Record profits aren't enough

You make me laugh.

1/2 the people in this thread are so bent out of shape because its a "good" "white-collar" job that is being "stolen" from Canada.
If this was about bottom of the barrel jobs, hardly anyone would give two f's. Of course the RBC headline sells a lot more news papers than "500 migrant workers from mexico are plowing the fields in Niagara this summer".

"Who here wants to work for 6 months and then not have a job for the rest of the time..."

you just proved my point. Try that attitude in a third world country (say India? ;))... you would starve to death.

Except that we aren't a Third World country and our workers deserve a little protection, so that we don't become one.
He will not care as he's on a wait out (by mid 2014), replaced by a guy who is heading their US arm.

BTW, Gordon thinks we all got it wrong, incl. the media ... LOL

To all employees in Canada

RBC clarifies recent media reports

Dear Colleagues,

Over the last 24 hours there has been Canadian media coverage alleging that RBC has hired temporary foreign workers to replace RBC employees. I would like to provide you with some context about this story and assure you that RBC has not hired temporary foreign workers to take over the job functions of these employees.

In this case, we have a contract with a vendor to support specific technology requirements, which impacts approximately 45 employees. In keeping with standard business practices, when transitioning activities, our vendor has temporarily assigned a number of their employees onsite at RBC to affect this transition with a small number remaining on a go forward basis. We have already identified positions for a number of affected staff and we will continue to work diligently to find suitable roles for the remaining staff.

To provide broader context for our vendor strategy, like most businesses, we partner with external vendors to improve and extend our product and services offering to meet our client needs, and improve our operational effectiveness.

With over 57,000 employees in Canada, RBC continues to create jobs in many businesses and functions and we have a strong track record of retraining and redeploying our staff affected by these types of changes.

Our goal remains to provide outstanding advice and service to our clients, and we continue to rely on your skills and commitment to always earn the right to be our clients’ first choice.

Gord Nixon

President & Chief Executive Officer
Hahaha! This guy just added fuel to the fire, what a twit. I see a future where those 45 jobs are reinstated at RBC.
Do you really think you can climb that ladder for ever? The ladder is getting thinner and taller. Right now new graduates can't even reach the bottom. Good luck when RBC is made up of 100 executives in Canada and the rest are offshore or temporary workers. If you are oblivious now, it's only gonna get a lot more crowded on that ladder.
Nope i wont climb for ever. I like my soul too much for that.
We could say the same thing about most other big corporations. People have become dependant on their services so most of them can get away with murder and still be profitable.

Call center-wise, of course you could outsource everything, i dont see jobs as being a 'set in stone' thing, i get bored, i need to learn, to move on, etc... who knows if ill stay in the financial sector, didnt know this was gonna happen when i moved in Ontario 5 years ago but look at me now! In the meantime i like what im doing. When i get to the point where im bored, whether ill find something else, or will be offered something else, ill cross the bridge when i get there.

Of course it sucks that they outsourced 0.0007% of their employees and have probably outsourced a whole lot more before and will outsource more later. But what do you want banks to do? Suggest that they make less money and charge clients exponentially more for the same services? .... good luck convincing them about that.
Some the the responses here are unreal.
You are buying into this crap. Everyone is making money. The greed is just beyond belief now.


Grasp that concept and look at things now, nothing will be in your favor later or for your kids,

Guess what, we make a solid stable economy, slow and steady growth keeps a country consistent and protected.
I deal with escalations for consumer products made for a multinational company. part of this is tracking down fraud caused by employees against our customers (there's a joke there). most of the fraud comes from foreigners, i don't know if the laws in those countries are laxer or they are more desperate but I would rather my banking information stay here.
All the banks are doing the same thing. RBC is just the first one to be mentioned in the news. I don't agree with it either. The thought is that they will shift all the non customer facing positions off shore.
All the banks are doing the same thing. RBC is just the first one to be mentioned in the news. I don't agree with it either. The thought is that they've started shifting for the past few year all the non customer facing positions off shore.
Fixed for ya.
And im saying this from personal experience.
Makes you question if these big banks have any money at all if they need to out source. Remember we live in a "debt" based system. There is NO real money in these banks.
All the banks are doing the same thing. RBC is just the first one to be mentioned in the news. I don't agree with it either. The thought is that they will shift all the non customer facing positions off shore.

This is true. Perhaps this particular issue will cause enough outrage that companies that are supplying such labour will be seriously investigated though?
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