Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

I actually rewatched the Dune movie that DID get made a few months back. Sooo terrible. Lynch made some great movies but that one was definitely a stinker. Worst Lynch movie by far.

I cant lie...i enjoyed the movie.. but i think its patrick stewart that does it for me.

the early 2005 mini series and the following sequel series children of dune was very good.
I actually rewatched the Dune movie that DID get made a few months back. Sooo terrible. Lynch made some great movies but that one was definitely a stinker. Worst Lynch movie by far.

The Lynch movie stank (can anyone say atomic bonding hairspray?). The TV miniseries was miles better.
Fury. Awesome intense tank battle sequence.

Dark, stripped of heroic glamour. Less "rah-rah-rah" than Saving Private Ryan. Brutally graphic. Beautifully shot, but the story felt a little thin.
Knocked out a few movies this weekend. Was really in the mood for some good Docs.

Enron - Smartest guys in the room. I'd seen it before but needed to be reminded how ****ed the US financial system is.

Jodorowsky's dune - The movie sounds like it would have been incredible. Even still, the story of them putting it together was fascinating.

Murderball - I had seen Mark Zupan in various things over the years but had never seen this. An interesting perspective into paraplegic life. Mostly people who don't want to be treated any differently or like they are made of glass.

Hoop Dreams - Pretty much what I expected. Kids using Basketball as their ticket out of the ghetto. Just as in reality it rarely works out.

Also managed to watch Edge of Tomorrow. Fairly standard action movie fare with stuff getting killed and a good looking lady. The time change gimmick was fun and gave it some humour. I enjoyed it.
Knocked out a few movies this weekend. Was really in the mood for some good Docs.

Enron - Smartest guys in the room. I'd seen it before but needed to be reminded how ****ed the US financial system is.

"Inside Job" about the 2008 financial meltdown is another one.
Gone Girl was good.
Nightcrawler. Different. Captivating. While in the movie theater, I literally witnessed people holding onto their bladders in an attempt to stay till the end without having to miss anything by leaving for a restroom break. Great performance by Gyllenhaal. Made me wanna go out and start making the news...
I actually rewatched the Dune movie that DID get made a few months back. Sooo terrible. Lynch made some great movies but that one was definitely a stinker. Worst Lynch movie by far.

I also have had re-watched the original 1984 Dune recently. Classic really. What surprised me though, is how the story line is soaked with what is going on in the East these days. The cast actually uses the word "jihad", makes reference to "terror troops", and duke's son changes his name and goes by "Muad'Dib" - Arabic for "educator".
History tends to repeat itself?
I also have had re-watched the original 1984 Dune recently. Classic really. What surprised me though, is how the story line is soaked with what is going on in the East these days. The cast actually uses the word "jihad", makes reference to "terror troops", and duke's son changes his name and goes by "Muad'Dib" - Arabic for "educator".
History tends to repeat itself?

"Jihad" is a centuries old term and when Paul is named "Muad'Dib" by the Fremen, they are naming him "Little Mouse."

Watch the miniseries. I promise you, you'll like it a lot more.
Alright alright alright, Interstellar is finally here. Been waiting for this.
Think it will be better than Gravity?
Interstellar might actually have some depth. Gravity was a fun watch, with great sound and visuals, and some tense moments but let's face it, the story was simple as hell and the movie was very short with nothing that really made you think.
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I'm familiar with the "little mouse" dialogue. It's made up - same as Fremen people are. Frank Herbert adopted it from Arabic though.'Dib

Not really "made up" though because the Fremen considered the "little mouse" to be a good teacher of survival skills, hence the name.
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