Return of Ford Nation

All this comparison of Trump with Doug. But Doug was who he was before Trump was in politics.

Another label by the left.

You don't like the comparison?? I am shocked, considering your preaching anything Trump does. What gives? A change of heart??
All this comparison of Trump with Doug. But Doug was who he was before Trump was in politics.

Another label by the left.

Another "label" by the right. Give up this stupid left and right BS, has it ever struck you that some people can have opinions on both sides of your envisioned fence and maybe just don't fit into your perceived vision of all people being on "one side, or the other"?

I vote for whatever bloody party seems like they're going to do a good job for the province, and the country. I've voted for all 3 parties over the years both provincially and federally, and make that decision based on sensibilities, not party lines, or any perceived political leanings. I'm not going to vote for a tool just because he/she is the leader of my political party that I must follow like a lamb to the slaughter.

And Trump has been Trump since Doug Ford was in diapers.
You don't like the comparison?? I am shocked, considering your preaching anything Trump does. What gives? A change of heart??
I love facts!
I vote for whatever bloody party seems like they're going to do a good job for the province, and the country. I've voted for all 3 parties over the years and make that decision based on sensibilities, not party lines, or any perceived political leanings.

Curious to know how that's worked out, in your mind?
I don't think Doug Ford is stupid and egotistical and bull-headed in the way that the orange one is. I don't think he'll be bragging about the size of his inauguration party being bigger than any that came before even though it wasn't (among hundreds of other factual lies that the orange one comes up with, seemingly on a daily basis), and I don't think he'll be trying to cancel a health-care system just so that he can come up with something that doesn't work as well but which has his name on it, and I highly doubt that he will try to revoke international trade agreements on a whim.
....I vote for whatever bloody party seems like they're going to do a good job for the province, and the country. .... and make that decision based on sensibilities, not party lines, or any perceived political leanings. I'm not going to vote for a tool just because he/she is the leader of my political party that I must follow like a lamb to the slaughter.....

hear hear...
All I hope for is that "anything but Wynne" is a strong enough sentiment that the Liberals are in third place in the election even though the PCs choosing Ford will probably split the anything-but-Wynne vote. Imagine a PC and NDP minority-government situation with Libs in third. Wouldn't that be a pretty picture ... ! ! !
I am not so sure I would agree about egoistical and bull-headed. Unless our definitions of these vary. The rest of it, you are probably right. So what remains to be seen what will really Doug Ford do? We know he will cut taxes and spending of some sort. Which sort remains to be seen. This will keep PC supporters happy undoubtedly. What does Doug have in store for the rest of the province? Not doing blatantly bad things you listed is barely a reason to vote for him ... or is it, for some?
Curious to know how that's worked out, in your mind?

It's had hits and misses, but until one can look into the future you have to make those decisions based on what's presented to you today and what the people in question promise to do..and then hope they do it.

I don't think Doug Ford is stupid and egotistical and bull-headed in the way that the orange one is. I don't think he'll be bragging about the size of his inauguration party being bigger than any that came before even though it wasn't (among hundreds of other factual lies that the orange one comes up with, seemingly on a daily basis), and I don't think he'll be trying to cancel a health-care system just so that he can come up with something that doesn't work as well but which has his name on it, and I highly doubt that he will try to revoke international trade agreements on a whim.

Which is why I'm still keeping and open mind, but I'll be watching very, very closely. If he continues to grandstand and act like he did at that restaurant "meet the people" interview I saw on TV recently (which I wish I could find online, but I can't) that leaves a Trump-ish taste in my mouth, I'd find it very difficult to vote for him.
All I hope for is that "anything but Wynne" is a strong enough sentiment that the Liberals are in third place in the election even though the PCs choosing Ford will probably split the anything-but-Wynne vote. Imagine a PC and NDP minority-government situation with Libs in third. Wouldn't that be a pretty picture ... ! ! !

Nothing would get done .... so again, for some this could be a good thing, for others it's a terrible choice.
The current government has done nothing but screw up everything they've touched, so a government that gets nothing done would be an improvement.
The current government has done nothing but screw up everything they've touched, so a government that gets nothing done would be an improvement.

But the liberal voters out there that voted her in will do it again because they have been brainwashed by the commercials on tv that we have all been paying for and the fact that they remain with their heels dug in as LIBERALS! Doug Ford is tarnished by his brothers past and will not be able to keep his head above water.Sorry to be a pesimist.

edit: just venting,sorry Brian.
Doug will do well in the 416 and probably in areas like scarborough where the Cons haven't done as well. North of Barrie , the balance of the province is skeptical of anybody from "Toranna" , but this guy says what he thinks, in a language that everybody can understand.

He comes across as 'genuine' as you can get. And that's powerful.

i'm going to be as bold as predicting a PC majority ; the Libs are cooked, the federal Libs are looking sillier everyday and this will bring a carry over, and the NDP are still too fresh in our memory from the last dance party.

disclaimer; I'm no Doug Ford fan
Many people declared the Liberals were cooked last time too. Many people agreed that a potted cactus could have beat Wynne easily...

But what happened?
We know what happened last time , our potted cactus was a little too prickly for the 30%? of the working population that are somehow tided to public money. Worst campaign promise ever.

The libs could well get another run, odder things have happened.
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