting or series of meetings with gay community leaders to find ways of dealing with issues. He could have better handled the situation by showing an interest in the problems faced by the community instead of appearing homophobic.

Doug has the same problem in that he will have to defend or retract some statements he made in the past. If he wants to be successful he will have to be proactive and open minded. Success doesn't mean getting elected but getting elected and being successful as a leader. Having to deal with Wynne's trash field will make it doubly hard.

The biggest problem facing us is getting people to think and that is a national problem. Most of us have the mentality of garbage dump bears, taking the path of least resistance. Everyone wants their rights but no one wants responsibility.

How will Ford or anyone else make us feel good about ourselves for doing the right thing when doing the right thing means considering others?

People have largely lost confidence in governments to do the right thing so every man for himself. "Canada is going down the tubes so I'm going to grab everything I can so I will survive when the crash comes" being a common attitude.
Who's buying and where do you put them ?
Subways cost a lot of money, do you want your taxes to go up ?
Suck or blow, you can't have it both ways.

Gas plant scandal anyone?
Gas plant scandal anyone?

It doesn't really make sense to answer that question that way. The whole idea of changing the government is to do away with crap like the gas plant scandal or Ornge or whatever. We're not even out of the gates yet and it appears you're ready to accept expensive white elephants and maybe even scandals from a Ford administration simply because the McGuinty and Wynne admins had them.

They were legit questions: Subways cost billions. Who's paying and what NIMBYs will be told to go fly a kite?
It doesn't really make sense to answer that question that way. The whole idea of changing the government is to do away with crap like the gas plant scandal or Ornge or whatever. We're not even out of the gates yet and it appears you're ready to accept expensive white elephants and maybe even scandals from a Ford administration simply because the McGuinty and Wynne admins had them.

They were legit questions: Subways cost billions. Who's paying and what NIMBYs will be told to go fly a kite?

Actually, no. I was pointing out we lost a bunch of money over nothing that may well have gone to supporting better transit in this region.
We throw away 4B already, investing in something can't be that bad.

They probably have spend more then that on consulting and doing studies as the idea bounces back and forth year after year, and nothing actually gets done.

I think removing most of the streetcars is a good idea and putting in subways is excellent. This will free up surface routes and lanes so things can get moving. It's kinda stupid to have a entire lane blocked in traffic. Even more stupid to have both lanes blocked when the other lane is full of parked cars, (dundas west or gerrard east etc.). Even a bus would handle this much better and can flow with the traffic instead of working against it. I am no civil engineer or remotely close to it, but I get it, and most of it seems like commonsense, but Toronto has some serious lack of civil planning and implementing infrastructure.
Pretty hard, since social liberal and fiscal conservative are extremely contradictory terms...."

bs - I don't care remotely about what you do in your bedroom, or what recreational drugs you use, or your religious views, but spend taxpayer dollars prudently and efficiently.

And this is why we never get anywhere and never make any compromise.

Social and fiscal policy have nothing to do with each other and yet in politics they’re ironclad to each other.

The result is that people like me can’t in good conscience vote for any party. None of them represent what i really want and all of them have policies (fiscal or social) that I strongly disagree with.
And this is why we never get anywhere and never make any compromise.

Social and fiscal policy have nothing to do with each other and yet in politics they’re ironclad to each other.

The result is that people like me can’t in good conscience vote for any party. None of them represent what i really want and all of them have policies (fiscal or social) that I strongly disagree with.

Politics is usually a case of voting for the 'least worse', please exercise the singular right you have.
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